
横行无忌  héng xíng wú jì







  • 它可能会在整个世界上横行无忌的。
    It could overrun the earth.

  • 因此,是时候制止如此多的卫星横行无忌了。
    So it is time to stop so many satellites from flying blind.

  • 政府监督管理无力,不法势力必然横行无忌
    To the supervision and management of government, the illegal forces will operate with full impunity.

  • 权力政治的横行无忌、政界与商界的火热勾结;
    It's about power politics run amok, and the combustible blend of politics and business.

  • 对敌机横行无忌无可奈何,导致某种麻痹瘫痪;
    The feeling of helplessness against enemy aircraft operating without hindrance has a paralysing effect;

  • 而捍卫人权的团体却时常举出中国在西藏横行无忌的例子。
    Yet human rights watchdog groups regularly cite Chinese abuses in Tibet. The latest U.

  • 这话不假,因为如果公平的司法系统一旦崩溃,邪恶就会横行无忌
    this is so true, for if the justice system fails, then wickedness goes unchecked.

  • 要知道,我曾经是一个强盗,我所率领的强盗集团在这片沙漠上横行无忌
    You know, I used to be quite the scoundrel in my day. I led the fiercest group of bandits who ever terrorized these sands!

  • 银行把房地产作为最可靠的资金回收之源,房地产则为“银”作伥,横行无忌
    Banks to the real estate as the most reliable source of funds recovered, the property is "Silver" for reckless, lawless.

  • 身处恶魔的年代,魔鬼横行无忌,只有纵横正邪之界己四百年的战士罗辉有能力与它们抗衡。
    Earth has become the playground for demons, and this man, who has walked their world for four hundred years, can detect and destroy them.

  • 以上所写的只是说某些五十岁在办工室里横行无忌的女人, 并不是说那些善解人意,怀有菩萨心肠的女仕。
    The above issue I am only talking the50 year old and the brutal woman working in the office and it is not subjected to those are beautiful and friendly woman.

  • 专家相信有多达10万条这样的爬行动物横行无忌于这个区域,而这个不幸还得归功于人们对于饲养异国宠物的狂热追捧。
    Experts believe that as many as 100, 000 of the reptiles are loose in the region, in an unfortunate outcome of a fad for keeping exotic pets.

  • 一位基督教教士说道:“在如此强硬的政令措施下,政府仍不能满足我们的需要,这只能说明一件事,即极端民族主义仍旧横行无忌。”
    "With such a strong mandate, the government's failure to meet our demands can only mean one thing, that the deep state is still in charge, " says a Christian priest.

  • 两名铁骑匪洗劫一小镇的酒吧,横行无忌,扬言会对报警者大开杀戒。西部牛仔表演的演员约翰英勇无惧,用一支没有上弹的枪将两名骑匪制服。
    A small, remote desert town is turned upside down when two bikers from the Iron Bandits gang show up at a local bar, rough up the patrons and rob the place.

  • 夏福海(1915~1938)藁城西四公村入。自幼饱经苦难生活的磨练。孩提时,目睹兵匪、富绅狼狈为好,敲诈勒索,横行无忌,甚是仇恨。
    Xiafu Hai (1915 ~ 1938) Ligusticum public four-west into the village. A child suffering trials of life. Childhood, witnessed Bingfei, Fusion confusion as well, extortion, lawless, is the very hatred.

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