
深入浅出  shēn rù qiǎn chū







  • 她把这一理论讲得深入浅出
    What she said was a useful simplification of the theory.

  • 深入浅出的讲解,带给大家的是无尽的回味。
    To explain in simple terms, is to leave you with endless aftertaste.

  • 符先生这本书以深入浅出的方式,把这四点都做到了。
    Fu had realized all these four with a unique writing skill that explains the profound things in a simple way.

  • 该书甚好,如能深入浅出、自成一格,就更令人不释。
    The Economist is a very good book, but I would like it better if it were plainly and self-reliably stated.

  • 本文对经典式探头和三端式探头做了深入浅出的论述。
    The classical sensor and three terminal sensors are briefly described in this paper.

  • 好的说书人是能够以深入浅出的方式,打动听众的心灵。
    The good story-teller tells his story in a way that is simple but can touch the heart of the audience.

  • 内容深入浅出,寓教于乐,代表剧目有《五鬼拿刘氏》。
    A simple and entertaining, on behalf of repertoire of "Goki take Liu."

  • 但“这位教授”深入浅出的讲解使他获得了必要的科学知识。
    "The Prof's" lucid explanations of science give him the essential facts he needs.

  • 他从远古时代开始讲述缅甸历史,行文深入浅出,引人入胜。
    He tells the history of Myanmar from ancient times in an accessible and engaging way.

  • 《读者文摘》这本杂志是以能深入浅出地为成百万读者讲解而著名的。
    The magazine, Reader 's Digest is famous for making complicated subjects understandable to millions of readers.

  • 这些开示深入浅出,很实在地指导信众如何把佛法融合到现实生活中。
    These discourses go deep and depart from the shallow, and very practically direct the masses of believers how to meld Buddhadharma together with their actual lives.

  • MFC深入浅出,对初学MFC的程序员很有帮助,希望大家多多下载。
    MFC easy for novice programmers MFC helpful and hope that a lot of downloads.

  • 一篇很好的文章,深入浅出地分析了中国的食品安全问题的现状及根源。
    A good article. It analyses the present situation and sources of food safety problems in China simply and accessibly.

  • 经过这种练习与训练,累积足够的经验,以深入浅出的方式来解释和说明。
    Through this kind of practicing and training, researchers can accumulate enough experiences, explain and illustrate the theses in simple terms.

  • 深入浅出地阐述了岩土强度与变形关系,并对一些令人困惑的问题进行了讨论和作出可能的解释。
    The relation between strength and deformation of rock and soil is explained in simple terms. Some puzzling questions are discussed and possible explanations are given.

  • 针对实验室建设中的多样性和开放性,结合教学及科学研究等相关内容,进行了深入浅出的探讨。
    Aiming at the multiform and open features of laboratory construction, and according to the correlate contents of teaching and scientific research, We explained the profound things in a simple way.

  • 为了让读者深入了解“知识经济”的含义,作者以问答形式,深入浅出的解释这个新概念及其重要性。
    Using a simple question-and-answer format, the writer explains this new concept and its importance in future economic develomenmt.

  • 为了让读者深入了解“知识经济”的含义,作者以问答形式,深入浅出的解释这个新概念及其重要性。
    Using a simple question-and-answer format , the writer explains this new concept and its importance in future economic development.

  • 该C语言教程分为十三章节,深入浅出,详尽全面的介绍了C语言每部分内容,对初学者绝对值得一看!
    The C language tutorial is divided into thirteen chapters, in simple terms, a detailed comprehensive introduction of the C language for each part of the contents of absolute beginners to see!

  • 金岩石博士深入浅出、铿锵有力、诙谐幽默的讲课风格,受到现场听众的热烈欢迎,掌声与笑声一直不断。
    Jin Yanshi easy, articulated so forcefully, the lecture style of witty humor, the audience were at the scene of a warm welcome, applause and laughter has been.

  • 莫天全结合搜房和行业发展中的具体情况,深入浅出地讲解了微观经济学、宏观经济学中的核心理论问题。
    Mok from the Housing and academia in the development of specific industries, to learn more about the micro-economics, macroeconomics, the core theory.

  • 我每天都要收看电视的新闻评述,尤其是需要留心解说员用图示法对纷繁复杂的问题,所做的深入浅出的剖析。
    I watch TV every day comment on the news, in particular, need to listen carefully to use the guide icon on the complicated issue made into in-depth analysis.

  • 马力特色英语资深讲师,授课深入浅出,能准确把握学生心理特点,因材施教,在语音和语法教法上有独到见解。
    An professional teacher for Horse Power Typicall English , who can get hold of the key points, grasp the students' s mind, choose the correct teaching methods to the different students.

  • 从知识技能层面和能力素养层面两个层面,以及时代性、实践性、综合性三个特性,对信息技术课做了深入浅出的探讨。
    It has been researched in knowledge skill and ability literacy at different levels, so do with features of timelines, practice and synthetic.

  • 该电子书籍虽然是VC++5。0但是里面内容详细,介绍的深入浅出,包含大量程序开发中遇到的问题和一些技巧。适合入门。
    the electronic books is a VC 5. 0 but there's detailed on the simple, Programming includes a large number of the problems encountered and some skills. Suitable for induction.

  • 学生敬重你,是希望能从你这里学到更多知识,所以我们应该耐心地循循善诱,深入浅出的把自己所有的相关知识都教于学生掌握。
    Students respect you, hope you can learn more knowledge here, so we should be patient and guidance, in simple terms the relevance of their knowledge of all the students to teach.

  • 讲座从不同网站形形色色的搜索引擎开始,到搜索引擎的各行业实际用途,到搜索技术和信息采集等概念和技术实现,深入浅出,生动形象。
    From all kinds of search engines to their practice use, than to search technology and information collection, Doctor Yu gave us a vivid description.

  • 本文从中国画的“造型”特点、历代大师成功的先例、经验及初学者认识“形”的重要性等方面加以论述,深入浅出地阐明了所要表达的观点。
    The modeling features of chinese painting, the understanding of masters of past ages about "form", and the necessity of understanding "form" on the part of beginners.

  • 本书针对有这方面问题的学习者,以深入浅出的方式,把英语惯用法范畴与英文文法中的一些重点、难点、疑点以及容易混淆的问题进行归纳整理。
    This user-friendly book was written especially for them. The emphasis here is on practical use of written and spoken American-style English, rather than on theory.

  • 然而,经对大量的英语语言事实进行观察和研究后,文章认为这类结构是有规律可循的,并从句法和语义的角度分析了这类结构的内部机制,深入浅出地阐述了这类结构的有关特性。
    Nevertheless, after observing and studying lots of English linguistic facts, this article holds that there are some rules for these structures, and has analyzed them from their syntactic a.

  • 深入浅出造句相关
