
利害攸关  lì hài yōu guān








  • 利害攸关的不仅是布莱尔在国内的名声。
    Mr Blair's domestic reputation is not the only thing at stake.

  • 利害攸关的是不止你的自豪和你的生活。
    At stake is more than just your pride and your life.

  • 在这场选举中,你的选择非常明确,利害攸关
    The choice in this election is as clear as the stakes are high.

  • 这就是说,全世界的发展与繁荣对中国利害攸关
    This means that you have a stake in the development and prosperity of the wider world.

  • 美国之成为自由世界的领袖与每一个公民利害攸关
    Every citizen has a stake in the emergence of the United States as the leader of the free world.

  • 同样的一幕又将重演,但这一次对欧洲来说更加利害攸关
    The same is about to happen again but with more at stake for Europe this time around.

  • 农民比城市里的人更加渴望下雨,因为雨水与农民利害攸关
    The farmers were more anxious for rain than the people in the city because they had more at stake.

  • 因为这些并非利害攸关,所以人们和政府唱反调,以此表示不满。
    Because little seems to be at stake, people often show dissatisfaction by voting against governments.

  • 在这个国家的历史上教育从来没有像现在这样对我们如此利害攸关
    Never in the nation's history have the stakes involving our education been higher than rim.

  • 弗朗索瓦称,对淹没的国家来说有比文化和眷恋更利害攸关的事情。
    Gemenne said there was more at stake than cultural and sentimental attachments to swamped countries.

  • 这就是为什么她必定会输的一个主要原因。利害攸关,战争才刚开始。
    And that is one key reason why she must be beaten. A great deal is at stake. And the war is just beginning.

  • 弗兰科斯称,对淹没的国家来说有比文化和情感眷恋更利害攸关的事情。
    Gemenne said there was more at stake than cultural and sentimental attachments to swamped countries.

  • 欧洲有自己的安全利益。像非洲这样北约不愿插手的地方,对欧洲却是利害攸关
    There are European security concerns, such as in Africa, that NATO would not want to touch.

  • 但是,在我们当前有关宪法和法院的适当角色的争论中,不只是争论的结果利害攸关
    But there's more than just outcomes at stake in our current debates about the Constitution and the proper role of the courts.

  • 反对票因为没啥利害攸关的事要通过投票来决定,人们常常用反对票来表达对政府的不满。
    Protest voting. Because little seems to be at stake, people often show dissatisfaction by voting against governments.

  • 这就是说,全世界的发展与繁荣对中国利害攸关。中国的安全也离不开国际的和平和稳定。
    This means that you have a stake in the development and prosperity of the wider world. And your security, too, depends on international peace and stability.

  • 克劳森女士写道:“什么是利害攸关的?不是伊斯兰教禁止了什么,而是西方人允许做了什么。”
    "What was at stake", writes Ms Klausen, "was not what Islam forbids but what the West allows.

  • “考虑到我们与中国的关系中广泛的利害攸关问题,大使的职位和世界上其它事情一样重要”他说。
    "Given the breadth of issues at stake in our relationship with China, this ambassadorship is as important as any in the world, " he said.

  • 当我们以共同利益为目标时,我们看见他们就会叫出名字来,当事实变得利害攸关时,我们会站出来维护。
    While we'll aim for common ground, we'll call things as we see them and we'll stand our ground when truth is at stake.

  • 这一利益必须与其他利益进行平衡,并且只有处于特定的具体情况下道德判断者才能正确地评价利害攸关的利益。
    This good must be balanced against other goods, and only the moral decision maker in a particular concrete situation can correctly evaluate the goods at stake.

  • 现在,中国作为世界上最后的尚未开发的市场,利害攸关的是中国观众的看法与好莱坞的霸权,为现在和下一代。
    In this final frontier market, at stake is China audience perception vs. Hollywood's hegemony now and for the next generation.

  • 这场战争与我国在公海上的主权利害攸关,也涉及一批重要公民的安全,后者的职业为其他各阶层人民带来莫大的好处。
    On the issue of the war are staked our national sovereignty on the high seas and the security of an important class of citizens, whose occupations give the proper value to those of every other class.

  • 他说:“利害攸关,我们再也玩不起华盛顿过去经常出现的政治僵持和党派立场等老把戏了。我们必须朝新的方向迈进。
    "With the stakes so high we simply cannot afford the same old gridlock and partisan posturing in Washington, " he said. "It's time to move in a new direction. "

  • 他说:“利害攸关,我们再也玩不起华盛顿过去常常出现的政治僵持和党派立场等老把戏了。我们必须朝新的方向迈进。”
    "With the stakes so high we simply cannot afford the same old gridlock and partisan posturing in Washington, " he said. "It's time to move in a new direction. "

  • 探索利害攸关的问题我们专注于澳洲的个案研究的政策反应的发展,保险费率的移动通讯服务,在2002-2005年期间。
    To explore the issues at stake we focus on an Australian case study of policy responses to the development of premium rate mobile messaging services in the 2002-2005 period.

  • 纽约证交所是全球最大的证交所之一,作为它的直接竞争者纳斯达克(Nasdaq)的总裁,纽约证交所能否恢复其声望对我来说利害攸关
    As the president of Nasdaq, a direct competitor of the NYSE, I have a stake in seeing one of the world's largest exchanges restore its reputation.

  • 因此,我希望每一个人都知道,我希望美国每一个人都知道,这个地区的未来与我们利害攸关,因为这里发生的一切对我们国内的生活有着直接的影响。
    So I want everyone to know, and I want everybody in America to know, that we have a stake in the future of this region, because what happens here has a direct effect on our lives at home.

  • 因此,我希望每一个人都知道,我希望美国每一个人都知道,这个地区的未来与我们利害攸关,因为这里发生的一切对我们国内的生活有着直接的影响。
    So I want every American to know that we have a stake in the future of this region, because what happens here has a direct affect on our lives at home.

  • 这个问题一旦解决了,咱们也许就可以谈谈别的事情了,谈谈与咱们利害攸关的事情。这样,咱们今天也许可以为咱们自己,也为大家,做一件有利的事情。
    Once that's settled maybe we can talk about other matters that interest us and do ourselves, all of us, a profitable service today.

  • 选举过程和执行方式对于苏丹、科特迪瓦和布隆迪将至关重要——此处仅列举3个撒哈拉以南非洲地区的潜在危机爆发国,在这些国家,有许多东西比选举结果更利害攸关
    The process and how it is conducted will be critical for Sudan, Ivory Coast, and Burundi, to name three potential flash points in sub-Saharan Africa where there is much more at stake than results.

  • 利害攸关造句相关
