
废寝忘食  fèi qǐn wàng shí








  • 废寝忘食地工作以实施其计划。
    Jung worked at a breakneck pace to execute her plan.

  • 在任期间,废寝忘食,专心读律。
    During his tenure, sleepless nights, time to concentrate on law.

  • 他学习如此努力,常常是废寝忘食
    So hard does he study that he often forgets food and sleep.

  • 他们会废寝忘食的研究游戏的历史和文化。
    They go to great lengths to learn about the history and culture of their toon.

  • 加油工作高压使妳想要废寝忘食以挤出时间?
    Refuel Tempted to skip meals and pull late nights when you feel the heat at work?

  • 他经常聚精会神地工作,这时他会废寝忘食
    When deeply absorbed in work, which he often was, he would forget all about eating and sleeping.

  • 先读书,然后拿回家再去读,真是废寝忘食啊。
    They choose a book to read, they go home then read it.

  • 他们又要搞研究,又要教学,常常弄得废寝忘食
    Torn between their research work and their teaching, they often forgot to eat and sleep.

  • 这本小说非常引人入胜,她一口气读了下去,甚至废寝忘食
    The novel was so absorbing that she read on without a break even forgetting food and sleep.

  • 我曾经为外国小说《夏落的网》如痴如醉,接近废寝忘食的地步。
    I once worked for a foreign novel, "Summer down the net" mesmerizing, close to the point of sleepless nights.

  • 就像爱迪生,他热衷于发明,废寝忘食整日整夜在实验室里度过。
    Like Edison, he was keen on invention, and sleepless nights spent in the lab all day all night.

  • 最令人佩服的是他对赏石艺术的执着追求,有时甚至到了废寝忘食的地步。
    His insistent pursue at stone arts is very touching, sometimes he even enters the situation in which he neglects to eat and sleep.

  • 我最大的特点是爱看书,看起书来像个十足的书呆子,能达到废寝忘食的程度。
    My biggest characteristics is a love to read the book, seeing a book to be like one bookworm that is hundred percent, can attain the absorbed in work degree.

  • 如今,很多年轻人沉浸在电脑游戏中,以至于废寝忘食,产生了许多消极结果。
    Many youngsters today are so preoccupied with computer games as to forsake food and sleep, resulting in a host of adverse consequences.

  • 我的家十分有趣,我有一个球迷爸爸,爸爸为了看球赛,都到了废寝忘食的地步。
    My Family is very interesting, I have a fan daddy, daddy to watch the game, have neglected.

  • 创新型主要以自我扩充为核心,为应付难关废寝忘食,成功企业大多数属于这种类型。
    Innovative self-expansion as the main core of sleepless nights to ride out the storm, the majority of successful enterprises belong to this type.

  • 我最爱读的书是游记、旅行之类,废寝忘食读这种闲书,把学校的正课练习都给耽误了。
    Books of voyages and travels became my passion, and in devouring their contents, I neglected the regular exercises of the school.

  • 当某个习俗或传统引起了他的兴趣(比如中国独特的运河法),他就会废寝忘食地去钻研。
    Whenever a local foible or tradition grabbed his interest, such as the country's idiosyncratic waterway laws, he would research it exhaustively.

  • 人生的道路上以追求财富为志者,他们看见金钱利益就趋之若鹜,弄得精疲力尽,废寝忘食
    Those who seek wealth in their lives scramble for interest as soon as they see it. They become exhausted and forget dinner and sleep.

  • 可见,梁文音的魅力除了可令人废寝忘食、失声尖叫,还能吸引到不同文化背景的异国粉丝。
    This can be seen that the charm of Rachel Liang could make people to forget about meal and sleep, screaming till lost the voice, but also to attract foreign fans from different cultural backgrounds.

  • 找到最高价值观的一个方法就是回忆起某段时期,你热火朝天地工作,感到快乐、忘乎所以、废寝忘食
    One place to look for your top values is to remember a time in your life when you were operating on all cylinders and felt happy, consumed by what you were doing and not aware of time.

  • 现在越来越多韵人喜爱看足球比赛,当他们的球队参加比赛的时候,他们可以废寝忘食地为他们的队员加油。
    More and more people like watching football matches. They can't sleep or eat when their teams are playing. They shout for their players.

  • 威尔逊先生说:“如果配偶无法使自己的工作变成像MBA那样令人充满激情、废寝忘食的事业,处境将很艰难。”
    "Unless the partner can turn their job into the same kind of emotional, all-consuming enterprise like the MBA, things will be rough, " Mr Wilson says.

  • 当人们听到他的音乐时,对于他在进行如此伟大创作时跺着脚走来走去,大声吟唱,废寝忘食,就完全可以理解了。
    That he should have stamped up and down, singing aloud, forgetting to eat or sleep while creating so greatly is understandable when one listens to his music.

  • 忍不住看了起来,我被长袜子皮皮的一个又一个惊险、奇妙的故事吸收得废寝忘食,早已把买盐的事抛到九宵云外。
    Can not help but read it, I was Pippi Longstocking, a thriller after another, to absorb a wonderful story of sleepless nights, has long been a matter for the purchase of salt thrown outside九宵cloud.

  • 专家们日以继夜、废寝忘食地每天工作12个小时以上,平均每人每天爬楼200层左右,往返步行数十公里对建筑物进行认真勘察。
    Experts day, neglect to eat and sleep to work 12 hours a day, the average level of about 200 per person per day Palou, and walking several kilometres to the buildings have serious investigation.

  • 为了在内容、结构、语言诸方面都达到一定水平,他潜心研究,精心撰写,废寝忘食,用了整整十年,文学巨著《三都赋》终于写成了。
    It took him ten whole years to finish the writing of "Ode to the Capitals of the Three Kingdoms of Wei, Shu Han and Wu", a literary masterpiece.

  • 但是不要沮丧,美国人民!英克雷正在废寝忘食地重建这个伟大的国家,因此大家完全没有必要伤心,下次再见,我是总统艾登,停止广播。
    But don't be sad, america, the enclave is working tirelessly to rebuild this great nation, so you don't have to, until next time, I'm president eden signing off.

  • 他们废寝忘食,不分昼夜地工作着,他们不是为了金钱而做这些冒着生命危险的举动,他们也不是为了个人的利益,那么,他们到底是为什么呢?
    Their sleepless nights, working around the clock, they are not for money and risk their lives to do these moves, they are not for the sake of personal interests, then they are in the end Why?

  • 当你不知不觉被卷入某个人的喜怒哀乐、是是非非,甚至会为了他担心得废寝忘食、开心得雀跃万分、心情受他的控制时,那个人就是你心中喜欢的人。
    I'm very tired of trying to get the best out of everything when you don't appreciate it. You jolly well do not try provoking me during the camp.

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