
白驹过隙  bái jū guò xì








  • 二十年光阴如白驹过隙
    twenty years has gone so fast.

  • 时光如白驹过隙,生命却不需要太多的回忆。
    Time life does not need too many memories.

  • 时间总在白驹过隙间溜走,转眼又将迎来第二个周日。
    The total time between the away, will usher in the twinkling of an eye the second Sunday.

  • 白驹过隙,光阴似箭,转眼间中国游戏中心已经九岁了。
    Baijuguoxi, Guangyinsijian, Zhuanyan Jian of China has nine of the game centres.

  • 我们面对无可迴避的死亡,叹光阴似箭,人生如白驹过隙
    We remark that time "flies" as we hurtle toward our inevitable demise.

  • 记忆的霜剑风刀,丝丝切割着伤口,一个年轮,如白驹过隙
    Memory cream knife, cut the wound fishes, a ring, such as .

  • 时间犹如白驹过隙,在这个大家庭中我已经生活了一年半多了。
    I 've stayed with you for more than one and a half years.

  • 白驹过隙。胡须瞬间刺破嘴唇的皮肤。青春高扬着旗帜猎猎捕风。
    How time flied. The beard stung the lips, and youth uplifted the flaps in the strong wind.

  • 时光荏苒,光阴似箭。三年的高中生活如白驹过隙一般转瞬而逝。
    Time flies Three years of high school life in general, such as a flash gone.

  • 时间如白驹过隙, 我们怀着一颗颗英雄的梦想来到了崭新的季节。
    Time is passing away in a rush , we are coming to the new season with all the heroic hearts.

  • 人生如白驹过隙一样短暂,生命在拥有和失去之间,不经意地流干了。
    Life is too short, own or lose seem so easy to de plate our life.

  • 人生如白驹过隙一样短暂,生命在拥有和失去之间,不经意地流干了。
    Life if Bai Ju is too unoccupied place equally brief, life is being had and lose between, dried casually.

  • 光阴白驹过隙,你我人在旅途,不必在意太多,祝新的一年里轻松一点!
    Baijuguoxi time, you and I Renzailu:tu, not care too much, I wish the new year easy!

  • 没人能料到在白驹过隙凡的光阴流逝中,某天会成就为生命中最重要的日子。
    You never know the biggest day of you life is going to be the biggest.

  • 10个夜晚犹如白驹过隙,却珍藏着2005年的徐州最为激情四溢的美好时光!
    10 night are just as Bai Ju too unoccupied place, however collect carefully is worn the Xuzhou 2005 most passion the good time of 4 excessive!

  • 人生苦短,莫让它恍若白驹过隙。每个人只有一次机会,然后一切都成为过往云烟。
    If I had my life to live over, I would have talked less and listened more.

  • 虽说雁过无痕,岁月无声,而白驹过隙的光阴却在生命的每一个空隙不着痕迹的流。
    Although the geese had no trace, time and silent, while the fleeting of Our Time is a gap in the life of each-they're starting to flow.

  • 真正的基督徒是甘心付出的,他们毫无怨言因为他们知道这短短的一生只是白驹过隙
    True Christians are made to be slaves, and they know it and do not much mind; this short life counts for too little in their eyes.

  • 白驹过隙,斗转星移,如今,拥有研究生学历的他已经成为一名统领信息化部队的将军。
    Flashes by, the change of the seasons, now, had graduate student school record him already to become one to command informationization army's general.

  • 犹如白驹过隙,漫长而别有深意的时光悄悄从指间飘过,凝聚成为茫茫大海中的一部分。
    Like a fleeting, long, and do not have profound significance of the time quietly drifting away from the fingers, gather to become part of the open sea.

  • 春夏秋冬时光如白驹过隙,儿时水果糖留给现在的味道,虽然已过许久,但感觉却如昨日!
    Fallen autumn Time fleeting, childhood fruit sugar is now left to the flavor, though a long time has passed, but feel as if they were yesterday!

  • “时光如水,生命如歌。”在白驹过隙间,我们又送走了紧张的一学期,迎来了又一个暑假。
    "As time, life Cantabile. " In we also bid farewell to the tension of a semester, summer ushered in another.

  • 十五年了,人生有多少个十五年?十五年,看似悠悠漫长的岁月,但也像白驹过隙的瞬间那麽快。
    Tell me, how many 15 years shall we have in our life? 15 years, it seems long, but it is flashing when it came to us.

  • 我过了圣烛节,我过了总统日,我过了情人节,每隔四年,我就又长大一些!时光飞逝,白驹过隙
    I got Groundhog's Day, I got a Presidents Day, I got a Valentine's Day, and every four years, I get a little bigger! Leap day! Leap day…

  • 不知不觉,一转眼,你就是十五岁的小小男子汉了,在妈妈怀里撒娇的日子仿佛如白驹过隙,一去不复返了。
    Unconsciously, a twinkling of an eye, you are a small 15-year-old man, and in the days of her mother's arms as if , a thing of the past.

  • 我们这帮凡夫俗子是多么奇怪啊!大家都是百年如白驹过隙;为何而来谁都不知道,可有时都会认为自己知道。
    How strange is the lot of us mortals! Each of us is here for a brief sojourn; for what purpose he knows not, though he sometimes thinks he senses it.

  • 这个日志的日期竟然是2005年5月19日,而现在已是2006年5月23日了,一年的时间,白驹过隙般。
    The date of this blog is 5. 19 2005, but now it is 5. 23 2006. One year has gone. (bai ju guo xi.

  • 你的报复之意、愤懑之情、挫折之感、嫉妒之心,都会烟消云散。你的希望、抱负、蓝图、拟做之事,都是白驹过隙
    Your grudges, resentments, frustrations, and jealousies will finally disappear. so, too, your hopes, ambitions, plans, and to-de lists will all expire.

  • 白驹过隙的时间,如花般破碎的流年,时光在细嫩的手掌上刻下了一道又一道细碎的掌纹,每一道掌纹就像是一道成长的痕迹。
    Fleeting time, blossoming like a broken fleeting, time in the tender of the palm of your hand carved one another a broken bits of palm, Every palm is like a trace of growth.

  • 没人预料到,在白驹过隙般光阴流逝中,某一天会成就为生命中最重要的日子,而满心期盼翘首以待的那一天,却往往会和你擦肩而过,从而彻底改变你心中已勾画好的蓝图。
    You never know the biggest day of your life is going to be the biggest. The days you think are going to big ones, they're never as big. As you make them out to be in your head. It's…the regular days.

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