
沾亲带故  zhān qīn dài gù








  • 一位沾亲带故的妙龄少女,飘然而至,来拜访我。
    The rosebud of a have ties of kinship or friendship, wave to come however, will visit me.

  • 显赫的家族之间相互通婚;因此上层社会的人差不多都是沾亲带故
    Leading families intermarry; practically everyone in the top flight is thus related.

  • 显赫的家族之间相互通婚;因此上层社会的人差不多都是沾亲带故
    The present Queen is related, directly or by marriage, to most of the other royal families of Europe.

  • 但是人与人之间,即使丝毫不沾亲带故,也会因经济因素而相互合作。
    But human cooperation also works among non-relatives, mediated by economic rather than genetic ties.

  • 那天,我去昆明西山看一位朋友,他与我的朋友沾亲带故,正好也在座。
    That day, I go to Kunming the west hill sees a friend, he and my friend have ties of kinship or friendship, as it happens also is present.

  • 江阴有个常隆客车厂,它的一把手既不是我的外甥,也不是与我有任何沾亲带故的亲戚。
    Jiang Yin has a plant of constant grand car, both neither of its a party to an undertaking is my nephew, also not be the relative that has any have ties of kinship or friendship with me.

  • 从他们一生的经历中,农民群众深知,你要是在区公所里没有沾亲带故的人,去告状也是白搭。
    For all his life the peasant had seen that there was no chance to settle any of his grievances unless he had a relative in the chu government.

  • 参加该培训班的学员都是双星的经营者、治理者中有血缘关系的,凡是不沾亲带故的一概谢绝参加。
    Attend this to groom there is kin in the operator that the student of the class is double star, controller, always not the entirely of have ties of kinship or friendship declines attend.

  • 在这个沾亲带故的小世界里,乐趣当然是要有的:可口的饮食,温柔的微笑,茂盛的果树,还有那翩翩跹跹的几曲圆舞。
    Therefore it is necessary… to take pleasures in the little world: good food, gentle smiles, fruit trees in bloom, and waltzes.

  • 在这个沾亲带故的小世界里,乐趣当然是要有的:可口的饮食,温柔的微笑,茂盛的果树,还有那翩翩跹跹的几曲圆舞。
    Therefore it is necessary…to take pleasures in the little world:good food, gentle smiles, fruit trees in bloom, and waltzes.

  • 中国也一样,但莎美女要是把水倒进了不该倒的地方,就算你跟她沾亲带故的,就算你是董事长你也不会给她赔,这可是涉及一企业的名誉问题!!
    If it were bought in Australia, you could take it back to where you bought it from, you would get a replacement for free as it is still within warranty period.

  • 美国研究人员日前称,美国总统竞选人巴拉克•奥巴马不仅是现任总统乔治•W•布什的远亲,而且与“二战”时期的英国首相温斯顿•丘吉尔还沾亲带故
    US presidential hopeful Barack Obama turns out to be a distant relative not only of President George W. Bush but also of wartime British prime minister Winston Churchill, according to US researchers.

  • 美国研究人员日前称,美国总统竞选人巴拉克-奥巴马不仅是现任总统乔治-W-布什的远亲,而且与“二战”时期的英国首相温斯顿?丘吉尔还沾亲带故
    US presidential hopeful Barack Obama turns out to be a distant relative not only of President George W. Bush but also of wartime British prime minister Winston Churchill, according to US researchers.

  • 美国研究人员日前称,美国总统竞选人巴拉克•奥巴马不仅是现任总统乔治•W•布什的远亲,而且与“二战”时期的英国首相温斯顿•丘吉尔还沾亲带故
    US presidential hopeful Barack Obama turns out to be a not only of President George W. Bush but also of wartime British prime minister Winston Churchill, according to US researchers.

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