
灿烂辉煌  càn làn huī huáng








  • 这是世界上最灿烂辉煌的艺术长廊。
    This would be the most magnificent art corridor in the world.

  • 但在烧焦的乌木树干中的华丽的雉堞灿烂辉煌
    Flamboyant crenellations of glory amid the charred ebony boles.

  • 当然,这只是人类文明史上管理灿烂辉煌的一面。
    Certainly, this is only the brilliant side of human management civilization history.

  • 百年云铜必将梦想成真,青春云铜将更加灿烂辉煌
    Yunnan Copper will century dream come true, Yunnan Copper youth will be more brilliant!

  • 愿你的新年光彩夺目,愿你的新年灿烂辉煌!佳节愉快!
    Wishing you a sparkling New Year or b left glad New Year! May the season bring abundance pleacertain to you.

  • 愿你的圣诞光彩夺目,愿你的新年灿烂辉煌!祝佳节愉快!
    Wishing you a sparkling Christmas and bright Happy New Year! May the season bring much pleasure to you.

  • 古老而又现代的浉河正张开双臂,迎接最灿烂辉煌的明天。
    Shihe , an ancient and modern city , is opening her arms to welcome the brightest future!

  • 永安人愿与您真诚的合作,努力开创更加灿烂辉煌的明天!
    We would like to cooperate with you sincerely for brilliant future together!

  • 灿烂辉煌的中国饮食文化相比,中国饮食文化研究明显落后。
    Comparing with Chinese splendid dietary culture, the research on diet falls behind obviously.

  • 在未来携手合作的事业道路上,我们一定风光无限、灿烂辉煌
    Work together, We'll be effulgence in the future path of cooperation.

  • 任何学科上的成就,尽管不能自动用于实践,但也可能是灿烂辉煌的。
    Any academic breakthrough, brilliant as it may be, does not automatically ensure that it can be applied to practice.

  • 中国特色社会主义前景灿烂辉煌,科学发展、社会和谐蓝图激荡人心。
    Socialism with Chinese characteristics brilliant prospects, and scientific development, social harmony blueprint for stirring people's hearts.

  • 让我们共同携起手来,去创造一个无限的商机和更加灿烂辉煌的明天。
    Make us common hand in hand, go to create for a limitless business opportunity and more magnificent and more brilliant tomorrow.

  • 愿你的新年光彩夺目根浴视频根浴视频,愿你的新年灿烂辉煌!佳节快乐!
    Wishing you a sparkling New Year and bright happy New Year! May the season bring much pleasure to you.

  • 在这美好的时刻,送上我的关爱和最美好的祝福,愿新年的每一天都灿烂辉煌
    I send you my best wishes and warm care at such a wonderful moment. May everyday in the coming New Year be brilliant for you!

  • 让我们齐心协力,与时俱进,为外国语学校更加灿烂辉煌的明天做出应有的贡献!
    Let's work together with the times to make contribution to the Foreign Languages School.

  • 我们应该让自己的生命独一无二,让我们的人生灿烂辉煌,让我们的世界光彩照人。
    We should let own life be unique, Let our life brightly magnificent, Let our world brilliance according to the human.

  • 同事们,为了奥维尔更灿烂辉煌的前景,让我们明天以更大的热情投入到工作中吧!
    All staff enjoyed and shared this happy occasion. Let us work hard together for a better and a more splendid future.

  • 我对你的爱如滔滔江水川流不息,又如黄河泛滥一发不可收拾,再如日落西山灿烂辉煌
    I to your love like torrential river water continuous, also like Yellow River is in flood round beyond redemption, like sunset Xishanbright is again magnificent.

  • 待开发的库伦热忱欢迎各界朋友和有识之士前来共谋发展大计,共创库伦灿烂辉煌的明天!
    The developing KuLun is glad to communicate honestly and go forward hand in hand with all kinds of friends to create bright future!

  • 人到中年,更应该卸下一切重担,抛开一切忧烦,笑对每一个今天,去迎接更加灿烂辉煌的明天。
    Into middle age, should remove all the burden and put aside all got incredibly, laughing for each today, to meet the more brilliant future.

  • 新的一年里,让我们共同祝愿伟大的祖国更加繁荣昌盛,祝愿栖霞信息港的明天会更加灿烂辉煌
    The new year, let us wish our great motherland more prosperous and wish Qixia the port tomorrow will be even more brilliant!

  • 目前,市政府决定在艺校的办学基础上,筹建闽南戏曲艺术学院,泉州艺校的未来将更加灿烂辉煌
    At present, the city government decided to art school on the basis of the school, preparing Taiwanese opera Institute of the Arts, the Art School of Quanzhou in the future will be even more brilliant!

  • 以卓越的品质回报用户、以体贴的服务赢得客户,真诚合作,携手共进,共同走向灿烂辉煌的明天。
    Excellence to the quality of the user returns to win customers considerate services and sincere cooperation, join hands and moved towards brilliant future.

  • 它由此亦激动人心,也正是如此,一切又各归其位而荒谬的世界也在其灿烂辉煌与无穷变化中重生再现。
    On this score, it is stirring. On this score, everything resumes its place and the absurd world is reborn in all its splendor and diversity.

  • 此外,三地共同的特点是均处于欧洲腹地,是欧洲文明复兴的发源地,葡萄酒文化更是灿烂辉煌,享誉世界。
    In addition, three common characteristics that are in the heart of Europe, is the birthplace of European civilization rejuvenation, wine culture was brilliant, world-renowned.

  • 总有一天我们也会和阿卡拉一样慢慢变老,但是我们坚信,民航事业的明天会因为今天我们的倍加努力而灿烂辉煌
    Fifty years ago, they were youngsters who contributed their youth to Xinjiang Aviation for the better future; today we are youngsters who will create a more prospective tomorrow than before.

  • 但更让我明白了:成功是要历经艰辛和挫折的,但只要你坚持不懈地努力,就能战胜它,迎来的便是灿烂辉煌的人生!
    But what was even I understand: Success is to be gone through hardships and setbacks, but if you are unremitting efforts, we can overcome it, and ushered it is a glorious life!

  • 古希腊有着灿烂辉煌的科学文化成就,它是近代科学的发源地,而古希腊的奴隶制度对科学文化的兴起起到了重要的作用。
    And the slaves system of the ancient Greece brought about important influences on the rise of scientific culture.

  • 我只是一名普通的中国人,在部分人眼里,也许我没有什么修养文化,但是我拥有一颗爱国心,一颗并不灿烂辉煌的爱国心!
    I only am an ordinary Chinese, perhaps in the partial person eye, I does not have what training culture, but I have a patriotism, a not bright magnificent patriotism!

  • 灿烂辉煌造句相关
