
丧魂落魄  sàng hún luò pò






  • 她这么丧魂落魄已有半个钟头了。
    She must have been half an hour in this delirious condition.

  • 「难道不是吗?」周博士丧魂落魄地说。
    "Isn't that the case?" Dr. Zhou said dejectedly.

  • 我最后一次见到史密斯时,他看上去丧魂落魄
    When I last saw Mr. Smith he looked like a man who had had the spirit crushed out of him.

  • 特别是一个大胆的小伙,当他丧魂落魄,惊慌失措,看上去更是有趣;
    Especially, it is a sport to see, when a bold fellow is out of countenance;

  • 在那个阴冷的夜晚,帕克渡过俄亥俄河,找到了十个丧魂落魄的逃亡者。
    Crossing the Ohio River on that chilly night, Parker found ten fugitives frozen with fear.

  • 在梦中无处诉说相思之情,好似丧魂落魄一样,醒来后,一阵惆怅,岂不更让人丧魂落魄
    In the dream, just like a soul-losing man, I had no where to pour out my love knot. After I have been wakened back, a burst of melancholy makes me more despondent.

  • 她已不复有那个在路上嘲讽他们时的洋洋得意的泼辣风度,而变成一个丧魂落魄,胆战心惊的女人了。
    This was no longer the flaunting hussy who had jeered at them in the road, but a broken, frightened woman.

  • 出乎瞎子想像的是,他还没有来得及感受空中失重、丧魂落魄的投河悲哀,顷刻之间双脚就触到了地。
    Beyond imagination is blind, he does not have enough time to air feeling of weightlessness Sanghunlaotuo the river bank sad. on the way and touched the feet velocity.

  • 丧魂落魄造句相关
