
现身说法  xiàn shēn shuō fǎ








  • 联创投资公司合伙人冯涛现身说法
    A joint investment company partner Feng Tao their own experiences.

  • 斯达克先生让自己的孙子来现身说法
    Well, Mr. Stark called his own grandson into action.

  • 他的话也可能是在为自己的错误现身说法
    His words may have been intended as a confession of personal error .

  • 于是,我现在想现身说法,谈谈我对申论的理解。
    As a result, I would now like to their own experiences, my views on the application of the understanding.

  • 他尽可能地用直接现身说法的方式传播成功的福音。
    He spent his life spreading the gospel of success as directly and as personally as he could.

  • 从此,约翰逊以现身说法向人们宣传健康性行为的重要性。
    From then on, Johnson was to their own experiences in order to promote sexual health Importance.

  • 而且利用已购房的业主现身说法,使不少犹豫的人纷纷落订。
    And has the use of personal property owners, many people have set out hesitation.

  • 在他看来,公开“现身说法”是个激发全社会共识的有力举动。
    In his view, open "their own experiences" is a society-wide consensus to stimulate a powerful act.

  • 背书方式包括名人代言、专家认证与普通消费者的“现身说法”。
    Endorse means includes attestation of celebrity acting character, expert and average consumer " advise others by using one's own experience " .

  • 但小呆坚持用现身说法讲解亲眼所见的故事,渐渐有人接纳了他们。
    Xiao Dai, but insisted on their own experiences with their own eyes have seen the story, it was gradually accepted them.

  • 最后,一个有能力的职位为艺术指导的学生建议采用现身说法的方法。
    In the end, a capable student whose capacity was the art director in the group, suggested they use the follow-the-example approach.

  • 一些艾滋病患者还现身说法,希望和自己一样的病友能重树生活信心。
    Some AIDS patients also their own experiences, their hopes and the same people who were able to restore confidence in life.

  • 还有一位在上一轮宏观调控中摔倒过的海南前辈出来现身说法,形同杀手锏。
    There are a last round of macro-control over China's Hainan injure themselves by using their predecessors, like killer mace [sha shou.

  • 还有一种情况,有些宣传中涉及到现身说法的消费者,这些消费者是否真实呢?
    Still have a kind of case, the customer of advise others by using one's own experience is involved in some conduct propaganda, whether are these consumer true?

  • 一位下岗人员“现身说法”:他在家中开了眼镜店,既不扰民,又解决了自己就业问题。
    A laid-off workers "own" : he opened shop at home, neither public, and resolve their employment problem.

  • 了解人的发展阶段的重要理论。本课鼓励学生以现身说法的方式来了解人类发展的过程。
    This course is intended to help pastors and other Christian leaders develop proficiency in enabling people to solve their problems, while understanding the tensions between psychology and theology.

  • 荷兰知名的演员、作家和政坛人士都在影片中现身说法,与观众分享他们对吃素的观点。
    Appearing in the movie are renowned Dutch actors, writers and politicians, who also share their views on being vegetarian.

  • 每年4月举办的这场讨论会,重点在于鼓励更多业者雇用残障人士并现身说法分享其好处。
    The primary focus of the symposium, held each April, is to encourage more business people to hire people with disabilities and to speak about the benefits.

  • 学生乐意接受的主要方式是教师讲授、观看相应的教育片、听戒毒人员的现身说法以及讨论等;
    The major acceptable pattern of education were lectures, watching video program, listening to drug with drawer's experience and discussion.

  • 届时,将由华伦律师事务所的律师现身说法,介绍购房的基本操作流程,谈如何规避购房风险等。
    By then, the law firms will be Warren lawyers spoke on the purchase of basic operating procedures, discussed how to circumvent the purchase risk.

  • 我常参加各种商业座谈会,感觉受益匪浅,因为各行各业的精英会现身说法,传授他们的技巧和方法。
    What is fantastic about all the conventions I go to is that the greatest in the business will come and share their ideas, their methods and their techniques with everyone else.

  • 同时出任反艾滋病的形象大使,积极参与反艾滋病的活动,现身说法的告诫所有民众宣传防治艾滋病。
    At the same time as the image of the anti-AIDS Ambassador, actively participate in anti-AIDS activities, Xianshenshuifa warned all the people of the publicity the fight against AIDS.

  • 我请他们中的自我认同者到我的课堂上,如同性恋者、易装恋者到课堂上现身说法,呈现他们真实的声音。
    I ask them to self-identification in my classroom, such as homosexuals, easy pack minorities into the classroom Xianshenshuifa, showing their true voice.

  • 通过北川代表性石材企业的现身说法,让读者对北川的印象更加深刻,对北川石材企业有更多的了解与关注。
    Then our readers could know better about Beichuan where suffered the pain and the stone companies in Beichuan.

  • 今天,最后一位仍在北韩生活的变节美军——詹姆卓斯诺克现身说法,第一次和世人分享他在彼邦四十五年来的生活。
    Now, after 45 years, the story of James Dresnok, the last American defector in North Korea, is being told for the first time.

  • 如今,随着自己的生活已完全改观,她正努力帮助精神健康出了问题的人找到工作,并在卫生机构的恳谈会上现身说法
    Now, with her life transformed, she helps people with mental health problems to find work, and lectures at health department workshops.

  • 当然受到尊重也是必不可少的一个环节。这种尊重不仅来自麾下的球员和自己的现身说法,而且来自和对手的爱戴等等。
    quot; It's respect too. So it's respect from the players, charisma, love from the fans, trophies, a lot of things.

  • 随后,两名服刑人员魏某和王某分别讲述了自己的犯罪经过和心理历程,给大家现身说法,反映出自已对所犯罪行的深深忏悔。
    Subsequently, the two inmates werewei mou and Wang spoke about his crime was and psychological history, give us their own experiences, reflecting on the crimes themselves deep repentance.

  • 至于经济开放的价值,对外国投资提供优惠条件的好处以及降低关税,重视市场规律的重要性,中国可以向全世界作最好的现身说法
    China has much to show the world about the value of economic openness, of conditions favorable to foreign investment, tariff reduction, and incresed reliance on market discipline.

  • 问答环节结束后,叶广涛先生现身说法,在现场举行了一场模拟面试,台下的观众都跃跃欲试,两名同学先后与叶先生进行了精彩的模拟面试。
    After the Q&A session, Mr. Yip conducted a mock interview. The audience was much enthusiastic to take part. Finally two lucky students were chosen for the excellent interview. Mr.

  • 现身说法造句相关
