
欲盖弥彰  yù gài mí zhāng








  • 欲盖弥彰显然不是最佳选择。
    Of course, covering up was not an option.

  • 这种自卑情结让矮个子男人过分激进,欲盖弥彰
    That's an inferiority complex where short men overcompensate by being aggressive.

  • 这种欲盖弥彰的做法,日本人早就运用到极致了。
    The practice of this kind of the more what one tries to hide, japanese is early apply acme.

  • 你要是想用遮盖布掩盖你的罪行,那只能是欲盖弥彰
    If you try to cover up your misdeed with a fig leaf, you will only make it more conspicuous.

  • 平静的旋律似在娓娓讲诉着一个古老的故事,无奈的叹息欲盖弥彰
    Calm notes seemed to tell an old story slowly, but had exposed a grief of sigh unconsciously.

  • 现在的每一天,对真理的欲盖弥彰和让公众无知的运动使得新闻记者羞愧不已。
    Every day now, the suppression of truth and the organizing of public ignorance shame journalism.

  • 克里斯腾森的电影作品包括《生命如屋》,《欲盖弥彰》以及《克隆人的进攻》。
    Christensen's film credits include "Life As a House, " "Shattered Glass" and "Attack of the Clones.

  • 我的成绩在班上几乎垫底,经常为自己的胆怯找借口,但这样做无疑是欲盖弥彰
    I was always near the bottom of my class, and alwaysnjaking excuses that but added to my timidity ;

  • 抢盗之后,他们又用三天三夜的大火来掩盖他们的滔天罪行,欲盖弥彰,举世震天。
    Pirates steal, they also spent three days and three nights of fire to cover up their heinous crimes, motivated around the world.

  • 当一切的行动都带上了成功的欲望,而这个欲望成为了欲盖弥彰的演示,成功的目的。
    When all of the action the desire to bring success, and this desire has become ever more undisguised presentation success purposes.

  • 事实上,当DLP应用于计算机有关的技术时,它给“欲盖弥彰”这个成语赋予了新的意义。
    In fact, DLP gives new meaning to the phrase "smoke and mirrors" as it applies to computer-related technology.

  • 但你有没有发觉最近容易肤色暗黄、额头与两颊总是干巴巴的,化妆后肌肤问题更是欲盖弥彰
    But do you have detected that recently was easy the skin color to be shading yellow, forehead and two cheeks always dry, after putting on make-up, the flesh question was more exposed.

  • 克里斯腾森最著名的作品是两部《星球大战》以及《欲盖弥彰》,他最近主演的影片是《越空行者》。
    Best known for his work in two "Star Wars" films and "Shattered Glass, " Christensen most recently starred in "Jumper.

  • 狗屎依然在那里:透过花边的洞眼,你可以看到它,而且闻起来一样臭。这种欲盖弥彰的手法,更令人讨厌。
    The turd is still there: you can see it peeping through the holes and it smells just as bad but its offensiveness is made worse by the futility of the effort to cover it up.

  • 难道法国总统和他的幕僚们意识不到,他这些欲盖弥彰的做法只会使他显得——恕我直言——更加滑稽可笑么?
    Surely the French president or his aides must realise that any attempts to conceal his relative shortness will make him look even more ridiculous than – with all due respect – he does already?

  • 事实上,后来我发现我的书在马来西亚很受欢迎。这样的矛盾使我怀疑这是马基雅维里式的花招,蓄意的欲盖弥彰
    In fact, my books seemed so popular in Malaysia that I found myself wondering if the veto was part of a Machiavellian plot to entice the public to read them.

  • 就是真让所谓反华势力给利用了,最多算是人家给了你一巴掌,你这么一欲盖弥彰,就有了借口让别人再给你一记耳光。
    Even if that gets used by so-called anti-China forces, at most it's just a jab. Trying to cover this up like you are only gives others an excuse to smack you again.

  • 《生命如屋》和《欲盖弥彰》之后,人们都更期待着看到你扮演一个戏剧性的角色而不是出现在科幻片中。你为什么选择了《越空行者》?
    After LAAH and SG people were expecting to see you in a dramatic role rather than a sci-fi movie. Why did you choose Jumper?

  • 问:《生命如屋》和《欲盖弥彰》之后,人们都更期待着看到你扮演一个戏剧性的角色而不是出现在科幻片中。你为什么选择了《越空行者》?
    Q: After LAAH and SG people were expecting to see you in a dramatic role rather than a sci-fi movie. Why did you choose Jumper?

  • 没错,实际上在他所有的影片里都出现了这种情况——从《生命如屋》里的哥特少年到《欲盖弥彰》里的记者新手到《星战》中最终转向黑暗面。
    Really, this happens in virtually all his films -- from the Goth teen in "Life as a House" to a cub reporter in "Shattered Glass" to his eventual turn to the dark side in "Star Wars.

  • 这个星期,我们将听到来自总统、国王和军阀们的关于勇气、民主和恐怖的激情呼吁——这些帝王君主越是激励我们提高价值观,他们越是欲盖弥彰
    We will hear passionate appeals this week about courage, democracy, and terror, from presidents, kings and warlords alike. These emperors appear increasingly naked as they exhort us to higher values.

  • 但是,可悲的是,韩国极力去中国化是欲盖弥彰,无论如何,高丽人的所谓”文化”只是中国文化的一个拙劣的拷贝。韩国人动不动叫嚣要跟中国日本决一雌雄,但并无实力和中国日本翻脸,只是耍混而已。
    Many nationalistic Koreans have often been ranting about a war with China or Japan, but in reality, Korea does not have the strength to engage in a serious conflict with both China and Japan.

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