
牛鬼蛇神  niú guǐ shé shén







  • 通识教育大概就是牛鬼蛇神
    HKLS is nothing but cattle ghost snake god.

  • 有许多关于牛鬼蛇神的故事。
    There are lots of stories about ghosts and monsters.

  • 宇欣:就是把这些好人通称为牛鬼蛇神
    Yu Xin: The good people were nicknamed.

  • 牛鬼蛇神孙正德滚下来!
    Sun Zhengde of god of bovine ghost snake boils!

  • 牛鬼蛇神
    Cattle, ghosts, snakes, God.

  • 让那些毒草长嘛,让那些牛鬼蛇神出台嘛,你怕他干什么呢?
    Let poisonous weeds sprout and ghosts and monsters appear. Why be afraid of them?

  • 这是神话!你不会像文化大革命一样吧,打倒一切牛鬼蛇神
    There's no such a thing as destiny, there're only different choices.

  • 直到那时,共和国、帝国,在他心里还只是些牛鬼蛇神似的字眼。
    Up to that time, the Republic, the Empire, had been to him only monstrous words.

  • 在十年浩劫中,杨三姐被当成“牛鬼蛇神”进行批斗,扫大街,蹲牛棚。
    Inshi nian hao jie , the Yangsan jie to be regarded as "spirit, " to criticize, street-sweepers, squat bullpen.

  • 牛鬼蛇神让它出来,然后展览,展览之后,大家说牛鬼蛇神不好,要打倒。
    Let ghosts and monsters come out and make an exhibition of themselves, and afterwards the people will say these ghosts and monsters are no good and must be eliminated.

  • 人们给受害者戴上高帽子,赶着他在街道上游行,骂他为矮子,牛鬼蛇神,走资派。
    The crowd put a dunce cap on the victim and herded him through the streets, calling him aizi ─ dwarf ─ and dog's head, cattle demon, despot, capitalist-roader.

  • 当仇恨愤怒日益累积到高潮爆发,我们看到这些牛鬼蛇神倒在血淋淋的现实悲剧中。
    When the hatred accumulated and broken out I see they fall down in blood tragedy both in movie and life.

  • 凡是错误的思想,凡是毒草,凡是牛鬼蛇神,都应该进行批判,决不能让他们自由泛滥。
    All erroneous ideas, all poisonous weeds, all ghosts and monsters, must be subjected to criticism ;

  • “引蛇出洞”是既定方针“牛鬼蛇神与麟凤龟龙并长,这是我们所料到,也是我们所希望的。”
    "The unkennel that bring a snake " it is established guiding principle " dragon of phoenix chelonian of god of bovine ghost snake and Lin is long, this is our place expect, also we are hoped.

  • 牛鬼蛇神都露出原形, 一小撮中国人总是不停的用谎言提醒大家,这个世界不太平,谢谢你们自愿当反面教材。
    Well if it was a Tibetan then yeah, since Tibetan is an ethnic group of China so yeah he'd be Chinese too as are all Tibetans, all one big family.

  • 李有甫:所谓大家说横扫一切牛鬼蛇神这文革的话就是把那些有问题的,它们要整的人其实都是好人,把他们叫做牛鬼蛇神
    Youfu Li: The Cultural Revolution wanted to torture people with "problems" and called them "Ghosts of Cattle and Gods of Snake". Actually, all of them were good people.

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