
游戏人间  yóu xì rén jiān







  • 时光不再,何不陪我,游戏人间
    Days no longer, why to accompany me, game world.

  • 这是一款适合情人间合作游戏
    This is a game for Valentine's cooperation.

  • 在太空船上,我只是游戏人间,开开玩笑而已。
    I was just fooling around on the spaceship. It was nothing but a joke.

  • 若只是游戏人间而不曾真正爱过,就枉此一生了。
    To make the journey and not fall deeply in love, then, you haven't lived a life at all.

  • 你只是游戏人间
    u were only playing.

  • 你只是游戏人间
    U were only playing.

  • 但在现实生活中,他却是个游戏人间的花花公子。
    However, in real life he is a dandy.

  • 他应该是一个诚实坦诚的。需要婚姻。不游戏人间的男人。
    He is an honest and frank. Need marriage. Not a good game of men …

  • 2004年「游戏人间系列」跟读者一起从游戏中学习。
    2004 "Fun and Game" - let's learn from gaming.

  • 充满活力的画面表现,搞笑的事件设计,绝对适合情人间的热座游戏方式。
    Dynamic screen performance art events design, suitable for Valentine's definitely the hot seat games.

  • 像所有典型的花花公子一样,他的感情生活极为丰富,游戏人间也在情理之中。
    As with all the same as a typical dude, his emotional life plentiful, games room also reasonable.

  • 玩家们觉得我只是一场游戏,所有人只顾著自己的光芒,人间里没啥所谓队友。
    So many players you'd think I was a board game. It's every woman for herself. There are no teammates.

  • 即使那些并非游戏人间、专以结婚为目的之男女,也常同时和多人交往以便选择。
    Even those who are not frivolous, specifically for the purpose of marriage to men and women, often at the same time, and people exchanges in order to choose.

  • 对理想伴侣的描述: 他应该是一个诚实坦诚的。需要婚姻。不游戏人间的男人。
    He is an honest and frank. Need marriage. Not a good game of men …

  • 希望找到一位有责任感。有担当。真心爱我一生的好男士,游戏人间者请勿靠近,谢谢!
    The hope found to have the sense of responsibility. Has takes on. Thereally beloved my life the good gentleman, the game world please donot have to approach, thanks!

  • 这可能不是唯一的一场人间游戏,但却是唯一一场看起来很明显是双赢的,”塔尔伯特说。
    It may not be the only game in town, but it is the only one that looks pretty clear win-win, " says Mr Talbott."

  • 浏览器软件像游戏人间的女人,引领老实男人进入虚拟的爱情世界,丰富,趣味,令人流连忘返。
    Browser software resembles the woman of game world, lead good man to enter fictitious love world, rich, gout, enjoy oneself so much as to forget to leave making a person.

  • 死神不可以把死亡笔记交给6岁以下跑跑卡丁车游戏视频>卡通动漫区`的小孩(以人间时间计算)。
    The god of death must not hand the DEATH NOTE directly to a child under 6 years of age (based on the human calendar).

  • 朴素之花,在迷乱、浮躁、集体无意识的人间游戏中不可能开放,在贪恋贵族、帝王享受的浮世迷梦中不可能开放。
    simple flower, in the confused, impetuous, the collective unconscious of the world can not open the game, in the reluctant nobles, emperors enjoyed impossible dream open.

  • 这是一场真实的战争,并非电脑游戏中的外科手术式的打击,它是一个深渊,一出浸透鲜血、恐惧、痛苦和眼泪的人间悲剧。
    This is war as it really is, not as a computer game of surgical strikes, but an abyss, a human drama of blood and fear, pain and tears.

  • 在这场足以载入史册的漫长的战斗之后,她终于打败了这可怕的怪兽;正义与和平再度来到了人间。……游戏的情节就是这样。
    After an epic battle lasting many days and nights, she finally slays the horrendous beast, and great justice and everlasting peace are victorious once more. the game is the story.

  • 看到大家不顾桌上丰盛的饭菜,忘情地投入到游戏当中,一张张青春的脸庞上散发出的是活力和希望,此情此景,真的是胜却人间无数美景。
    All of us were fully reveled in the game and forgot the meal. The youthful faces emanated vigor and hope. Such a scene was beautiful scenery rather than many other beauties.

  • 隐逸天地:修建休闲景点,分别表现陶渊明诗中的田园式的隐逸情趣、庄子游戏人间的处世态度、老子提倡的处虚守柔、保身全真的人生境界。
    Hermit paradise: to build the entertainment attractions to present the pastoralism in the Tao Yuanming's Poem, Zhuang Zi's conduct attitude in ancient society, and Lao Zi's human life state.

  • 之后,我们一时头脑发昏,不顾游戏设计师的警告,径直冲到华盛顿特区的中心地带去了,结果被遥控警戒机枪和一帮英克雷士兵给打到人间蒸发。
    Later, in a moment of madness, we wander into the heart of DC, despite warnings from the developers, and get vaporized by a remote sentry gun and a gang on Enclave soldiers.

  • 如果你选择继续学习,你可以得到是:1。很多玩的时间2。然使更多的男孩子3。没有自己挣的钱4。有好多节假日(包括寒暑假),一句话,可以游戏人间
    if you choose to study, you can get these: 1. more time to play 2. make more boyfriends 3. no money that you made 4. have more holidays( summer and winter holiday), in a word is play with life.

  • 游戏人间造句相关
