
深仇大恨  shēn chóu dà hèn








  • 她对法西斯主义怀有深仇大恨
    She has a profound hatred of fascism.

  • 他们共有一副调戏而非所谓深仇大恨的批判表情。
    all three wear a one critical expression in a tone of kidding rather than profound hatred.

  • 他一副深仇大恨的样子,好象谁都欠了他的钱似的。
    It seems that he suffers bitterly and nurses deep hatred, believing everybody owes him.

  • 正是这种深仇大恨使他们干出了这样丧心病狂的破坏。
    And the depth of their hatred is equaled by the madness of the destruction they design.

  • “他心里是一定有什么深仇大恨。”萨姆森中士评论曰。
    "There must have been some hate in his heart, " Sampson commented.

  • 其实面对那些所谓的“深仇大恨”我们到底需要复仇吗?
    In fact, the face of so-called "hatred" We need to revenge in the end do?

  • 人们没有从具体的实例得知国际体育比赛导致了深仇大恨
    One didn't know from concrete examples that international sporting contests lead to orgies of hatred.

  • 但丁:你是第一个了然我的深仇大恨的人,看来我更濒临了(我的仇敌)。
    trish:it seems that way. but i'm not your enemy. my name is trish.

  • 它们也许还能解答Stan的复仇女神为什么对他有这样的深仇大恨的谜题。
    They may also solve the puzzle of Stan's nemesis' terrifying vendetta against him.

  • 岂料这时有一和历任港督都有深仇大恨的家族,想趁最后机会派人行刺港督。
    What be does not expect is that a large family is sending someone to assassin the last Hong Kong governor, seizing this last chance.

  • 他的发现是不可思议的:一个历史悠久,和天主教有着深仇大恨的地下组织——“光照派”。
    What he discovers is unimaginable: a deadly vendetta against the Catholic Church by a centuries-old underground organization ? the Illuminati.

  • 由于在一定的程度上解除了英国天主教和新教徒之间的深仇大恨,她成功地保持了民族的统一。
    Relieving the deep hatred between Catholicism and Protestantism to some extent, she maintained the national solidification successfully.

  • 有人会问:「为什麽反对﹖」犹太人和那些外邦人,长久以来便是互相为敌,所以双方充满深仇大恨
    One might ask, "Why the opposition?" The Jews and these heathen people had been enemies for a long time, and there was much animosity between them.

  • 梅尼特医生被侯爵兄弟害得家破人亡,对侯爵兄弟怀有深仇大恨,但是为了女儿的爱,可以摒弃宿仇旧恨;
    The plum 尼 especially the doctor is harm by the marquis brothers family ruined, have great enmity to the marquis brothers, but for the sake of the daughter's love, can abandon the 宿 enemy old hate;

  • 韦小宝怕天地会的人要杀他,就胡乱编个鳌拜杀他全家和朋友的故事,让他们以为大家是一路的,与鳌拜有着深仇大恨
    Afraid that members of the Heaven &Earth Society will kill him, Wei Xiaobao makes up a story that Aobai killed his entire family and friends.

  • 高瞻远瞩的领袖是有可能赢得民心,从而说服他们把过去遗留下来的深仇大恨给抛开,并接受要把未来变得更加美好的承诺。
    It is possible for visionary leaders to win the hearts and minds of their peoples to persuade them to discard the bitter legacy of the past and to embrace the promise of a better future.

  • 守卫们虽然想尽办法去阻止——也有传言说他们就像与这家也有深仇大恨似的,根本没用心——但是却被暴乱的群众抓起来处死。
    The guards tried - some say halfheartedly, as they too have their family blood and old grievances - to stop the riot, but they were killed and strung-up by the mob.

  • 即使人们没有从具体的事例(例如1936年奥林匹克运动会)得知国际体育比赛会导致深仇大恨。也能从常理中推断出这一点来。
    Even if one didn't know from the concrete examples (the 1936 Olympic Games. for instance)that international sporting contests lead to orgies of hatred. one could deduce it from general principles.

  • 即使人们没有从具体的事例(例如1936年奥林匹克运动会)得知国际体育比赛会导致深仇大恨,也能从常理中推断出这一点来。
    Even if one didn't know from the concrete examples (the 1936 Olympic Games, for instance)that international sporting contests lead to orgies of hatred, one could deduce it from general principles.

  • 即使人们没有从具体的事例(例如1936年奥林匹克运动会)得知国际体育比赛会导致深仇大恨,也能从常理中推断出这一点来。
    Even if one didn't know from the concrete examples(the1936Olympic Games, for instance)that international sporting contests lead to orgies of hatred, one could deduce it from general principles.

  • 不饶恕1。他还对我怀着深仇大恨2。你的道歉不管用。3。你要我说什么才行呢?4。我还能说什么呢?5。你少给我添加罪恶感。
    Not To Forgive 1. He still holds a big grudge against me. 2. Your apology doesn't help. 3. What else do you want me to say? 4. What else can I say? 5. Don't give me the guilt trip.

  • 惩罚的日子临近,报应的时候来到,以色列必定知道,因着你们众多的罪孽和深仇大恨,先知被看为愚昧,受灵感动的人被当作疯子。
    The days of visitation are come, the days of recompense are come; Israel shall know it: the prophet is a fool, the spiritual man is mad, for the multitude of thine iniquity, and the great hatred.

  • 朱巴拉特本人很快就要到达大马士革,与此同时,另一位带着个人深仇大恨的黎巴嫩总理,接替已故父亲哈里里职位的阿萨德哈里里也要到来。
    Mr Jumblatt himself is expected in Damascus soon, as is another Lebanese leader with a personal animus, Saad Hariri, now filling his slain father's shoes as Lebanon's prime minister.

  • 不饶恕 1。他还对我怀着深仇大恨2。你的道歉不管用。 3。你要我说什么才行呢? 4。我还能说什么呢? 5。你少给我添加罪恶感。
    He still holds a big grudge against me. 2. Your apology doesn't help. 3. What else do you want me to say? 4. What else can I say? 5. Don't give me the guilt trip.

  • 深仇大恨造句相关
