
语无伦次  yǔ wú lún cì








  • 玛丽发着高烧,以致说话语无伦次
    Mary had become so feverish that nothing she said was coherent.

  • 这是他们经常语无伦次的原因。
    That is the reason why they simply speak without logic and reasons.

  • 他听到消息之后在盛怒中讲话语无伦次
    After he heared the news, he sputtered incoherently in a rage.

  • 史密斯终于露面了,他气急败坏,语无伦次
    Finally, Smith showed up, enraged to the point of incoherence, not without reason.

  • 没有人对一个语无伦次的民主党的热心的支持。
    None of this amounts to an enthusiastic endorsement of the incoherent Democrats.

  • 她似乎逻辑混乱,语无伦次。希望不是老年痴呆。
    She seemed totally disoriented, babbling. I just hope it isn't dementia.

  • 有许多人仍在语无伦次地唠叨着,完全一片恐慌。
    Some of them were still babbling incoherently, utterly panic-stricken.

  • 这样语无伦次的散漫谈话和乡村的生活方式有关。
    This desultoriness was associated with the institutions of the country.

  • 发出像孩子一样无意义的声音或语无伦次地说出。
    utter meaningless sounds, like a baby, or utter in an incoherent way.

  • 当他得知他已被哈佛大学录取时,他激动得有点语无伦次
    Knowing that he had been permitted to study by harvard university, he was too excited to be coherent on the phone.

  • 在你爱的人面前,你会语无伦次;但在你喜欢的人面前,你不会。
    If front of the person you love, you can't say everything on your mind, but in front of the person you like, you can.

  • 语无伦次地解释了半天,竟然说出这样一番能气炸人肺的话来。
    Green tea"There are only two creatures, " says a proverb, cheap WOW gold "Who can surmount the pyramids —Chinese tea the eagle and the snail.

  • 那年轻人太急切了,对他亲眼目睹的情况讲得语无伦次,含糊不清。
    The young man was so anxious that he could only splutter out what he had witnessed.

  • 或有幻觉、错觉、语无伦次、行为失常、兴奋冲动、打人毁物等表现。
    Other signs are hallucination, illusion, incoherent babbling, abnormal behavior, agitation and impulsiveness, hitting people and destruction things, etc.

  • 精神分裂症的诊断标准包括妄想,幻觉,说话语无伦次,行为严重紊乱。
    Diagnostic criteria for schizophrenia include delusions, hallucinations, disorganized and incoherent speech, and grossly disorganized behavior.

  • 他反覆述说他的故事无数次,上气不接下气,语无伦次,几乎是机械式的反应。
    He's told his story so many times it comes in gasps out of order, almost by rote.

  • 段董树一开始还能够行走活动,但全身上下不停地冒着冷汗,说话显得有些语无伦次
    Dong beginning of the tree can also walk activities, but keep their body from fate, seemed to speak incoherently.

  • 那个取决于他们找你要什么为了开你的帐户。(凑合理解吧,感觉自己说的语无伦次。)
    That will depend on what they require from you to get your account opened.

  • 当一个男人不再怀有梦想的那一刻起,他的内心就开始僵化,接着语无伦次,颠三倒四。
    The moment a man stops dreaming is the moment he petrified inside and starts writing snarfy letters disapproving of paragraphs like the one above.

  • “不要老惦记着钱,从数据上看很清楚,婚姻是人们活着地原因,远比钱重要得多”他语无伦次的说。
    "Forget cash. It is as clear as day from the data that marriage, rather than money , is what keeps people alive, " he said in a statement.

  • 见到好莱坞传奇人物劳伦·巴考尔的时候,他太震撼了,语无伦次地说:“我特别喜欢您的黑白电影。”
    Overawed on meeting Hollywood legend Lauren Bacall, he spluttered, "I so enjoyed your black-and-white films. ""

  • 奉俊昊出生于韩国,曾就读于韩国电影艺术学院,期间他执导了毕业短片《语无伦次》(1995年)。
    Bong Joon-ho was born in South Korea and studied at the Korean Academy of Film Arts, where he directed his short graduation film, Incoherence (1995).

  • 第二,对方说话语无伦次、含混不清。说谎的时候,人脑一直不停地在找借口,很容易走神,影响表达。
    If the person's speech starts to slip and they slur they're words, when you're lying, you try to think of an alibi at the same time which distracts you from what you actually say.

  • 被打懵了的多梅内克似乎有些语无伦次:“就像所有的失败一样,这场比赛对于我们来说也是非常痛苦的。
    Is hit ignorant multi-plum Necker as if somewhat to speak incoherently: looks like all defeats to be the same, this competition regarding us is also very painful.

  • 但日本一家公司却认为饮酒可以增进员工间的交换,而且甚至愿意为此买单,饮酒至深夜可能会导致说话语无伦次
    Boozing into the night might inhibit coherent speech, but a Japanese company bets it will make workers communicate better. And it's even willing to pay for it.

  • 最近,英国各家报纸都在报道俄罗斯民航驾驶员被赶下飞机的消息,因为他醉酒后在机舱内进行安全广播时有些语无伦次
    This week there was much chortling in British newspapers at the story of a Russian airline pilot who had been forced off a plane because he was too drunk to make the safety announcement.

  • 过了半小时左右,一位中年男人急急忙忙跑过来,拨开人群就冲到小提琴手面前,抓住他的肩膀语无伦次的说:%26ldquo;
    After about half an hour, a middle-aged man ran there in a hurry and rushed through the crowd to the violinist and grabbed his shoulders and said, %26quot;

  • 布莱克松看到亨德里克吓得呆若木鸡。船头守卫马苏克蜷缩在船头,手指前方,语无伦次地狂叫。布莱克松于是也望向船头前方的海面。
    He saw that Hendrik was paralyzed with terror. The bow lookout, Maetsukker, cowered near the prow, shouting incoherently, pointing ahead. Then he too looked beyond the ship.

  • 作为一个电影人,最近看到一位国际性感女明星“傻人迟钝”,公开在康城语无伦次,幸灾乐祸四川的灾难,我真的是无名火起三千丈。
    As movie industry person, I read an article where and international star had openly dismissed the Si Chuan earthquake victims. That really sparked off the flames in me.

  • 中国官方反应混乱、毫无准备,在公然的谎言--“所有的火炬接力城市都应予以有力的支持”--跟语无伦次的表达愤怒两者之间徘徊。
    Their confused, unprepared official reaction has wavered between outright dishonesty—"all Torch Relay cities have given strong support for the event"—and incoherent anger.

  • 语无伦次造句相关
