
深宅大院  shēn zhái dà yuàn






  • 那不是深宅大院,只不过是个小农舍。
    It's not a very grand house, just a little cottage.

  • 那不是深宅大院, 只不过是个小农舍。
    It's not a very grand house, just a little cottage.

  • 今天在北京内城漫步,还能时时看见深宅大院
    Today in Beijing, walk through the city, but also from time to time to see Shenzhaidayuan.

  • 今天在北京内城漫步,还能时时看见深宅大院
    Inside Beijing the city strolls today, still can see constantly deep curtilage courtyard.

  • 在哪几百间富丽堂皇的深宅大院,占据了大片肥沃的土地。
    In which several hundred magnificent shen bai da yuan and occupied large areas of fertile land.

  • 仰望城墙里面,只见依山就势的古建筑重重叠叠,俨然是一座深宅大院
    When we reached the foot of a high yellowish wall, suddenly we saw a solemn mansion of grand construction snuggled in the embrace of the mountain.

  • 仰望城墙里面,只见依山就势的古建筑重重叠叠,俨然是一座深宅大院
    When we reached the foot of a tall yellowish wall, suddenly in view was a solemn mansion of hierarchical structure snuggled up to the embrace of the mountain.

  • 街两侧深宅大院,鳞次栉比,楼台亭阁,相映成辉,雕梁画栋,蔚为壮观。
    Street on both sides ofshen zhai da yuan , row upon row, Rendezvous Pavilion, matched Cheng Hui, diao liang hua dong , magnificent.

  • 名声在外的日子有限,叶落终是要归根,深宅大院呼应的是老去后静穆的心怀。
    As the days they were famous are limited, they finally had to retreat to their old mansion with a tranquil mood.

  • 假如你看到深宅大院的门口耸立着石狮,你马上就可以判定大院的主人是不低于五品的官员;
    If you see deep curtilage the doorway of courtyard is towering aloft stone lion, you can decide immediately the host of courtyard is not under 5 tasted officials;

  • 在我居住的地方,有钱人修起了像欧式一样的别墅,住在深宅大院里,而工薪阶层的我们只有住有居民楼里。
    Around I resident area, I could see rich man live in European style villa while wage-earner only could live in residential buildings like me.

  • 此前,张艺谋曾经在他1991年的杰作《大红灯笼高高挂》里探究过20世纪初深宅大院里男女之间的明争暗斗。
    Previously, Zhang Yimou explored the gender politics of a powerful household in his masterful Raise the Red lantern(1991) set in the early 20th century.

  • 一条花架走廊贯通用地,将所有主要建筑用房与马路隔开形成第四道屏障,最大限度地保障了业主生活的私密性与“深宅大院”的特质。
    A flower racks corridor through land use and construction of all main roads separated into four Road barriers, maximum protection for the confidentiality of the owners live with the "big" character.

  • 镇内有着密集的水网和码头,民居邻河而建、傍桥而市;石栏拱桥、过街券门、深宅大院、河埠廊坊保存完好,一派原生态江南水乡的怡然风情。
    Within the town, with a dense network of rivers and wharves, people build their houses along the river and establish markets close to bridges.

  • 元明中篇传奇小说将空间背景设置在民宅大院中,通过打破传统民居的空间秩序展示反礼教的主题,利用深宅大院中合法的空间位移描写男女恋情。
    Yuan and Ming legend novels establish the space background in big courtyards of private houses. The social moral topic is demonstrated by breaking down the traditional space for traditional residents.

  • 那便是我刚开始对我家庭的环境有所知觉时,世界所处的状态。每次回想,感受无不相同:一座深宅大院,孤独里充溢着悲哀,忧伤和无常的情绪。
    That was the state of the world when I began to be aware of my family environment, and I cannot evoke it in any other way:sorrows, griefs, uncertainties in the solitude of an immense house.

  • 前日我们聊起董桥先生的《沉香记》,老罗一脸苦兮兮地抱怨沉香料子太贵,要是说上好的东西她也只是摸过别家老大拿出来玩的木片子——因为原料稀缺而且生长不易,如今的好木都是深宅大院里面的美人,隔着深深庭院,我们就不用惦记了。
    I just want to ask one simple question - Dear Sir, what do you want to build through these comments which may never reach the people you talk about in your well paid articles?But I will listen anyway.

  • 深宅大院造句相关
