
琼浆玉液  qióng jiāng yù yè








  • 这种酒真好喝,好像琼浆玉液一般。
    The wine is good, like drinking nectar.

  • 你口渴时,一杯冰啤酒犹如琼浆玉液
    A cold beer is like nectar when you are thirsty.

  • 有马刨泉,水味甘冽,被誉为琼浆玉液
    Ma shaver-chuen, water taste Ganlie, known as Qiongjiangyuye.

  • 珍妮,你读过有关“琼浆玉液”的报道吗?
    Did you read about the "special juice, " Jenny?

  • 琼浆玉液》和《黄金泉》是两本书的书名。
    Very Special Juice and The Golden Fountain are the titles of two books.

  • 亚当之醴是玉液琼浆
    Adam's ale is the best brew.

  • 欣赏是玉液,是琼浆,是夏日里的一片浓阴。
    appreciate is is one of the summer. Let us learn to appreciate, let us all warm.

  • 欣赏是玉液,是琼浆,是夏日里的一片浓阴。
    The appreciation is the fine wine, is the fine wine, is in summer day one piece thick cloudy.

  • 欣赏是玉液,是琼浆,是夏日里的一片浓阴。
    appreciate is summer. Let us learn to appreciate, let us all warm.

  • 你的杯子永远不会空荡,因为我要做你的玉液琼浆
    Your cup will never be empty, for I will be your wine.

  • 如此持之以恒,你会发现那永恒、琼浆玉液般的「真我」之道。
    When you do that steadfastly, you would discover the Principle of the Self, that is Eternal and Nectarine.

  • 再看水的颜色,清澈中透着碧绿,如琼浆,似玉液,特别诱人。
    Look at the color of water, clear a trace of green, like the wines, like Yuye, especially attractive.

  • 柔和的灯光,温醇的琼浆玉液,声情并茂的影音系统,使您沉浸其中,抒发情怀。
    With soft light, excellent audio-visual system and good drinks, you will find the bar a most relaxing and enjoyable place.

  • 汤池温泉具有涌量稳定、水温稳定、化学成分稳定三大特点,泉水洁净清澈,如琼浆玉液国内少见。
    The Ph is about 8. It has stable flow quantity, temperature, and chemical components. The water of Tangchi spring is clean and clear.

  • 橄榄提炼出珍贵的橄榄油,如同琼浆玉液般的橄榄油,因拥有细致的芳香及紧肤抗氧化的功效非常驰名。
    Olive oil abstracted from olive of Fashion Life Element is as cherish as nectar And itsfamous for its delicate fragrant, firm and anti-oxidating efficacy.

  • 橄榄可提炼出珍贵的橄榄油,如同琼浆玉液般的橄榄油,因拥有细致的芳香及紧肤、抗氧化的功效非常驰名。
    Olive oil abstracted from olive of Fashion Life Element is as cherish as nectar. And it's famous for its delicate fragrant, firm and anti-oxidating efficacy.

  • 尽管与吃的山珍海味、喝的琼浆玉液、坐的奔驰、宝马比起来,豪华办公楼与豪华别墅毕竟只是小巫见大巫
    Despite the Shanzhenhaiwei and eat, drink Qiongjiangyuye, take the Mercedes-Benz, BMW than, luxury office buildings and luxury villas, after all, just pale into insignificance.

  • 不多时到了宝阁,见瑶池大厅上龙肝凤髓、珍馐百味俱陈,几个童子、力士正在制作琼浆玉液,一时酒香扑鼻。
    In no time at all Wu-k'ung reached the jade pool. Wu-k'ung drooled at the sight of so many kinds of delicious foods, including dragon's livers and phoenix marrows, and strong wines.

  • 卡罗尔:我现在抱怨的不是乘车难,我现在真正渴望的是自由,今晚我让琼浆玉液流遍了全身,一直渗透进了我的灵魂。
    Carol: My wining wasn't about the commute. What I really thirsted for was freedom. The night I left, that blessed liquid flowed over me. Coursing its way to my very soul.

  • 不过,中国人民与世界各族人民都有一个相同的基本概念,那就是,亲朋好友相聚,美味佳肴、琼浆玉液相敬,实属人生之最大快乐也。
    There is one key concept, however, which the Chinese share with the rest of the world. That is, fine food and drink, taken in the company of good friends, is one of life's supreme pleasures.

  • 你若曾举起一杯葡萄酒,研究过它的颜色,陶醉于它的芳香,品尝了第一口的琼浆玉液,你是否梦想拥有一个酒窖呢?或者你已经拥有一个了。
    If you have ever lifted a glass of wine, studied its colour, sniffed its bouquet and savoured the first sip, you either have a cellar or dream of having one.

  • 没有比简爱更傻的人了,从未感受过生命的气息,也找不到比简爱更喜欢做白日梦的人了,把自己沉溺在甜蜜的谎言当中,把毒药当成琼浆玉液
    That a greater fool than Jane Eyre had never breathed the breath of life; that a more fantastic idiot had never surfeited herself on sweet lies, and swallowed poison as if it were nectar.

  • 洋溢着热情的琥珀色,平和的香馥,芬芳、绒质,玛莎拉经长时间橡木桶陈年,配餐随意,不拘泥于时间和场合、菜式,令人充满遐想的琼浆玉液
    Deep ruby red in color, this smooth, rich, fruity liqueur has been well aged in oak barrels. It is suitable for all occasions and food types.

  • 琼浆玉液造句相关
