
浮想联翩  fú xiǎng lián piān







  • 读了这篇文章后, 我浮想联翩, 夜不能寐。
    When I read this article, thoughts thronged my mind and I couldn't sleep.

  • 春月抬头看看天空,浮想联翩
    Tilting her head skywards Spring Moon dreamed.

  • 当我们去买振动器时,让旁人浮想联翩
    When we buy a vibrator it is glamorous.

  • 此情此景,我想,大家一定会浮想联翩的。
    I believe everyone must think far at this scenery.

  • 我对那份美差浮想联翩,期望值也开始上升。
    I got to thinking a good deal about that situation. My hopes began to rise high.

  • 发生在我们身边的故事,总是让我们浮想联翩
    Took place in the story of us, let us always to the imagination.

  • 当外国游客看到中国的长城,禁不住浮想联翩
    When the foreign visitors see the Great Wall in China, they can not but think.

  • 到处是单调的现实,没有什么可使人浮想联翩
    There is nothing to awaken fancy in that land of dull realities.

  • 我们认为,如果看见长城,我们会禁不住浮想联翩的。
    We think we can't help thinking if we see the Great Wall.

  • 看着蓝色的大海,我的思绪浮想联翩,内心充满希望。
    Looked at the blue sea, my thoughts to the imagination, hearts full of hope.

  • 曲子旋律动人,于不经意处高起数个音节,让听众浮想联翩
    Song melody moving in a number of high-syllable immediately Department for listeners thoughts.

  • 有的人在异性的裸体艺术照前浮想联翩,产生白日梦的幻觉。
    Some people in the arts as the opposite sex naked before the imagination, the illusion of a daydreaming.

  • 看着火红的贺岁版页面,对即将开放的贺岁版,不禁浮想联翩
    He Suiban watched the fiery red of the page, is about to open Hesui Ban can not help but imagination.

  • 如果你上床以后仍然浮想联翩,你要设法搁置不想事几分钟使自己放松下来。
    If your mind is sometimes still racing once you get into bed, you might want to set aside a few minutes to wind down.

  • 那美丽的早晨,一切是那么清新,那么自然;那阳光下的背影,让人浮想联翩
    The beautiful morning, everythings are clear, are nature; a view of his back under the sunshine, make person think as much as.

  • 我激动,因为这件事使我浮想联翩,像读了一个色情故事,看了一场色情电影。
    I was excited because the story let me be thoughts thronging my mind, and I like had read a sexual story or watched a blue movie.

  • 有大胆顾盼的,有侧目偷窥的,还有蓦然回首、嫣然一笑的,真令人浮想联翩
    Some bold stare, there are peeping eyebrows, and also when I look back, smiling, and really is imagination.

  • 细细品味,琳琅满目的峰峦不由人浮想联翩,使人在漫游中获得高品位的美学享受。
    Thin savors thin, the dazzling peaks and ridges by the human recollections in close succession, do not cause the human to obtain the high grade in roaming esthetics to enjoy.

  • 他认定入睡不能强求,到时候就会睡着,于是精神放松,清醒地躺着,任思绪浮想联翩
    Deciding that sleep would come when it was ready, he lay relaxed and wakeful , letting his mind roam.

  • 游廊是观赏滏阳河景区和新市区全貌的最佳位置,远近风景历历在目,浮想联翩荡气回肠。
    Fuyang scenic view Veranda is a new urban landscape and the best location, near and far vivid scenery, dang qi hui chang imagination.

  • 由于该板块向来是基金扎堆,基金在尾盘跳水中扮演何种角色这个问题让很多人浮想联翩
    Because the plates are always扎堆fund, the fund trading at diving in the role of this problem so that a lot of people to the imagination.

  • 山上林木妙生,有“姊妹连根”、“兄弟相伴”、“夫妻并蒂”、“母子相依”等,令人浮想联翩
    Miao-sheng mountain forests, the "root and sisters", "accompanied by brothers, " "bing di husband and wife", "dependent child" and so on, it is imagination.

  • 就像读一本书,看一部影片,你能谙熟故事的来龙去脉,描绘出场景,人物,音乐会让你浮想联翩
    It's like reading a book verses watching a movie. Your imagination paints the scene and characters, thus allowing the music to take you on a journey.

  • 一首好诗让人浮想联翩读起来寓意深远,又能与读者产生共鸣,在字里行间都蕴含着无限智慧与学问。
    Appeals to the imagination a far-reaching meaning to read, but also resonate with our readers, in between the lines all contain infinite wisdom and knowledge.

  • 我很喜欢大海,喜欢大海的颜色,蓝色代表着深沉。看着蓝色的大海,我的思绪浮想联翩,内心充满希望。
    I like the sea, like the color of the sea, represents the deep blue. Looked at the blue sea, my thoughts to the imagination, hearts full of hope.

  • 前几天认识了一个来自奥地利萨尔兹堡的朋友,啊,奥地利,我最喜欢的国家,一想到那里就让我浮想联翩
    Days ago, a newly-made friend from Austria, my fave country, it takes me into the dreams each time think about it, Austria.

  • 他们向第一组的成员展示了一组相反性别的长得很漂亮或很帅的人们的照片,从而希望使志愿者们变得浮想联翩
    Those in one were put into what the researchers hoped would be a "romantic mindset" by being shown pictures of attractive members of the opposite sex.

  • 即使各楼盘的销售人员反复强调价格的变动与降价无关,但是多少有点让人浮想联翩了,居高不下的北京房价真的要降?
    Even if the property sales personnel repeatedly emphasized price and the change in the price of unrelated, but somewhat kinds of people, the Beijing high prices really drop?

  • 两个数字216和50都是跟共济会相关的,它人浮想联翩。这些告诉我,这是个共济会/光明会设定好的日期和策划好的谋杀吗?
    Both numbers 216 and 50 are relevant numbers in Freemasonry it would be too much for me to go into.

  • 于是她喘着气,开始浮想联翩,听凭他把她带到他生活的地方去,而他生活在奇怪的、 鬼魂出没的 地方,远在达尔文的物种起源之前的地方。
    He once talked about the "merciless wail" of time in his head, and Francesca Johnson characterized him as living "in strange, haunted places, far back along the stems of Darwin's logic.

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