
火中取栗  huǒ zhōng qǔ lì








  • 你们不能把我当成你们的工具,替你们火中取栗
    You can't make me your cat's paw to pull your chestnuts out of the fire.

  • 你们不能把我当成你们的工具,替你们火中取栗
    You can't make me you cat's paw to pull your chestnuts out of the fire.

  • 有人说,生活就像火中取栗,命运,总是反复旋转;
    Somebody said that the way is the vain of the fire, always roll away, my soil;

  • 火中取栗
    Pull the chestnut out of fire.

  • 良机勿失。火中取栗。什么都知道,一如什么都不知道。
    Make hay while the sun shines. 46. Pull the chestnut out of fire. 46. To know everything is to know nothing.

  • 在美国经济仍不容乐观的时刻,被更多地赋予“火中取栗”的意味。
    In the U. S. economy is still not optimistic moment, to be more "Huozhongquli" means.

  • 在如此局面下,广而告之的上市之举,被有些媒体称为“火中取栗”。
    In such a situation, and the wide divisions of the listing move, some media as "Huozhongquli."

  • 难道是因为在德隆操纵下不断高涨的股价,让一些人火中取栗,赚了点钱;
    Is is because of the rising in the manipulation of stock prices caused to some people seeing that the money earned;

  • 傅作义对蒋给予的加官晋爵,也心知肚明是蒋想利用他的力量与影响来为蒋火中取栗
    Fu Chiang given for honors or senior positions Jin Jue, Jiang is well aware that he would like to use the power and influence to Chiang Huozhongquli.

  • 也包括确保共和党不至于从宾夕法尼亚大街1600号(白宫)的混沌中火中取栗太多。
    It is also desperate to make sure that the Republican Party cannot make too much political capital from the chaos at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

  • 但此举被论者称为“火中取栗”之举,因为一旦此举不能阻止股票下跌,则其必将陷于更大的困境。
    However, it was argued known as the "Huozhongquli" move, as soon as it can not stop the stock fall more into it is bound to its plight.

  • 队友拉莫斯希望范尼的良好状态能够延续:“我们只希望范尼能多多进球,再次帮助我们火中取栗。”
    Ramos's team-mate Ruud van Nistelrooy hopes to continue the well-being: "We can only hope that Van Nistelrooy scored a lot, once again Huozhongquli help us."

  • “我们不想成为火中取栗的替死鬼,然后被所有的人和错误的目标所赶走。”埃总理梅莱斯•泽纳维说到。
    "We don't want to be the horse taking the chestnut out of the fire and then being whipped by everyone and his grandmother, " says Meles Zenawi, Ethiopia's prime minister.

  • 火中取栗造句相关
