
条分缕析  tiáo fēn lǚ xī








  • 并首创注解篇名,条分缕析,使之明了。
    He also annotated the name of the chapters at first.

  • 第三章条分缕析世界数字电影的历程。概述当前数字电影的世界格局。
    Chapter 3 analyzes the history of world Digital movie and the current world disignaition of Digital movie.

  • 采访后,记者必须把材料表述的条分缕析,确保文章能真实的反应事件和观点。
    After the interview, the reporter must present the material in an organised way and make sure that the article reflects events and opinions truthfully.

  • 治理是领导、引导、协调、服务,具有条分缕析运筹帷幄、“执牛耳”的重要作用。
    Management is a leader, guide, harmonious, service, have make a careful and detailed analysis, devise clever strategies, " be the acknowledged leader " main effect.

  • 该书恢宏的视野,融合着作者理性思考与充满激情的真知灼见及条分缕析的深刻论述。
    This book extensive grand eye shot, shirt-sleeve author reason thinks to be discussed with the profundity of the penetrating judgment that is full of passion and make a careful and detailed analysis.

  • 就此,我们在这个身体中就没有发现层次感,整个身体并没有陷入一种条分缕析的清晰状态。
    Hence, we do not find different layers in the body. The whole body is not properly aligned and not in a clearly defined state.

  • 如果我能使之振奋、使之鼓舞,那就要以身作则、条分缕析、提出建议,而不是强制命令、颐指气使。
    and if I can uplift or inspire, let it be by example, inference, and suggestion, rather than by injunction and dictation.

  • 如果从两个品牌的核心要素、关键支撑点、品牌运作等方面条分缕析,或许能使其他企业获得一些感悟。
    If be run from the core element of two brands, crucial strong point, brand, wait for respect make a careful and detailed analysis, can make other company is obtained probably a few comprehend.

  • 当我们对徐訏的作品进行条分缕析的时候,我们不难发现他深厚的国学功底对他的文学创作形成的巨大影响。
    When we investingate Xuxu's works, we will find the deep Chinese classical literature knowledge formed enormous impact on his literary creations .

  • 不必条分缕析,我们也可以从陈颖杜先生的作品中,洞悉到现实主义大师——杜甫的诗歌对于他的无形影响。
    Without a detailed analysis, from his works we can find that the realistic poet Du Fu's poems have an implicit influence on him.

  • 当然,这是一个过分简单化的假设;加拿大哲学家查尔斯。泰勒以800余页将其条分缕析,而非彻底否定。
    That, of course, is a huge over-simplification and Charles Taylor, a Canadian philosopher, has devoted more than 800 pages to picking it apart—without completely denying it.

  • 而人类心灵的奥秘是难以用科学来简单地加以条分缕析的,其根源可以回溯到远古洪荒时代,这可以说是荣格原型研究的立足点。
    The standpoint of Jung's archetypal studies is that the mystery of human being's spirit cannot be analyzed simply by science, whose origin can be tracked to remote flood antiquity.

  • 需求形成的市场只要经过条分缕析,我们可以将需求集合最终分为三类:一是“安居”需求,二是“安逸”需求,三是投资需求。
    After a long felt demand of the market, we can demand the assembly will eventually be divided into three categories : First, "home" demand, and the other is "easy" needs three investment demand.

  • 这些复杂多层的潜在因素不能孤立起来讨论,实际上他们是紧紧糅合在一起的,我们将对这些影响川端康成文艺思想的潜在因素条分缕析
    These potential complex multi-factor can not be discussed in isolation, and in fact they are closely blends together. We will analyse these effects point by point.

  • 《中国学术》的下设栏目,不再视内容而条分缕析,仅据文字格式划分为“论文”、“书评论文”、“书评”和“通讯”四栏(必要时可临时增减);
    Essays and articles, essay-length book reviews, book reviews, and scholarly news are the four categories under which submissions will be considered for publication.

  • 所以,基于现实的考虑,本文最终研究控制在大的面上,即对实体“乔托风格”(技术结构的层面)和非实体的层面都做了论述,但无论哪一层面都没有作过多的条分缕析
    At the same time, I will try to answer why or how one style being in history. But in view of difficulties in my studying, Only can I discuss Giotto style on cursory lay in the paper.

  • 第一部分,从湿热病因、病机、病理变化的角度条分缕析地整理和总结了有关湿热病的古今论述,比较完整地对相关文献进行了整理研究,初步展示了湿热机理的本质所在。
    There are two stages regarding to reversal point of ming and qing dynasty. Firstly, sum up a lot of etiology and pathology about syndrome of damp-heat before ming and qing dynasty.

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