
玉石俱焚  yù shí jù fén








  • 弄不好是玉石俱焚,好产品也一起遭殃。
    Pull down is the fix, along with good products also suffer.

  • 但是,扁为了自保不惜玉石俱焚,让民进党陷入分裂危机。
    However, in order to protect not hesitate to pull down flat so that the Democratic Progressive Party split into a crisis.

  • 记忆存在细胞里,在身体里面,与肉体永不分离,要摧毁它,等于玉石俱焚
    Memory cells exist in the body inside, and never physical separation, it should be destroyed, equivalent Yudanjufen.

  • 记忆存在细胞里,在身体里面,与肉体永不分离,要摧毁它,等于玉石俱焚
    Memory exists in cells of the body which, with the body and never to destroy it, is equal to crash and burn.

  • 记忆存在细胞里,在身体里面,与肉体永不分离,要摧毁它,等于玉石俱焚
    There memory cells, the body inside, and physical separation will never, to destroy it, equivalent to Yushijufen.

  • 记忆存在细胞里,在身体里面,与肉体永不分离,要摧毁它,等于玉石俱焚
    The memory exist in our cell, in our body, and it can't seperate from your physical. It means crush and burn if you want to destroy it.

  • 不要把婴儿和洗澡水一起泼掉。/不要良莠不分一起割掉。/不要玉石俱焚
    Don't throw out the baby with the bath water.

  • 时间像一条看不见的洪流,玉石俱焚地将所有一度的事物统统带进它的烟波中,永远地销声匿迹。
    Time is just like a onrush, it brings all ever-presence matters into its wave and destroy it completely.

  • 由于畏惧十字军强悍实力,部分弱小土耳其埃米尔选择依附十字军国家,以免兵威之下玉石俱焚
    It is not uncommon for smaller Turkish Amirs to align themselves with the Crusaders for fear of losing their holdings to stronger neighbours or being crushed by the Crusaders themselves.

  • 错。碍事霸占、摧毁和破坏。为了得到对方不择手段。不惜令对方伤心。必要是一拍两散玉石俱焚
    Wrong. Love is destruction and sabotage, to win someone over ar costs…even if it means breaking his heart. In the end it's over before you know it.

  • 不过,莎翁也用故事悲剧的结局告诉读者,大仇得报却是以玉石俱焚为代价,反映了真实的经验法则。
    But Shakespeare also showed to his readers, with the tragic ending of the play, that the price of a successful revenge was total destruction, which was a reflection of experience rule.

  • 既是亲密夥伴,但也得随时战战兢兢,否则稍有差池,就会像周玉蔻和黄义交一般,陷入玉石俱焚的田地。
    Both a close partner, but also in fear at any time, or else people go astray, like Chou Yu and Huang Yi-general, pull down into the field.

  • 咱俩可能得学习怎么生活,咱俩也可能玉石俱焚。你没准儿会留下,没准儿又走了,没准儿走了还回来找我。
    Maybe we'll live and learn, maybe we'll crash and burn. Maybe you'll stay, maybe you'll leave, maybe you'll return. ( John Legend: Ordinary People)

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