
水深火热  shuǐ shēn huǒ rè








  • 他们生活在水深火热之中。
    Their lives were filled with untold suffering.; They lived in an abyss of misery.

  • 那时的中国人民生活在水深火热之中。
    In at that time Chinese people lived in abyss of suffering .

  • 有时,他的传球陷队友于水深火热之中。
    Sometimes, his passes put teammates playing in the deep water.

  • 的确,阿纳金的感情经常使之陷入水深火热
    Indeed, Anakin's emotions often landed him in hot water.

  • 没有你的支持,我无法度过那段水深火热的日子。
    Without your support, I would never have been able to bear those days of suffering.

  • 又是打仗又闹饥荒,平民百姓处于水深火热之中。
    What with war and what with famine, the populace at large were caught between two fires.

  • 水深火热中。
    In deep water.

  • 我爸爸成天酗酒,这使我妈妈生活在水深火热之中!
    My father drinking problem put my mom through hell !

  • 查尔斯和卡蜜拉相恋一直处于水深火热中长达三十多年。
    Charles and Camille have love for each in deep water for more than three decades.

  • 中国现正处于水深火热之中,而且我们是一个发展中国家。
    China is among in deep water and it's a development country.

  • 罗马处于水深火热之中。,孩子。问题不在开始这一切的人。
    Rome is burning, son, and the problem is not with the people that started this.

  • 与此同时,在未来一年中,华尔街人士将继续处于水深火热之中。
    In the meantime, over the next year, the people of Wall Street will continue to suffer.

  • 在集中营的那些难民怎样了?-他们处于水深火热当中,且天天受到压迫。
    How were those refugees in the concentration camp? B: They were really in deep water and oppressed every day.

  • 这些投资银行家看不起眼的零钱却能让上百万水深火热中的美国人喘一口气。
    What seems like chump change for an investment banker can make all the difference for millions of other Americans struggling to stay afloat.

  • 他说,成千上万的已经生活在水深火热中的人目前处于危险之中,急切需要帮助。
    He says hundreds of thousands of people who have already suffered far too much are in danger and in desperate need of help.

  • 虽然绝少犯错,但是上述企业及事务所仍因近期的金融危机而身处水深火热之中。
    These entities are among those likely to suffer significantly from the current financial crisis yet they are among the least at fault.

  • 于文字,在残酷的现实面前,我总感觉到它的苍白无力,而无法救我于水深火热之中。
    In language, in the face of harsh reality, I feel it's pale and weak, and unable to help me in misery.

  • 的确,萨尔科奇试图通过其“法国正处在水深火热的”演讲来表达其开放改革的政见。
    Indeed, Mr Sarkozy is seeking to temper his liberal message with speeches about "the France that suffers".

  • 我不在意你是谁或是你如何来到这的,我想知道你是否愿意和我一起站在水深火热中且不后退。
    It doesn't interest me who you are, how you came to be here. I want to know if you will stand in the center of the fire with me and not shrink back.

  • 传说,后羿在老百姓水深火热的情况下一口气射下九个太阳,然后娶了一个美丽的妻子——嫦娥。
    Legend, Hou Yi people in dire straits in the case of a break shot down nine of the sun, and then married a beautiful wife - Chang.

  • 瓦伦西亚处于财政危机水深火热之中,这个夏季俱乐部暗示席尔瓦和西班牙前锋比利亚正在寻找买家。
    Los Che are struggling for finances and it is suggested Silva and his Spanish compatriot David Villa are set for exits this summer.

  • 而澳大利亚市场是不是在这样的水深火热之中,信贷紧缩是造成问题,为当地财产和抵押贷款的资金。
    While the Australian market is not in such dire straits, the credit squeeze is causing problems for local property and mortgage funds.

  • 不管怎么说,学英语对于中国人来说是一件很重要的事情,但他们中的很多人至今仍处于水深火热之中。
    Anyway, learning English is really a big deal for the Chinese people and many of them are still in the deep water.

  • 不过太过想迁就很多人让他们陷入水深火热的情况,让别人认为他们是一时这样,一时又那样,讲一套做一套的人。
    But their desire to help everyone will get them into hot water. This make people think that they are inconsistent and downright duplicitous.

  • 在伊拉克,美伊两方面的警卫力量目前已控制巴格达大约一半的区域,但这个首都城市仍处于水深火热(不够准确。)
    In Iraq, American and Iraqi security forces now control about half of Baghdad but the capital is no less deadly.

  • 他们只会看到非洲的领导人们是怎样使他们的子民处于水深火热的,并没有看到这些非洲人是怎么样努力工作来改善生活的。
    While they may appreciate that some African leaders have made the lives of their peoples so much worse, they're rarely told how so many African people are working to make lives better.

  • 在18世纪末期,美国的加州仍然是属于西班牙的领土,加州地区的居民们深受西班牙军队的欺压,大家都生活在水深火热之中。
    In the late 18th Century, California, the United States still belongs to Spain's territory, California residents have been Spain's military oppression, we all live in misery.

  • 经历此事,加之对使用安全套抗击艾滋病的看法,梵蒂冈现在声誉有危:冷眼看着最无助的人们处在水深火热——他们正是教会应全力保护的。
    In this and in its views on condom use to combat the spread of AIDS, the Vatican risks seeming callous to the plight of the weakest, surely those whom the church should strive hardest to protect.

  • 她很火辣吗…这样问我是想问是她将“一个国家推向战争的水深火热之中”吗? 不幸的是,历史上关于这个女人的长相只有一个公正的记录。
    Was she hot…and by that, I mean was she "sending a country to war hot"?Unfortunately, there is just unbiased record of what this woman looked like.

  • “美国的群众深知我们正处于水深火热之中,要做的除了自救还是自救,但他们万万没想到情况会越变越糟糕,篓子会越捅越大。”奥巴马如是说。
    "The American people understand that we have got a big hole we have got to dig ourselves out of but they don't like the idea that people are digging a bigger hole, " said Obama.

  • 水深火热造句相关
