
男欢女爱  nán huān nǚ ài








  • 民俗节日也是民间男欢女爱的时节。
    The folk festival is also native happy days of male - female loving seasons.

  • 都是指男欢女爱,沉溺情海,或是爱得晕头转向。
    ead over heels in love; to love (someone) from head to toe.

  • 都是指男欢女爱,沉溺情海,或是爱得晕头转向。
    ll head over heels in love; to love (someone) from head to toe.

  • 都是指男欢女爱,沉溺情海,或是爱得晕头转向。
    to fall head over heels in love; to love (someone) from head to toe.

  • 都是指男欢女爱,沉溺情海,或是爱得晕头转向。
    to fall in love with (someone); to fall head over heels in love; to love (someone) from head to toe.

  • 都是指男欢女爱,沉溺情海,或是爱得晕头转向。例如。
    to fall head over heels in love; to love (someone) from head to toe.

  • 或者用积极的办法,像跳舞,唱歌,运动,或者男欢女爱
    Or they use positive strategies such as dancing, singing, exercising, or making love.

  • 男欢女爱是永恒的电影主题,落在大师手里却呈现另一番风貌。
    The love between men and women is an oft-explored subject in cinema, but Kieslowski gives it his distinctive stamp.

  • 洞房花烛夜是所有青年男女渴求的幸福时刻,男欢女爱,春意融融。
    Bridal chamber spends candle night is the happy hour that all youth men and women longs for, male joyous female love, the awaken of spring happies and harmonious.

  • 正是从这一游戏中产生了制造一个满足男欢女爱幻想的旅游胜地的灵感。
    It was from this game that the idea came to be to create a vacation retreat surrounding meeting one's sexual fantasies.

  • 他们给受试者看了正面(例如:男欢女爱)、负面(例如:严刑拷打)和中性的照片。
    They showed participants positive images (e. g. , erotic) and negative (e. g. , torture), as well as a neutral image.

  • 在这些小说里,史实逐渐被幻想取代,革命的英雄主义逐渐被想入非非的男欢女爱淹没。
    In these novels, the historical evidence is fantasized gradually the substitution, the revolutionary heroism gradually the loving couples submergence which indulges in fantasy.

  • 男欢女爱,虽然是一件很开心的事,但当意见不合时,当初的一切缠绵,都会化为灰烬。
    Love is a joyful event, however, when misunderstanding happened, all the romantic memory will also be destroyed.

  • 当亚当与夏娃在创世纪之初开始了男欢女爱时,性萌芽了,于是,一个又一个的第一也产生了。
    When Adam and Eve in Genesis, when the beginning of the beginning of the frolicking in the bedroom, sex bud, and then, one after another also had a first.

  • 人有七情六欲,一旦潮水涌来,难以阻挡,而男欢女爱的事情也是你情我愿,还是人的一种解放吧?
    Qiqingliuyu people, once the tide coming, it is difficult to stop, and Nanhuannvai thing is mutual, or a person's liberation, right?

  • 三是网上交友使人沉迷,不少网上聊天室“空气”污浊,一些少男少女热衷网恋,放言男欢女爱之事;
    A number of boys and girls are fascinated with love of Internet and talk about love affairs brassily.

  • 既然避孕套连自身的“分内工作”都做不好,那么,在男欢女爱的性冲动中,又怎能担当起防御艾滋病病毒侵袭的重任呢?
    Since the condoms even their own "job" is done, then, in Nanhuannvai sexual impulse, how can we play defense AIDS virus this task?

  • 梦里繁花似锦,金玉满堂,崇拜者众,食客三千,华灯璀璨,掌声雷动,挥霍纵情,男欢女爱,如痴如醉,欲仙欲死……就是不愿醒来。
    So much beautiful flowers in dream, full of prosperity, admirers everywhere, guests over 3, 000, full of glamour, thunderous applause, indulge in luxury and romance…just do not like to wake up.

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