
物极必反  wù jí bì fǎn








  • 到那时又可以用“物极必反”这个词了。
    That word "decoupling" may yet get dusted off again.

  • 凡事都不能追求极致,正所谓物极必反
    Everything cannot pursue perfection, alleged Things will develop in the opposite direction when they become extreme. .

  • 物极必反,绝境中也出现一丝希望的亮光。
    Yet a paradox created a sliver of hope.

  • 谁要说,善不喜多,物极必反,他说了句谎话。
    Whatever says too much of a good thing must be bad, tells a lie.

  • 物极必反的道理,似乎很难在人们心中起警惕的效应。
    That things turn for the worse when they reach the extreme seems not to be something which people take heed of.

  • 否则,会物极必反,造成经济发展和市场化改革的停滞。
    Otherwise economic development and the market-oriented reform will be suspended.

  • 老先生知道物极必反,而空头市场应该是来得快,去得也快。
    The old gentleman knew that it should rise when it hit the bottom.

  • 凡事都存在正负二个方面,可谓物极必反,就是所谓的辩证。
    There are always two sides to a coin, which is the essence of dialectical thinking.

  • 世事就是这样乐极生悲物极必反的,最富和最穷原来同巢而居。
    Affairs of human life is such extreme joy begets sorrow, of Things will develop in the opposite direction when they become extreme.

  • 然而物极必反,在全世界离婚率最高的美国也有走另一个极端的。
    However, things will develop in the opposite direction when they become extreme, American with the highest divorce rate of the world also has the ones with extremeness.

  • 而后现代主义则是对“现代性”的质疑和扬弃,是现代性的物极必反
    However, post-modernism oppugns, develops the useful and discard the useless of modernity. Its the opposite direction of modernity.

  • 有多少人敢于逆势而动,去风险中淘金?我们忽略了物极必反的道理。
    How many people dare to trend moving to the risk of gold?We lose sight of the reason the extremes meet.

  • 然而,市场对利好的麻木程度已无以复加,这也可能是物极必反的前兆。
    However, the market to the advantage good numb degree already in the extreme, this also possibly was when things reach their extreme they turn back omen.

  • 物极必反呀,食得太多好野,所以先唔舒服!下次我帮你手食咁就无事啦!
    Eating too much good food only makes you strong so maybe COOKING too much.

  • 当然,一味的追求快乐必然物极必反,走向末路,这也是笔者所不赞同的。
    Certainly, the constantly pursue joyful inevitable when things reach their extreme they turn back, moves towards the dead end, this also is the author does not approve of.

  • 物极必反,压力如果超过一个人的心理承受能力,就会严重损害身心健康。
    But things change as the stars move, if pressure outstrips one person's innermost ability, it is the most serious harm to your health.

  • 物极必反,当房地产的库存出现累计性过剩时,当地的整体经济必将受到损害。
    When, when there cumulative surplus property inventory, the local economy will suffer.

  • 该股在有色股中并不是活跃的个股,但物极必反,今日该股率先走出调整局势。
    Unit non-ferrous stocks at the stock is not active, but extremes meet, today took the lead out of the unit adjust the situation.

  • 可见,“扎堆”外出游玩势必会造成物极必反的效果。麻烦把以上这段话翻译成英文。
    Obviously, "will huddle together" goes out to play will create when things reach their extreme they turn back inevitably the effect.

  • 物极必反,到70年代中期,职业机会的扩张不可避免的趋缓,我的许多朋友因此失业。
    But this could not last forever. By the mid 1970s, job expansion began inevitably to slow down, forcing many of my friends out of work.

  • 西班牙和爱尔兰的房价堪与英国匹敌,但房地产市场烈火烹油般的高涨导致了物极必反的暴降。
    In Spain (see article) and Ireland, where price gains rivalled Britain's, heady housing-market booms have given way to bust.

  • 这一看似反反复复的过程,绝非物极必反式的简单的重复或回归,而是一个必不可少的深化的进程。
    This seems counter-iterative process, not extremes meet the simple repetition of style or go back, but rather an essential deepening of the process.

  • 物极必反,盈则必亏,如果你为产品做广告,不妨有意味地暴露某点不足,定会收到意想不到的效果。
    Extremes meet, it certainly profit loss, if you advertise for the products may have a means to expose the lack of a point will receive unexpected results.

  • 因此我们认为物极必反,目前这种恐慌性的下挫非理性情绪比较浓厚,一个月内下跌800点也是不正常的。
    Therefore, we believe that extremes meet, the current panic relatively strong drop in the non-rational sentiment, fell 800 points within a month it is not normal.

  • 无数的事实证明,当一个事物发展到极致的时候,下一步一定会走向它的反面,所谓物极必反,盛极必衰是也。
    Numerous facts have proved that when a thing to perfection time, the next step will be to its negative, the so-called reach, Sheng is also very necessary things.

  • 二是说明市场就连抢反弹的力量都没有,基本都对后市不乐观,物极必反,如有实质利好推出市场或再度走强。
    2 is to specify the strength of the market even the rebound did not, basically the market outlook is not optimistic about the extremes meet, if real good introduction the market or re-strengthened.

  • 城北的条件好,很多人购房选择了那里,可物极必反,居住的人多了,楼多了,车多了,这难道还是适合居住的地方吗?
    North of the city of good conditions, many people purchase options there may be things, the increase in the number of people living, building more and more vehicles, which are suitable to live?

  • 物极必反,当人类社会背离道德规律达到极限的时候,人类思想就会反思人类社会的本来面目,就会返归人类社会的道德本来。
    When human society deviates from the law of morality to the extreme, the human mind will reflect upon the true nature of human society and will return to the origin of morality of human society.

  • 如果条件不具备,一味地强行推动某一行业市场的发展,很可能矫枉过正出现始料不及的反复,甚至物极必反产生逆转的风险。
    If the conditions are not met, stubbornly forced promote the development of a market sectors, are likely to unforeseen repeatedly over, and even when the risk of a reversal.

  • 正所谓物极必反,只有年少时过于狂躁的挣扎,才能真正换来晚年的悟道。世上的姑娘总以为自己是骄傲的公主(除了少数极丑和少数极聪明的姑娘例外)
    Girls always look on themselves as proud princesses, with the exception of a small number of either extremely ugly or exceedingly smart ones.

  • 物极必反造句相关
