
爱憎分明  ài zēng fēn míng







  • 培养出江城人爱憎分明的性格!
    Chiang developed a distinct character of people love and hate!

  • 洛伊丝是属于爱憎分明的人。
    Lois is a person of strong likes and dislikes.

  • 她虽然没有文化,但爱憎分明、性格爽朗。
    Although she has no culture, but love and hate is clear, straightforward personality.

  • 诚实 守信爱憎分明对事业和家庭负责。
    Honest Credit Clear love and hate Responsible for career and family.

  • 玛格丽特是一个店主的女儿,他工作努力,爱憎分明
    Margaret was the daughter of a hardworking shopkeeper with very certain ideas about right and wrong.

  • 对我而言,这意味着高科技行业的员工是爱憎分明的。
    To me, that meant that tech industry employees were generally not ambivalent about their leaders.

  • 你的棱角够分明么…?一直认为棱角分明的人一定爱憎分明
    Your edges and corners clear enough … what? Edges and corners that have been clearly defined love and hate certain people.

  • 他做事爱憎分明,对于他来说,如果你不是朋友那么就是敌人。
    He sees everything as black and white. If you're not his friend, you're his enemy.

  • 我是一个爱憎分明的人,在茫茫的人海中,孤独已经主导了我。
    I am a person who clearly love and hate, in the vast sea of humanity, the loneliness has led me.

  • 善良,单纯,正直,坦诚,爱憎分明,热爱音乐电影图书大自然!
    I love music , movie , nature, travelling, enjoy simple life, looking forward to meet new friends in Australia.

  • 也许你象小孩一样爱憎分明,但必需要学会象成年人一样吃东西。
    This is the stuff you loved to hate as a kid, but gotta eat as an adult.

  • 也许你像小孩一样爱憎分明,但必需要学会像成年人一样吃东西。
    This is the stuff you loved to hate as a kid, but gotta eat as an adult.

  • 性格开朗,善于沟通,大度不乏女人味,自信而不自负,爱憎分明
    character cheerful, good at communication, there are feminine, generous, self-confidence, rather than own, Aizeng clear.

  • 我是个讲究卫生、懂礼貌和爱憎分明的人!我有在任何环境下生存的能力!
    I am exquisite hygiene and the person who understands courtesy and is clear about what to love and what to hate! I have the ability of subsisting under any environment!

  • 大陆则认为朋友交往要 “爱憎分明”,重“诤友”,勇于发展批评和自我批评等。
    mainland China believes that dealings with friends to" Love and Hate distinct "heavy" friendly critic "the courage to criticize oneself and others.

  • 中国人爱憎分明,像你这样的朋友,而且是来自加拿大的朋友,中国人是永远欢迎你的。
    Chinese people treat friends and enemies in clearly different ways. Friends like you will always be welcome in China, especially when you are from Canada.

  • 小说中同时存在两种评断是非的标准:一种是爱憎分明的倾情投入,一种是太上忘情的冷静审视。
    There are two kinds of standards judging the right and wrong at the same time in the novel: a kind of standard is a complete devotion, the other is thinking calmly.

  • 狗热爱朋友,咬它们的敌人(爱憎分明)。这点与人类很不同,他们不能单纯的相爱,总是爱恨交织。
    Dogs love their friends and bite their enemies. Quite unlike people, who are incapable of pure love and always have to mix love and hate.

  • 而周作人则倾心于轻柔温和的随笔散文。鲁迅的爱,是深沉、爱憎分明;周作人的爱,是单纯而真挚。
    The love of Lu Xun is deep and he was clear about what to love and what to hate while the love of Zhou Zuoren was pure and sincere.

  • 狗爱它们的朋友,咬它们的敌人,这一点和人很不同,人没有如此爱憎分明,总是把爱和恨混在一起。
    Dogs love their friends and bite their enemies. Quite unlike people, who are incapable of pure love and always have to mix love and hate.

  • 我不想做一个虚伪的中国人,所以我希望海外支持北京奥运会的华人、华侨也应该学学犹太人爱憎分明的态度。
    I don't want to be a hypocritical Chinese. So I'd like to urge overseas pro-China Chinese to learn the attitude of Jewish draw a clear line of demarcation between what we love and hate.

  • 狗爱护它们的朋友,咬它们的敌人,这一点跟人很不相同,人不会如此爱憎分明,并且总是把爱和恨混在一起。
    Dogs love their friends and bite their enemies. Quite unlike people, who are incapable of pure love and always have to mix love and hate. 8.

  • 狗爱护它们的朋友,咬他们的敌人,这一点和人有很大的不同,人没有如此爱憎分明,并且总是把爱和恨混在一起。
    Dogs love their friends and bite their enemies. Quite unlike people, who are incapable of pure love and always have to mix love and hate.

  • 明明那么娇小,策划的活动却总是让人震撼。你看上去对每一个人都很温和,直到我熟悉你之后才发现,其实你很爱憎分明
    He is a man in the fullest sense, But at times just a little boy who is scared and lonely. he has loved, and he has lost.

  • 在大多数情况下,我是一个爱憎分明的人,所以我不会轻易忘记那些曾经给我带来了那么多的痛苦、无助、挣扎和泪水的人。
    In most occasions, I am a person who knew clearly what to love and what to hate, so I can not forget those people who who once brought so much pain, struggle and tears to me easily.

  • 今天,我们学习了《神笔马良》这篇流传很广、又充溢神奇的童话故事。我被马良那刻苦学习、爱憎分明的精神深深地打动了…
    Today, we have studied "Magical brush Horse Good" this spread are very broad, are also full the mysterious fairy tale story.

  • 另一方面,唐代小说家又有着抒情意识的自觉,他们怀抱着对真、善、美的热烈憧憬和追求,爱憎分明、正义盈胸,在小说中大胆地表达他们的价值取向和情感判断。
    On the other hand, the novelists of Tang Dynasty were bold enough to per suit the truth, kindness and beauty and show their value direction and emotional judgement.

  • 爱憎分明造句相关
