
活龙活现  huó lóng huó xiàn








  • 在他的导演下,这出戏演得活龙活现
    The play came to life under his direction.

  • 真有趣,最难得是每一张脸看起来都是活龙活现的,眼睛是那么的传神。
    It must be very funny, when Tiantian saw his own face, with one eye covered by mask, in the mirror.

  • 单檐歇山顶上布灰筒板瓦,正脊两端各安一条龙吻,二龙怒目卷尾,张口吞脊,活龙活现
    Dan Yan Xie Shanding on gray cloth tube Banwa, Zheng Ji-an-stop at both ends of the kiss, the second volume angry dragon tail, mouth opening swallow Ridge, Long Live features.

  • 那些机灵的男子,也不过对街外观众活龙活现,表现一流,回到家,还不是看报喝啤酒打瞌睡。
    Those seemed attractive guys, are just showing off to people outside. But when they get home, they still just read newspaper, drink beer and sleep.

  • 老妇人点点头,嘴里喃喃地说话,意思是如今卢克这么一提,她把这些个情况活龙活现地记起来了。
    The old woman nodded, and muttered something, to the effect that she remembered all these circumstances most vividly, now that Luke happened to mention them.

  • 我的亲戚个个都能讲故事。普通人的平凡小事、小冲突和倒霉事,都能被他们讲得活龙活现,引起笑声不断。
    All my kinfolks could tell a story, making simple events, encounters, and mishaps involving ordinary people come alive with drama and laughter.

  • 他在电影“人吓人”(1983)中饰演的老弱道士,其活龙活现的演出,使别人对其演戏天分开始也刮目相看
    He also underlined his acting talent by convincingly playing a frail, elderly Taoist priest in The Dead And The Deadly (1983).

  • 寺内有一个六角井池系龙池,由墙后一龙口吐出泉水,流入池内,梁上五条彩龙抓有一人头,倒映池中如活龙活现
    Temple has a hexagonal wells Department of Longchi pool by a wall after springs spit Longkou, into the pool, five beam with a grasp of the dragon head, as reflected in the pool features live long.

  • 在龙舟竞赛的前几天,人们把龙头和龙尾巴按装上,数天后,龙的眼睛就被点上黑色(表示开眼、睡醒)这意味着给龙带来了生命--活龙活现
    Several days before the race, a dragon's head and tail are added. A few days later, the dragon's eyes are painted on. This represents bringing the dragon to life.

  • 与菲利普•罗斯1969年出版小说《波特诺的怨诉》相类似,《故园》与其说是故事小说,倒不如说是一种没有扣人心弦的行为相随的内心独白——活龙活现、按捺不住和性欲反常的内心独白。
    Like "Portnoy's Complaint", Philip Roth's 1969 novel, "Home Land" was less a story than a voice, vital, irrepressible and sexually perverted, just without the exploits.

  • 活龙活现造句相关
