
杯盘狼藉  bēi pán láng jí








  • 我庆幸聚会后要清理杯盘狼藉的场所,因为那意味着我的周围有许多朋友。
    For the mess to clean after a party, because it means that I have been surrounded by friends.

  • 信用卡的来历据说在1950年,一位颇有社会地位的美国人请了一些朋友吃晚饭,吃得杯盘狼藉
    The antecedents of credit card is in allegedly 1950, an American that has social class quite asked a few friends to have dinner, eat messily.

  • 然后妈妈和爸爸就坐到桌前打扫杯盘狼藉的战场,最后再溜进厨房,在哗啦啦的水声伴奏下表演“双簧”。
    Then Mama and Papa sat down at the table and "cleaned up the battlefield" (20) strewn with plates and dishes before entering the kitchen to play a "duo" to the accompaniment of (21) gurgling water.

  • 晚餐后水槽里杯盘狼藉,还得准备一些爆米花和饮料,如果不这样他们就不会睡觉。为什么我从不能在他们之前休息?
    Dirty dishes fill the sink, Make some popcorn and a drink, Will they never go to bed, Will I never get ahead?

  • 随之而来的就是A股市场以之前从未见过的方式展开了“波澜壮阔”的下跌, 2007年的盛宴在危机面前不堪一击,瞬间杯盘狼藉
    With the attendant A-share market in a way never seen before the start of the "magnificent" fall in 2007, the Feast of the crisis in the face of a single blow, instant cup messy.

  • 他昏昏欲睡,又不十分了解这件事的意义,所以倒头又睡,等几小时后他清醒时,他房间里杯盘狼藉,庆祝用的咖啡冷了,面包捲也走味了。
    Drowsy and not really comprehending the significance of the event, he fell back asleep. When he woke up hours later, his room was littered with cold coffee and stale rolls from the celebrations.

  • 夜幕降临了,蓝色的薄暮,湛蓝的夜晚,他们在黑暗的穹隆下等待着,杯盘狼藉的餐桌周围,是他们那推到后面的椅子和我那只方尖碑形手提箱。
    Blue dusk, nightfall, deep blue night. In the darkness of the dome they wait, their pushedback chairs, my obelisk valise, around a board of abandoned platters.

  • 埃尔特曼教授多年来密切追踪此类金融“垃圾”,他认为现今“近乎颠狂”的市场是历史上从未有过的,并指出酒足饭饱的日子必将以杯盘狼藉而收场。
    Mr Altman, who has spent many years tracking financial junk, says he has never seen anything like today's market. His diagnosis: "almost insane". The "glut" will surely end dramatically, he says.

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