
忍辱负重  rěn rǔ fù zhòng








  • 中国人是最能忍辱负重的人民。
    What we Chinese do best, is to endure.

  • 忍辱负重的尘土常常以鲜花来回报。
    The dust receives insult and in return offers her flowers.

  • 骆驼,忍辱负重担大任之本;
    The camel, endures humiliation the load no matter what greatly foundation;

  • 忍辱负重,积极工作。
    Enduring the humiliation, he continued to work hard.

  • 为完成这项重要的任务,我不得不忍辱负重
    In order to carry out this important task, I had to eat dirt.

  • 中国有一句格言,叫:“吃苦[忍辱负重?]。”
    There is a Chinese adage: "Eat bitterness."

  • 赖特还说:“他们忍辱负重20年,以为那这些罪行不会被清算。
    They have had to live with this over 20 years thinking that these crimes would not be detected.

  • 对于剧中任程伟忍辱负重的表现,不少观众也表示,非常被感动。
    Cheng Wei Ren play for the performance of the bear with the situation, a lot of the audience also said that he was being moved.

  • 谈到自己扮演的来双扬,王姬说来双扬是一个忍辱负重的现代女性。
    Talking about the role of Lai Shuangyang she plays in"Life Show" Wang Ji says Lai Shuangyang is a modern woman who endures humiliation to assume her family responsibilities.

  • 他只在乎短期效益(他靠这个来拿薪水),并指望人们天天都忍辱负重
    He cares only about short-term results (which is what drives his compensation) and expects people to put up with abuse on a daily basis.

  • 几十年以来,有效市场假说一直象匹老马那样,忍辱负重的指导着投资行为。
    For several decades, the efficient market hypothesis has been a workhorse for enlightened investing.

  • 段会宗尽管上次受到了不白之冤,他却仍忍辱负重顾全大局,不计较个人恩怨。
    Despite the above cases will be the last time unredressed injustice, he still bear the overall situation, they do not care about personal grudges.

  • 中国有句古话“忍辱负重”,如果世界上的“恶”都被完全消灭,那么“善”何以存在?
    An ancient Chinese saying goes "enduring humiliation, " If the world of "evil" has been completely eliminated, then the "good" why?

  • 为了我们,先辈们忍辱负重,用血汗浇铸工厂;在荒芜的西部大地辛勤耕作,定居他乡;
    For us, they toiled in sweatshops and settled the West; endured the lash of the whip and plowed the hard earth.

  • 当我临危不惧抬起头时,我的目光是自信的:当我忍辱负重站起来时,我的站姿是自信的。
    Linweibuju when I looked up, my eyes are self-confident: When I bite the bullet to stand up, my stance is self-confident.

  • 舞动着的流水呀,沿途的泥沙,渴望你的歌声,你的流动呢。你愿忍辱负重,携他们而同下么?
    The sands in your way beg for your song and your movement, dancing water. Will you carry the burden of their lameness?

  • 为了我们,他们在工厂里出卖血汗,在西部安家立业;在皮鞭下忍辱负重,在贫瘠的土地上辛勤耕耘。
    For us, they toiled in sweatshops and settled the West; endured the lash of the whip and plowed the hard earth.

  • 我佩服他的大气和忍辱负重,因此,非常愿意站在其身后支持他,觉得能干出一番事业,闯出一片天。
    Such a great man can I learn so much and I am willing to back him to create a whole new sky.

  • 《红字》的女主人公海丝特•白兰善良美丽,性格开放,为人热情,心胸宽广,忍辱负重,聪明能干。
    Hester, the heroine in "the Scarlet Letter" is beautiful, open-minded, enthusiastic, generous, patient and capable.

  • 《红字》的女主人公海丝特。白兰善良美丽,性格开放,为人热情,心胸宽广,忍辱负重,聪明能干。
    Hester, the heroine in "the Scarlet Letter" is beautiful, open-minded, enthusiastic, generous, patient and capable.

  • 面对每天的生活,要作好准备,切忌一成不变:当你是铁站,便要忍辱负重----当你是铁锤,便要重锤出击。
    For all your days prepare, and meet them ever alike: when you are anvil, bear -- when you are the hammer, strike. ( Edwin Markham.

  • 面对每天的生活,要作好准备,切忌一成不变:当你是铁站,便要忍辱负重----当你是铁锤,便要重锤出击。
    For all your days prepare, and meet them ever alike: when you are anvil, bear -- when you are the hammer, strike.

  • 赖特还说:“他们忍辱负重20年,以为那这些罪行不会被清算。部分受害人性生活不和谐并且陷入精神崩溃状态。”
    They have had to live with this over 20 years thinking that these crimes would not be detected. Some of the women have had problems with their relationships and suffered breakdowns.

  • 此间舆论认为,在解决外高问题上,俄既不想一味强硬、也不会“忍辱负重”,而是采取强硬与和缓并举的灵活外交政策。
    Observers here believe in addressing the issue of high outside Russia do not want to just tough, and will not "bear with the situation, " but both tough and gentle and flexible foreign policy.

  • 人的生命也不只是在抗暴的人手起刀落恶官人头落地时才得到尊重,应该在很多被侮辱的人忍辱负重的时候就得到尊重啊!
    People's lives not only in the uprising of the staff officers from knife head off evil when landing to be respected, should be an insult to a lot of people bear to be respected when ah!

  • 敦煌工艺骆驼简介骆驼是古丝绸之路上主要的运输工具,其坚韧不拔、忍辱负重的吃苦精神和憨厚硕壮的形象深得人们喜爱。
    About Dunhuang process camel camel is an ancient Silk Road, the main means of transport, the perseverance, spirit and endure hardship bear the image of a simple and honestshuo zhuang highly popular.

  • 波王金以教波为名,将李堂痛殴一番,李堂忍辱负重,在球会中当做后生,以偷取波王踢球技术,期望能有超越波王金之日…
    Yet he presses on. Then King is bribed into throwing a game. He pretends to be injured and sends in inexperienced Lee Tong to make sure of the loss…

  • 上帝也会给我们恩典,虽是忍辱负重,任重道远,却不致绊跌。祂保守我们的脚步,使我在离了上帝就会滑跌的危险之处,仍然履险如夷。
    He can fit our foot for the crags so that we shall be at home where apart from God we should perish.

  • 她断言自己身处劣势但会终成王者:“那些被贫穷与不公困扰的人们,默默承受着不幸,承担支离破碎的贫苦、还要忍辱负重地支撑家庭生活。”
    In her speech, she asserted herself as the champion of the vulnerable: of "those cries of silent distress, those poor broken lives, those humiliated families, ravaged by poverty and inequity."

  • 出于恐惧,肮脏的经理纷纷以不道德的方式竭力降低牛奶场的成本,力保企业生存,全力保住自己的饭碗。在备受羞辱、降级、减薪或失业等恐怖环境威胁之下的雇员为避免遭罪而宁愿忍辱负重
    Because of fear, the managers in dirty acted unethically in an attempt to keep the dairy's cost down and to protect the survial of the business and their own jobs.

  • 忍辱负重造句相关
