
生死存亡  shēng sǐ cún wáng








  • 中华民族到了这生死存亡的关头。
    The Chinese nation has reached a point where its very existence is at stake.

  • 这是关乎美国生死存亡的决定。
    This is about life and death in America.

  • 是摆在我们行业上的生死存亡的问题。
    Facing our industry on the issue of life and death.

  • 与地主的斗争关系到他们的生死存亡
    Figiting the landlord to him was a simple matter of life or death.

  • 我们公司现在到了生死存亡的重要时刻。
    Our company now comes tosthecrucial moment atatake.

  • 本:这是生死存亡的问题。
    Ben: But this is life or death.

  • 美国的生死存亡与我们的信念已经不可分割了。
    America 's vital interests and our deepest beliefs are now one.

  • 合法性是关系到党和国家政权生死存亡的根本问题。
    Legitimacy is a matter of vital importance for the political power of our Party and country, which appears after the Culture Revolution.

  • 但是卡尔和他的球队都表示,科比是生死存亡的关键。
    But Karl and his team realize everything starts and ends with Bryant.

  • 他的处境太危险,除了生死存亡之外,不容许他想到别的。
    His condition was too dangerous to allow him to have any thought but one.

  • 这应该成为今后十年的奋斗目标,它关系到我们的生死存亡
    This should be the aim over the next decade, it is crucial to our survival.

  • 巴基斯坦国内变化巨大,现在巴基斯坦生死存亡的斗争发生在内部。
    Pakistan has internally changed and the real struggle for Pakistan's survival is now internal.

  • 英雄们勇敢地面对着这一切挑战,奋斗着守卫他们种族的生死存亡
    The heroes of the world have bravely faced these challenges and more, struggling to ensure the continued survival of their races.

  • 怎样才能抓住机遇,迎接挑战是关系到中国企业生死存亡的大问题。
    How can catch the chance and face the challenge is important problem to subsist of the enterprise.

  • “沧海横流,方显英雄本色”,英雄传奇总是诞生于生死存亡的危难之时。
    "Chaos, heroes demonstrate their nature, " the legendary hero was born in the life and death is always the time of distress.

  • 好象公众和国会都本能地感受到国家的生死存亡,因而设立起一个代理中心。
    It was as if the public and Congress felt the national peril instinctively and created a surrogate center.

  • “我不赞成这些土人的原则,在生死存亡的危急关头,不经战斗就屈服,”他说。
    "I like not that principle of the natives, which teaches them to submit without a struggle, in emergencies that appear desperate, " he said.

  • 加强党的执政能力建设,是一个关系党的生死存亡和国家长治久安的重大战略课题。
    Strengthening Party's ruling ability construction is a significant strategic topic relating to Party's survival, or extinction and the national long-term peace and stability.

  • 在当选为英国首相后的首次演说中,丘吉尔把英国的生死存亡系于与纳粹作战的成败。
    In his first speech as Britain's Prime Minister, Churchill tied the outcome of the fight against the Nazis to the survival of Britain itself.

  • 奥巴马总统表示,一年前处于生死存亡之际的大银行现在已不再需要更多新的政府帮助。
    President Obama says the big banks that were in critical condition a year ago do not need any new government help.

  • 国际职业经理人对跨国公司具有重要的战略意义,他们的素质已关系到跨国公司的生死存亡
    The international professional manager has the important strategic sense to the multinational corporation, their quality has related the multinational corporation the life and death.

  • 情报学理论内在的矛盾和冲突,既是情报学学科生死存亡的转换枢纽,又是其发展动力的生发带。
    The inherent contradictions and conflicts of informatics theory not only are the conversion hubs of informatics survival, but also are the germinal zones of informatics development motivity.

  • 底特律的生死存亡取决于他们能否在油价剧烈波动和全球气候变暖的情况下生产消费者需要的产品。
    The survival of the Detroit auto industry depends on their ability to deliver the products consumers need in a world of volatile oil prices and a changing climate.

  • 干部道德建设关系到党风建设的成败,关系到执政党的形象和人心背向,关系到党和国家的生死存亡
    It concerns success or failure of the Party conduct improvement, the image of the Party in power, the feetings of the people, and life or death of the Party and the country.

  • 文件声称:坚决惩治和有效防止腐败行为不仅关系到民众是否拥护我们并且还关系到我们党的生死存亡
    "Resolutely punishing and effectively preventing corruption relates to whether the people support you or not and to the Party's life-and-death survival, " said the document.

  • 中国作为一个农民占绝大多数人口的农业大国,农民负担过重问题处理的好坏,关系到党和国家的生死存亡
    China takes most large peasants of people as an agricultural country, peasant burden overweight quality that problem deals with concern the final and decisive junctures of the party and country.

  • 由于世界杯预选赛的面临着生死存亡,这位优雅型后卫被丹麦国家队召唤参加接下来对阵瑞典和匈牙利的比赛。
    The classy centre-back has been called up by his country for the forthcoming, crucial World Cup qualifiers against rivals Sweden and Hungary.

  • 破解文学生死之谜的钥匙在于文学价值理论,对文学生死存亡的追问实质上是对文学独特价值的重新思索和发现。
    The key to explain the question of literary destiny is the theory on literary value. The question of literary destiny substantially is re-thinking about the unique value of literature.

  • 第二次国共合作在帝国主义入侵、中华民族面临生死存亡的紧急关头,建立了抗日民族统一战线,并最终取得了抗日战争的胜利。
    The Second Cooperation between the Communist Party and Guomindang Party took place at the national critic moment when the imperialist countries invaded China.

  • 如果你想要进行非常规旅行的话,一些小的生存工具,比如紧急哨音、威袋、号发射器等,能够在生死存亡的关头起到至关重要的作用。
    A small survival kit containing items such as an emergency whistle, a biggie bag and a flare kit could be the difference between life and death if you're going to be travelling off the beaten path.

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