
百年不遇  bǎi nián bù yù







  • 你本身就是百年不遇的历史事件。
    That you are a once-in-all-history event.

  • 这是一场百年不遇的大地震。
    That was the biggest earthquake in a century.

  • 这是一场百年不遇的大地震。
    Earthquakes leave scars in the earth's crust.

  • 这是百年不遇的大水灾。
    This is the biggest flood in a century.

  • 那几年,华北平原发生了百年不遇的大旱灾和歉收。
    The drought and crop failure were the most serious in North China in a hundred years.

  • “唉,那天真是百年不遇,正碰着俺也在教堂里,”费韦说。
    "Ah, well, I was at church that day, " said Fairway, "which was a very curious thing to happen. "

  • 所以遇见百年不遇的金融危机,倒下最快的往往是发展扩张最快的企业。
    So rare to meet the financial crisis, the fall is often the fastest growth and expansion of the fastest-growing businesses.

  • 现实生活里无法有这样的机缘巧合,就算有我想那也是百年不遇的奇迹。
    It is unable to have such good luck coincidence in actual life, even if I think that is a miracle once in a blue moon.

  • 百年不遇的全球金融危机令所有投资者始料未及,中国平安也遭受了严重损失。
    Faced the test of the global financial crisis so that all investors unexpected, Ping An of China have also suffered serious losses.

  • 这场干旱是百年不遇的。同时,这也是我们供水体系平衡极为紧张的又一证明。
    This drought is the worst in a century, and it's another demonstration that our water supply system is on a very tight balance.

  • 周一,韩国遭遇了百年不遇的天气现象,黄色的大雪覆盖了这个国家的首都和其他地方。
    South Koreans were treated to a rare weather phenomenon on Monday when yellow snow fell in the capital and elsewhere across the country.

  • 日本媒体也在尽其所能,不断提醒公众这是“百年不遇”的经济危机并声援企业的裁员。
    The press has done its part, continually reminding the public of the "once in a century" nature of the crisis and thus providing support for the lay-offs.

  • 中国正处在历史上从来没有过的建筑发展的鼎盛时期,这是百年不遇的一次建筑的机会。
    China is in the prosperous time of the build development that just once-in-a-century.

  • 当然,这不能怪他们,碰上的金融危机“百年不遇”嘛,谁会预先假设自己运气这么坏。“
    Of course, this can not blame them, run into financial crisis "faced the test" them, who would advance such a bad assumption that their own luck.

  • 作为一个自小喜爱埃弗顿,现在为曼联踢球的球员来说,鲁尼说利物浦的好话可是百年不遇
    As a boyhood Everton supporter who now plays for Manchester United, it is not often Wayne Rooney has anything complimentary to say about Liverpool.

  • 面对百年不遇的全球金融危机,西方各国政府主要采取了注资、担保和降息等三大救市措施。
    In the face of the biggest ever global financial crisis in a century, Western governments have already taken three financial rescue measures, i. e. government bailout, security and interest rate cuts.

  • 捷克首都布拉格的情势尤其严重,已经有数万人流离失所,他们面临的这次洪灾是百年不遇的。
    The situation is particularly difficult in the Czech capital, tens of thousands of people are being evacuated from Prague, which is facing the worst flooding in more than a hundred years.

  • 我们坚信只要国际社会同心合力,我们就一定能够战胜这百年不遇的经济危机,迎来更加美好的明天。
    We firmly believe that as long as the international community works together, we will be able to prevail over this once-in-a-century financial crisis and embrace a better future.

  • 今年夏天,正当国家事业按照人民的意愿,大步向前迈进的时候,国内发生了百年不遇的特大洪水灾害。
    This summer, while our country was forging ahead with plans and undertakings in fulfilment of the wishes of the people, it faced the test of the severest floods in a century.

  • 汉森说,更重要的是,有别于1998年,2005年的高温天气没有受到“百年不遇的厄尔尼诺”现象影响。
    More important, he said, is that 2005 reached the warmth of 1998 without help of the "El Nino of the century" that pushed temperatures up in 1998.

  • 美国百年不遇的信贷危机正在深入影响全球金融市场,其对全球经济乃至中国外需的影响目前还难以估计(南方)。
    S. credit crisis is rare in-depth impact on global financial markets, the global economy as well as China's external demand is still difficult to assess the impact of (South).

  • 在国会方面,前美联储主席格林斯潘在听证会上表示,美国正面临“百年不遇”的信贷紧缩和房地产市场衰退的风暴。
    On Capitol Hill, former U. S. Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan said the United States is facing a "once-in-a-century tsunami" of tight credit and housing woes.

  • 园艺设计07-1班学生周颖君说,我的家乡在河北唐山,一提到唐山,大家就会想到30多年前那百年不遇的大地震。
    Design 07-1 gardening classes, said Zhou Jun, my home in Tangshan in Hebei Province, Tangshan mention, we would expect that more than 30 years ago faced the test of a major earthquake.

  • 很快,一场几百年不遇的银河大战爆发,黛克拉再次与南蒂分别。她被叫到银河城的纳布大使馆参加阿米达拉的代表团。
    Soon afterwards, as galactic war erupted for the first time in centuries, Teckla was split from Nandi again, recalled to Galactic City's Naboo Embassy to join Amidala's staff.

  • 因为从媒体的报道中,我看出了矛盾:如果说是可以精确预测的,那么为什么这次百年不遇的日食被报道的时间会这么晚?
    I see the contradiction from media's reports: if it can be predict, why this rare Eclipse is reported so late which iss about last third of May.

  • 同时,听以前的老同事说,宁波也遇到了百年不遇的大雪,一步迈出去,雪就盖住脚肚子了,还兴致昂然地拍了不少照片。
    And I heard of Ningbo city met the heaviest snow in a century, the snow covered her calf when she walked outside. She had taken some photos with great gusto.

  • 2008年初,受百年不遇的特大低温雨雪冰冻灾害影响,郴电国际电网资产损毁严重,公司投入约5亿元资金用于电网恢复重建。
    Early in 2008, by the large low-temperature rare frozen snow disasters, Chen International Grid damaged assets, the company invested about 5 billion yuan of funds for power grid restoration.

  • 1998年长江、嫩江、松花江流域发生了百年不遇的特大洪涝灾害。本文就其水患原因进行了冷静的反思,并提出根治水患的对策建议。
    In 1998, a severe flood disaster took place in the valley of Changjiang, Nengjiang , and Songhua river never occurred for a century .

  • 即便今晚是我们欢庆的时刻,我们也知道明天将面临有生以来最艰难的挑战——两场战争、一个濒临危险的星球,一场百年不遇的最严重的金融危机。
    For even as we celebrate tonight, we know the challenges that tomorrow will bring are the greatest of our lifetime —two wars, a planet in peril, the worst financial crisis in a century.

  • 即便今晚是我们大家欢庆的时刻,我们也知道明天将面临有生以来最大的挑战——两场战争、一个濒临危险的星球、一场百年不遇的最严重的金融危机。
    For even as we celebrate tonight, we know the challenges that tomorrow will bring are the greatest of our lifetime — two wars, a planet in peril, the worst financial crisis in a century.

  • 百年不遇造句相关
