
甘之如饴  gān zhī rú yí








  • 虽然生活不算富裕,但是他们甘之如饴
    They don't have much money, but the hard life does not defeat them.

  • 总有一种梦想,让我们为之奋斗,甘之如饴
    A dream inspires us for further struggle through all hardships;

  • 能做的只是爱你,如果你不爱我,我也甘之如饴
    Just being able to love (you), if you don't love (me), (I'm) still fine.

  • 当你做一件对自己生命很重要的事,再苦都甘之如饴
    When you're doing something important with your life, you will enjoy it no matter how hard it is.

  • 未来会发生很多事,无论结局如何,我始终甘之如饴
    Things will happen in future. Whatever the outcome is, I taste the sweet bitterness, always.

  • 若现在的贫穷,能成就将来的富足,我们也愿甘之如饴矣。
    That impoverishment which will be overruled for our enrichment is to be welcomed.

  • 想知道,为什么遭受着那么多的不确定,我们却甘之如饴?
    I wonder, why are we suffering so much uncertainty without complaints?

  • 这些计算是很繁重的工作,但是亚当斯对这种工作甘之如饴
    They were laborious, but he relished this kind of work.

  • 我孤寂地生活着,年轻时痛苦万分,而在成熟之年却甘之如饴
    I live in that solitude which is painful in youth, but delicious in the years of maturity.

  • 越是想你,就越觉得寂寞。(思念是蚀骨的毒,我却甘之如饴
    The more I think of you, the lonelier I feel.

  • 这时候司机的气焰也少了许多,对于每位短途乘客都甘之如饴,求「客」若渴。
    At this time, driver were lacking of passenger, not only the long-distance one but the short-distance one. Hence they became more polite than in the morning.

  • 在洛杉矶的生活,是平凡而安静的,又有着很多的新奇和挑战,而我,甘之如饴
    The lift in Los Angenles, not only simple and quiet, but also novelty and challenge, which I enjoy bitter as if it is malt sugar.

  • 而你…你是一位公益性律师。没错,你是不折不扣的公益性律师。但妳确甘之如饴
    And you… you're a non-profit lawyer. That's right. You're completely non-profit. But that doesn't seem to bother you.

  • 不管人生是牛奶巧克力还是苦味朗姆酒巧克力,都喜欢自己吃下去的时候能甘之如饴
    Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get.

  • 四少爷不明白,为甚麽高跟鞋愈来愈高,而大家竟然甘之如饴,以改变走路姿势来相就鞋跟的高度。
    Four young do not understand why more and more high high heels, and we actually happy to change the posture to walk with the heel height.

  • 这神圣的应许,像透进窗棂的天光,照亮我目前的光景,无论是在患难中,或压力下,我都能面对困难,甘之如饴
    This sacred "window of agate" lets in a flood of light upon the present and puts us into fine condition for immediate work or suffering. Are we tired?Then the nearness of our joy whispers patience.

  • 这样一来,那些认为减少排放量是最经济的方法的企业就会甘之如饴;那些认为减少排放量不合算的企业则会购买配额。
    This allows the firms that find it cheapest to reduce their emissions to do so, leaving those for which cuts would be costlier to buy permits.

  • 对于一个常规赛赢了65场的球队来说,根据对手的手法来布置自己首发是很罕见的。但是湖人主教菲尔-杰克逊却对此甘之如饴
    It's rare for a 65-win team to base a lineup decision on who its opponent starts, but Phil Jackson felt comfortable doing that Saturday.

  • 祝你足够幸福而觉得生活甘之如饴,祝你久经锻炼而意志坚强如铁,祝你历经磨难而心地宽厚仁慈,祝你心有梦想而觉得欢乐满怀…
    May you have enough happiness to make you sweet, enough trials  to make you strong, enough sorrow to keep you human, enough hope to make you happy.

  • 篮球对于我个人的意义是不一样的,我无法说出我有多么热爱。球面的凹凸拂过指尖,每一次运球,每一次转身,每一次变向,每一次上篮,对我,都如跳舞一般的美好,甘之如饴
    It also since that time that i thought I had nothing more to prove, I no longer cared about how many baskets I made, but the feeling that we were there together, trying our best to win the game.

  • 甘之如饴造句相关
