
伶牙俐齿  líng yá lì chǐ







  • 你真是个伶牙俐齿(聪明)的姑娘。
    Ordinary ou are such a smart girl.

  • 她可是个伶牙俐齿的厉害姑娘。
    She is such a sharp girl.

  • 你真是个伶牙俐齿(聪明)的姑娘。
    You are such a smart girl.

  • 伶牙俐齿是一种锐利的武器。
    A good tongue is a good weapon.

  • 妳可真是个伶牙俐齿(聪明)的姑娘。
    You are such as mart girl.

  • 不是,虽然我必须承认你看起来很伶牙俐齿
    No, though I must admit you do seem to have the gift of gab.

  • 那个伶牙俐齿的销售小姐力劝我买下这幢别墅。
    That sale girl who had a smooth tongue urged me to buy this villa.

  • 奥巴马虽然伶牙俐齿,但往往,他未能实话实说。
    Mr Obama is eloquent but too often he does not tell it like it is.

  • 科林应该能成为一名出色的推销员,他伶牙俐齿而且很毅力。
    Colin should make a good salesman; he's got the gift of the gab and persistence.

  • 什么娱乐都不如和你聊天。你真是个伶牙俐齿(聪明)的姑娘。
    Nothing is more pleasant than talking with you. You are such a smart girl.

  • 不要以为所有的推销员都是天生的伶牙俐齿,推销时充满自信。
    Do not think all the sellers are born with eloquence and are confident enough when selling .

  • 她并不想要这套书,但是这个伶牙俐齿挨家挨户的推销员卖给了他。
    A glib door to door salesman sold her a set of books that she did not want.

  • 她不能太伶牙俐齿,并且她必须是保守,因为我是个比较传统的人。
    "She cannot be too garrulous, and she must be conservative because I am quite traditional, " he revealed.

  • 一个“伶牙俐齿”,一个“张弛有度”,留给观众很多快乐的记忆。
    "Lingyalichi" and a "relaxation time there, " left the audience a lot of happy memories.

  • 张松:可当主持人,伶牙俐齿,从不结巴,且头头是道,专触别人痛处。
    Zhang Song:Can be a host, the Ling tooth Li Chi, never stammer, and clear and convincing presentation, particularly touch other people pain place.

  • 布雷德:啊…这我也不会责怪您。我想,他是有点伶牙俐齿得令人讨厌。
    Brad: Uh… I don't blame you too much. He was kind of being a smart mouth, I thought.

  • 为什么聪明绝顶、伶牙俐齿、充满自信的人站在人群面前发言时会忐忑不安呢?
    Why do smart, articulate, and self-confident people often become terrified in front of a group?

  • 家庭战争爆发时,吵架不如他伶牙俐齿,打架不如他身强力壮,生闷气则伤身体。
    When domestic war erupts, quarrel as his glib, fight not as strong as him, unripe fuggy hurt the body.

  • 伶牙俐齿的莉莎在说谎。她说是螃蟹爬进小床里,抓了小狄的饼乾,而搔了小巴的肋骨。
    The glib Lisa was telling a fib when she said it was a crab that had climbed into the cribs, grabbed baby Dick's biscuit, and scratched baby Bob's ribs.

  • 她本不需要这套书,但是这个挨家挨户卖书的推销员很是伶牙俐齿,硬把这套书卖给了她。
    A glib door to door salesman sold her a set of books that she did not want.

  • 在这群过分自信,学识渊博,伶牙俐齿的人中间,她总仿佛觉得自己过于懒散,笨头笨脑的。
    Among assertive, learned, or eloquent people, she seemed to feel her dowdiness and insufficiency.

  • 应该完全避免攻击性的、伶牙俐齿的、华而不实的谈话,这只会使认识你的人越加瞧不起你。
    Aggressive, glib, or showy talk should be completely avoided. It just lowers you in the esteem of your acquaintances.

  • 你若不是伶牙俐齿的,说不来那种模棱两可的话,那笑这时候就配上用场了,你只消笑就可以了。
    If you are Lingyalichi, and Yue Bulai kind of ambiguous, then smiled when coupled with this handy, you just by laughing on it.

  • 布雷在个人网站上写道,它是一个高内的、迪士尼化的贫瘠花园,被伶牙俐齿的律师包围着;我讨厌它。
    'It's a sterile Disney-fied walled garden surrounded by sharp-toothed lawyers, ' Mr. Bray wrote on his personal Web site. 'I hate it. '

  • 你们会因经济问题争吵不休。伶牙俐齿的处女座常让狮子下不来台,这对骄傲自我的狮子座来说可不是什麽好事哦。
    You will have continuous arguments concerning finances. Your critical tongue will make the Lion wander, seeking the ego-boosting that is necessary for the proud Leo's existence.

  • 白氏郎长到八九岁,生得伶牙俐齿,十分讨人喜欢,可就是没有个名正言顺的父亲,整天在外边被人打骂,受人欺负。
    When Bai Shilang was about 8 years old, he grew up to a very witty and a lovely boy. But only because he was born in a single-parent family, he was always being insulted by other people.

  • 他被大家所熟知是由于他的前卫的照片和雕塑,还有他的将传统的中国元素与现代风格相融合---还有他的伶牙俐齿
    He is known for his avantgarde photographs and sculptures and for his blend of traditional Chinese elements and modern style — but also for his sharp tongue.

  • 五位帅哥伶牙俐齿,刻薄幽默,分寸却掌握得好,评论,却不做判断,助人,却比别人还乐,典型的时尚圈GAY男形象。
    The five handsome qilb, caustic humor, but have a good sense of proportion, reviews, does not make judgments, to help others, also music than others, the typical image of fashion circles GAY man.

  • 我们未必伶牙俐齿或才华出众,但我们都有一些东西可以与人分享,我们可以奉基督的名与人分享我们的一个技能或才干。
    We may not be silver-tongued or exceptionally gifted, but we all have something to give—a skill or talent to share in Christ's name.

  • “他们根据历史事实来论证,”河鼠继续说。“他们说,像你这样一个没脸没皮、伶牙俐齿的动物,外加钱袋的力量,没有一条刑法能给你定罪。
    'They argued from history, ' continued the Rat. 'They said that no criminal laws had ever been known to prevail against cheek and plausibility such as yours, combined with the power of a long purse.

  • 伶牙俐齿造句相关
