
洞若观火  dòng ruò guān huǒ








  • 现在我们对它的危险性已洞若观火
    Now, we clearly see the danger.

  • 在此情境下,交易所有限的稽查人员无法洞若观火
    In this context, the Stock Exchange of inspectors can not be limited Digging a hole for ourselves.

  • 他们遇事习惯深思熟虑,对周围一切变化洞若观火
    Their thoughtful and deliberate manner gives them great situational awareness.

  • 尽管当局对汉城未来安全系数的担心讳莫如深,但事实上这一点早已洞若观火
    Although the authorities in Seoul on the future of the safety factor of a closely-guarded secret worry, but in fact it has long been Digging a hole for ourselves.

  • 她们偏偏火眼金睛,洞若观火,男人的种种瑕疵劣迹,全都逃不过她们的法眼。
    They unluckily piercing eye, see clearly, a variety of flaw evil doing of the man, all does not escape to pass their law key point.

  • 本·普莱斯对基米的恶习洞若观火。当他在窥伺春田案件时就把握了全部这所有。
    Ben Price knew Jimmy's habits. He had learned them while investigating the Springfield case.

  • 黑鹰的窝里总是爆发战争。福布斯说:“父母在一边洞若观火,等着稍大的幼崽干掉它们的弟妹们。”
    Black eagle nest mates have violent battles, Forbes said, "and the parents just stand by as the oldest sibling murders the youngest."

  • 男人在经济支出的时候,一定会权衡利弊,执意坚守其半壁江山,做到精打细算颗粒归仓洞若观火绝无闪失。
    Well, men would like to weigh the advantages and disadvantages at the moment of expenditure since they insist on holding their achievements for avoiding any mishap.

  • 书中也没有提及奥巴马的竞选之道,但读完全书,我却空前豁然开朗,对奥巴马个人品牌一飞冲天的原因洞若观火
    The book also did not mention Obama's campaign, but read the whole book, I suddenly have an unprecedented, Obama has been soaring brand of personal reasons Digging a hole for ourselves.

  • 洞若观火造句相关
