
桑田沧海  sāng tián cāng hǎi








  • 如果沧海桑田,你还会记起么…?
    If  the  world  is  changing  all  the  time, can  u  still  remember…?

  • 几度沧海桑田,几度风霜雨雪。
    Several vibrant several wind rain and snow.

  • 一瞬间,我在她的脸上看见了沧海桑田
    Just at that moment, I discovered something vicissitudes from her face.

  • 3年,可以是一成不变,也可以沧海桑田
    can not be changed, can also be changed in.

  • 到现在感慨着人情冷暖沧海桑田的变化无常!
    Now sigh passage of the human well-being of the volatility!

  • 新的一年;新的一天。沧海桑田,人事变迁……
    Hope all of you have a great new year.

  • 3年,可以是一成不变,也可以沧海桑田。我似乎属于后者!
    can not be changed, can also be changed in. I seem to belong to the latter!

  • 而婚姻就像自己的双手,无论沧海桑田,始终互相扶持,伴其终老。
    But the marriage looks like own both hands, regardless of the vicissitudes, support mutually throughout, partner it spends one's last years.

  • 台北盆地地表的变化可说是沧海桑田,而其历史发展则是神速多变。
    The changes of Taipei Basin have been great; and the development of its history is fast and diverse.

  • 它们在沧海桑田的历程中,记载下了古今时空中的物华风茂与人物风情。
    They jot down in the process of the long-time change the thing in the time space and the person"s romantic feeling."

  • 心底唯一的声音,只想告诉你,无论沧海桑田,你仍是我生命中不变的在乎。
    There is only one belief in my mind that you are the only one everlasting in my heart.

  • 鸟瞰台北,其地貌的变迁可说是沧海桑田,纵观历史,其发展实有如小鸭变天鹅。
    Watching over Taipei, it has changed significantly. Examining its history, it has transformed from an unimportant place into a metropolitan.

  • 并非我们坐在静止的列车上看到别的列车前行,事实是我们都已成熟,沧海桑田
    This is not a train in still in which you may feel forward when another train goes by. It is the truth that we've all grown up. And we become different.

  • 这是地质学家早就证实了的,但一项即将发表的研究成果则强调了沧海桑田的过程。
    This is a geologist has long been confirmed, but a forthcoming study stressed that changed in the process.

  • 时光匆匆流逝,城市沧海桑田,有一些东西无法忘却,有一些东西也注定无法复制。
    As time is fleeting and the city is changing with each passing day, something would forever linger on, yet something else would never come back.

  • 月而弯弯的海港,夜色深深灯火闪亮,东方之珠整夜未眠,守着沧海桑田变幻的诺言。
    But the month the curved harbor, the dim light of night deep lights glisten, the Pearl of the Orient has not slept all night, is defending the promise which the vicissitudes fluctuate.

  • 沧海桑田,我对你的爱适中不变,如果你想找个人依靠,那么请你记得,我一直在等你。
    Everything comes and goes, but love stays. When you need someone, remember that I'd be there.

  • 如果没有,我记录了,沧海桑田之后我们还有一点文献痕迹留着,那也算是一种价值了。
    Even if it did not work, I would have had kept valuable records.

  • 41载沧海桑田,她一年一个模样,谱写着一页页辉煌的篇章,带给我们每个学子无限荣光。
    Within the 41 years, she is promoted every year, and got lots of great achievement, every one is proud of our college and feel happy to study here.

  • 现在世界各地都能找到各个时期不同种类的化石,这些化石告诉了我们地球沧海桑田的变迁历史。
    Now the world can be found in various periods of different types of fossils, these fossils tell the history of our planet earth-shaking changes.

  • 无所谓桑田沧海,诺言不更改,到绝路依然信赖,梦真的存在,胸多痛,沉下来,给时间一场意外。
    Does not matter the vicissitudes, the promise does not change, still trusts to the dead end, the dream real existence, the chest multi-pains, sink down, for a time accident.

  • 在每一次沧海桑田、改朝换代的变迁中,自由以不同的形式出现在我们面前,虽不能至,心向往之。
    In every sea and field changes and dynasty changes, Freedom appears in front of us by different forms. Although it cannot achieve, the heart yearned for it.

  • 在时间的流里,人们形色匆匆,一些遇见的人经过的事,定格在特定的空间里,弹指一挥间早已是沧海桑田了。
    Stream in time, people form, color rush, some people who met through the thing and set-piece in a specific space, passed and has long been a gloomy.

  • 苹果它们还年年结,过路的人可以随意采来吃,可是滋味又甜又苦,吃到嘴里正好像是沧海桑田人生变幻无常的教训呢。
    They offer their fruit to every wayfarer, — apples that are bitter sweet with the moral of Time's vicissitude.

  • 沧海桑田,能够在20年的大浪淘沙中,存留并且茁壮成长的中国企业,尤其是那些在行业内继续领先的企业,可谓是凤毛麟角
    Changes to the PRC in 20 years, middle and Chinese enterprises to thrive, especially those in the industry to continue leading enterprises, it is rare.

  • 1851年《白鲸记》面世距佩里准将到达日本还有两年,这年年初万次郎终于回到了日本,沧海桑田变革之风已经吹进了他的国家。
    By early 1851—the year of "Moby Dick" and two years beforeCommodore Perry turned up—Manjiro was at last back in Japan, and things were already changing.

  • 沧海桑田」一直被中国人用来抒发时迁事变、景物全非的悲凉感受,尽管听来无奈,它毕竟只是个形容词;但您相信它可能成为事实吗?
    "The blue seas change into mulberry fields" is a Chinese expression describing the changes of time. Would you believe that it's more than just a figure of speech?

  • 整个紫禁城里,已经没有了一个游人,最后一片喧嚣,都随着五点闭馆被关阖到午门之外,紫禁城在月光中独自品位600年的风云变幻沧海桑田
    The last clamor was closed out of the Meridian Gate when the Museum was closed at five o'clock. The Forbidden City, immersed in the moonlight, is reflecting upon changes in the past 600 years.

  • 面条想保存自己记忆里那份美好的友谊而不愿承认他所知道的这一切。 没有愤怒,没有激动,最深的痛压抑在心里。没有哪部电影把友谊的忠诚与背叛写的如此沧海桑田
    Bailey. I had a friend once. A dear friend. I turned him in to save his life. He died. But he wanted it that way. Things went bad for my friend, and they went bad for me too.

  • 句子意思是这样的:任凭时间给世界带来怎样变化(沧海桑田),随着时光的飞逝(任时光飞逝),纵使所有的东西都改变了原来的初衷(物换星移),我心依然与从前一样坚定不移(我心依然)。
    No matter how the time brings great changes to the world, as the time flys, even if everything changes its original intention, my heart would be firm and unshakable as before.

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