
略胜一筹  lüè shèng yī chóu







  • 相比较而言,还是这篇文章略胜一筹
    by comparison : This article is better by comparison.

  • 班长确实比我们略胜一筹
    is really a notch above us.

  • 马克比杰克略胜一筹
    Mark is one up on Jack.

  • 因此,在道路上行驶,的动力性能可谓略胜一筹
    Therefore, goes on the path, the power performance is slightly better.

  • 果然是个好姑娘,真的很好。但艾米丽略胜一筹
    A very nice girl, very nice. Emily was a little nicer.

  • 年轻的网球选手显然要比年长的那个对手略胜一筹
    The young tennis player definitely had the edge on his older opponent.

  • 这也可看出,南方人的金融意识比北方要略胜一筹
    This can also see that the financial sense than southerners to the north edge.

  • 论教语法,王教授要比学院其他任何人都略胜一筹
    In teaching grammar, Professor Wang can be a notch above all the other professors.

  • 她有法国式的教养,使她比班上其他同学略胜一筹
    Her French upbringing gives her certain advantages over other students in her class.

  • 在三类债基中,今年以来一级债基的平均净值增长率略胜一筹
    In the three-debt, a debt-year average growth rate of slightly better net.

  • 不过,从比赛过程来看,唐尧东的排兵布阵的功夫似乎略胜一筹
    However, the process of competition, Tang Yaodong Paibingbuzhen the effort seems to be slightly better.

  • 我认为谋求工作的两个人当中,年轻的那个要比年老的那个略胜一筹
    Of the two men for the job, I think the younger man has the edge over the older one.

  • 论油画,理查比乔画的好。但谈到水彩画,乔可就比理查略胜一筹了。
    In oil painting, Richard paints better than Joe. But when it comes to water colors, Joe is a notch above Richard.

  • 这让“变形金刚”的续集比“冰河世纪:恐龙的黎明”稍稍略胜一筹
    That puts the Transformers sequel narrowly ahead of Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs.

  • 这些资料的跨度、稳定性和规律性让它比不时拼凑起来的气候档案略胜一筹
    The length, stability and regularity give these data a leg up over a sometimes spotty historical scientific climate record.

  • 就油画而言,张先生画得比李先生好;但就水彩画而言,李先生比张先生略胜一筹
    In oil painting, Mr. Zhang paints better than Mr. Li. But when it comes to water colors, Mr. Liu appears to be a notch above Mr. Zhang.

  • 论油画,张先生比刘先生画得好。但是,谈到水彩画,刘先生可就比张先生略胜一筹了。
    In oil painting, Zhang is better than Liu. But when it comes to water colors, Liu appears to be a notch above Zhang.

  • 论油画,张先生比刘先生画得好。但是,谈到水彩画,刘先生可就比张先生略胜一筹了。
    In oil painting, Zhang paints better than Liu. But when it comes to water colors, Liu appears to be a notch above Zhang.

  • 论油画,张先生比刘先生画得好。但是,谈到水彩画,刘先生可就比张先生略胜一筹了。
    In oil painting, Mr. Zhang paints better than Mr. Li. But when it comes to water colors, Mr. Liu appears to be a not.

  • 这使我能在网络游戏的火拼中略胜一筹,但也意味着我没办法给巴黎出租车司机指明去处了。
    This renders me potent in an online firefight, but means I\\\\\\'m lacking when it comes to giving directions to a Parisian taxi driver.

  • 而纯手工雕刻、具有陶瓷光泽的蜡艺品,无论在艺术性、耐用性还是独特性上都要略胜一筹
    Pure hand carving, ceramic luster with the wax art, both in artistic, durability or uniqueness must above.

  • 与臧海利相比萨萨的能力略胜一筹,他的特点跟臧海利比较相似,脚下比较灵活,也比较稳定。
    Ability is slightly better with good Hayley the Pisa Sa's, his characteristic is quite similar with good Hayley, the under foot is quite nimble, is also quite stable.

  • 对兰开厦和米律兰的经营者来说,略胜一筹之处是他们在各自公司经营范围内所确立的新的垄断地位。
    One that trespasses on a trade monopoly, as by conducting unauthorized trade in an area designated to a chartered company.

  • 达尔文学说在解释许多进化事实方面虽然比其他任何理论都略胜一筹,但它未必能解释整个进化过程。
    Although Darwinian Theory explains many of the facts of evolution better than any other theory, it does not necessarily explain the whole process.

  • 华盛顿邮报》还说,赖斯和沃尔夫维茨都可能成为鲍威尔的“接班人”,其中赖斯则因与布什关系亲密更略胜一筹
    Rice and Wolfowitz are the leading candidates to replace Powell, The Post said. Rice a eared to have an edge because of her proximity to Bush, it added.

  • 湖人队员们希望能有高效的进攻,但说他们更注重于防守端,因为很明显正是因为防守凯子才在总决赛时略胜一筹
    The Lakers expect to get more efficient from the field but say they're more focused on maintaining the defensive edge that so clearly made Boston the better team in June.

  • 与其他两家运营商相比,移动的网络在信号覆盖上面略胜一筹,GPRS网络亦是如此,在一些小县城、村庄里都有比较好的表现。
    Compared with the other two operators, mobile network coverage in the signal above the notch above, GPRS networks is also true that in some small town, the village has a relatively good performance.

  • 15岁时,家里送他学木匠,这本是个养家糊口的手艺,木匠虽说为百工之首,比篾匠、泥匠、瓦匠略胜一筹,但也是在“匠”之列。
    At the age of 15, and send him home in carpentry, this craft is the breadwinner, while the carpenter of the first lines than Miejiang, Nijiang, masons get a boost, but also in the "craftsman" list.

  • 你们的国家如同我们国家一样,非常的美丽,但是我还是认为我们的政府,教育制度,和经济略胜一筹,特别是我们作为自由人的权利。
    Your country is very beautiful as is ours but I think our government, education system, and economy are much better. Especially our rights as a free people.

  • 尽管目前美国日益成形的日常“政治拨款”(pork-barrel)型激励手段远远谈不上完美,但比起由央行独自理清乱麻,它还是要略胜一筹
    While the usual pork-barrel-type stimulus package that is now shaping up in the US is far from ideal, it is still marginally better than letting the central bank sort out this mess alone.

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