
语焉不详  yǔ yān bù xiáng








  • 他没什么时间自省,而且语焉不详
    But there is little time for introspection, and not much detail.

  • 杂志今天更是语焉不详
    Zines today are even more elaborate.

  • 媒体报道中语焉不详
    Media reports did not elaborate.

  • 像往常一样,该文件对中国所持有的武器语焉不详
    As usual it gives few details of China's own weapons.

  • 徽商在定居地“进入”的过程,族谱往往语焉不详
    Badge business is in resident " enter " process, pedigree of a clan often not speak in detail.

  • 咱觉得这个新税收的理由说得语焉不详,让人听得一头雾水。
    We feel that this new tax did not elaborate the reasons for it, one could feel.

  • 日本央行官员对行动的时机语焉不详,称或许是明年某个时候。
    Officials at the Bank of Japan have been vague about the timing of the move, saying it may come sometime next year.

  • 对于媒体如何呈现广西形象这一问题,业界的研究尚显语焉不详
    The academic circles have not yet studied the problem how the mass media present GuangXi's image.

  • 看过好多中国人写冼星海生平的书,有关新加坡的部分同样是语焉不详
    Similarly, books penned by Chinese on the life of Xian that I have come across are vague on this.

  • 可见,于内地涉及经济犯罪案情至今语焉不详的黄光裕,又面临新案件的窘境。
    Can be seen in the Mainland has been involved in economic crime case of Wong Kwong Yu did not elaborate, but also the dilemma facing the new cases.

  • 至于广告用中的“高档、豪华、经典”之类更是语焉不详――什么叫“高档地板”?
    As for the advertising term "high-grade, luxury, classic" category -- did not elaborate what is called "high-grade floors"?

  • 汉大赋作为汉代文学的代表性体裁,如何形成发展的问题,前人多有论及,但又语焉不详
    There are many, but not detailed, previous discussions about the formation and development of Han Da Fu, typical form of literature in the Han Dynasty.

  • 高档住宅区的部分被害人,在接受民警询问时不是很配合,对失窃物品的描述也语焉不详
    Upmarket residential part of victims in receiving police inquiry is not very co-ordination of the stolen items described also did not elaborate.

  • 救援计划草案虽然旨在挽救金融业,但关于何种类型或哪家机构有资格得到救助语焉不详
    Although the rescue draft plan is for the purpose of saving the financial industry, but which organization has the qualifications about what type or to obtain rescues insufficiently detailed.

  • 但在被问及除了发生在新疆的暴力事件外还在会谈期间提及过哪些具体问题时,她语焉不详
    But she was vague when asked specifically what issues were raised during the discussions other than violence in Xinjiang Province.

  • 夹具设计中,有关工艺孔的设计计算是设计者遇到的难题,而在教科书和技术资料中都语焉不详
    In the course of designing the jig and fixture, designing and calculating technologic hole is a difficulty to the designer, and there are few data dealing with this subject.

  • 但是,虽然格雷林并未夸大自由面临的威胁,但他却对这种威胁受到的、不断增长的抵抗语焉不详
    But whereas Mr Grayling does not exaggerate the threats to liberty, he makes too little of the growing resistance to them.

  • 虽然部分银行已在年前陆续推出细则,但多数银行对于具体的优惠门槛语焉不详,让购房者难以对号入座。
    While some banks have already rolled out in the rules years ago, but most banks did not elaborate concrete concessions threshold, so that buyers will find it difficult to pigeon-holing.

  • 细心的人们可以发现,达尔文在进化机制方面似乎更多的注意到变异,而对于遗传则吞吞吐吐,语焉不详
    Careful persons may discover that he seemed to pay more attention in the process of the evolutionary mechanism but rather doubtful about the problem of heredity and didn't describe it in detail.

  • 撒谎者可能用词混淆,声音轻,而且句子结构和法的使用也相当混乱。简而言之,他语焉不详不知所云
    Words may be garbled and spoken softly, and syntaxand grammar may be off. In other-words, his sentences will likely be muddled rather than emphasized.

  • 对于宋末元初江西词人群体,过去只是笼统的将其划归为南宋辛派词的后劲,并且对其群体特征往往语焉不详
    In the past, the Jiangxi Ci-Poetry Community was simply classified into the successor of Xin Qiji ci-poetry school, and its characteristics are ignored.

  • 中国国内媒体发布的这些语焉不详的消息,据信获得了政府提供的资料来源,以及力拓公司和澳洲政府的声明。
    The scant information that has emerged has appeared in local publications believed to have access to government sources, and to announcements by Rio Tinto and the Australian government.

  • 相反,汇市交易员将G7会议公报语焉不详提及日元汇率视为一个信号,表明G7尚无采取协同行动的正式愿望。
    Instead, traders viewed an oblique reference to the Japanese currency in the G7 communique as a sign there was no official appetite for any concerted action.

  • 然而,有关湘女进疆的一些具体问题,如进疆的渠道、批次、人数等问题却很少有人问津,在一些报道和书中也是语焉不详、或有意规避。
    However the specifics such as their channels, batches, numbers into Xinjiang are not clear or intentionally obviated in some reports, books.

  • 从前的人们往往只是有所提及,却语焉不详。本文认为,济慈诗歌的想象艺术在客观上呈现出个人气质、自由情怀和社会关怀等丰厚内涵;
    This paper holds that Keats' poetry presents rich connotations in the art of imagination such as personal temperament, free thought and social care.

  • 不消说,许许多多大陆的中国人,正是从这些年里秦风先生不断披露的这些民国影像里,对以往语焉不详的民国社会有了直观而真实地了解。
    Qin Feng showed the function from this way. We can say, many Chinese from mainland could know more about the society of this period right now just from these old photographs disclosed by Mr. Qinfeng.

  • 不消说,许许多多大陆的中国人,正是从这些年里秦风先生不断披露的这些民国影像里,对以往语焉不详的民国社会有了直观而真实地了解。
    We can say, many Chinese from mainland could know more about the society of this period right now just from these old photographs disclosed by Mr. Qinfeng.

  • 马克思留给我们的文本或者没有发表,或者是草稿,或者写得非常简短以至显得有点语焉不详,这些为后人对有关问题的理解造成一定的困难。
    An important reason is the particularity texts themselves possess. Texts left to us by Marx are either unpublished, drafts, or written so briefly that it is difficult to understand.

  • 更令人担心的是,盖特纳先生的语焉不详,万一是因为连他自己都不敢肯定该做什么,不敢下死决心,不敢向国会要求足够的资金,那可怎么办?
    More worrying still is the chance that Mr Geithner's vagueness comes from doubt about what to do, a reluctance to take tough decisions, and a timidity about asking Congress for enough cash.

  • 他计划成立一个“公私投资基金”以购买有毒资产,这个计划语焉不详,而它的逻辑简直就是天真的英雄故事——政府推一把,搞点儿低价融资啥的,就能把奄奄一息的市场给救活了。
    His plan for a "public-private investment fund" to buy toxic assets was vague and its logic—that a nudge from government, in the form of cheap financing, would enliven a moribund market—was heroic.

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