
朝夕相处  zhāo xī xiāng chǔ







  • 在这不寻常的六年里,我和孩子们朝夕相处
    Here not and usually of six years in, I get along with children's morning and night.

  • 那上面有着与我们每天朝夕相处的同学与老师。
    Above that has to get along with our students every day day and night with their teachers.

  • 满族八旗与汉军八旗朝夕相处,满汉之间早已相互影响。
    Banners of the Manchu Eight Banners and Han live day and night, has long been interaction between Man.

  • 我辞职没有其他的遗憾,只是舍不得和我朝夕相处的同事。
    I quit the job without any pity I just feel sorry because I have to leave my dear colleagues.

  • 我永远忘不了我们之间的情谊,更忘不了我们朝夕相处的时光。
    I will never forget our friendship, but also can not forget the times we live in day and night.

  • 朝夕相处中,我们一道成长,转眼间,却要分开,心中怎能平静呢?
    To get along in the day and night, we together with the growth of a blink of an eye, but separated from the hearts of calm, how can it?

  • 你当我们的班主任,和我们朝夕相处,您总是想着走近我们并了解我们。
    You when our teacher, and we one day live in, you always think of approaching us and we understand.

  • 研发这种类人型机器人的最终目的是让它进入每个家庭并和人类朝夕相处
    The final purpose of the robot is to have one Asimo in every home, to live with human beings.

  • 还有一次,朝夕相处的领导暗地里抢了我的订单,之后我跟单位领导提出辞职。
    Also once, after the leadership whom I believe in having snatched my order secretly, I submitted the resignation letter.

  • 继续往前,下一个步骤进入到我们每天朝夕相处、年年月月相伴的”环境”区域。
    Moving forward again, take another step into the environment you find yourself in each day and through the weeks and months.

  • 也难怪,人们朝夕相处的室内环境、格调和品位很大程度上取决于装修质量的高低。
    No wonder, people dear with the indoor environment, quality and grade level depends largely on the quality of decoration.

  • 玉帝差遣小七再下凡,小七很快便遇上董永,且使计入住他家,以便和他朝夕相处
    The Jade Emperor sends Xiao Qi back to the mortal world. Shortly after, she meets Dong Yong and starts living with him.

  • 这种感觉很奇怪,你和朋友朝夕相处了那么久,然后突然你就没法天天见到他们了。
    It is a strange feeling when you have been with friends for so long and then suddenly you don't see them everyday.

  • 小女孩多莉娅和父母一起住在农场里,但孤独的她没有朋友,只有小狗托托朝夕相处
    Dorothy lived in the farm with her parents, but she was so lonely and just had a little dog---Todd as her friend.

  • 我要飞上那令人向往的太空,看看嫦娥的住所——月宫,看看与我们朝夕相处的地球。
    I want to fly up that space that make person look forward to, seeing the Charng-er's residence- palace of the moon, seeing with the Earth that our morning and night get along with.

  • 我教书是因为与那些开始成长的学生们朝夕相处,我有时感觉到自己也和他们一起成长了。
    I teach because, being around people who are beginning to breathe, I occasionally find myself catching my breath with them.

  • 我对婚姻有了一个新的看法。两个人相爱,朝夕相处,突然有一天,他们之间没话可说了。
    Gareth: I've got a new theory about marriage. Two people are in love, they live together, and then suddenly one day they run out of conversation.

  • 到达目的地后安营扎寨,支起帐篷,烹调饭菜可真带劲,里里外外你忙个不停,可与大自然朝夕相处
    It's so exciting to arrive at the campsite, put up your tents and start getting your meal ready. You are active all the time and you are always close to nature.

  • 一个学院就是一个大家庭,其成员应该朝夕相处,而只有当他们都住在大学校园里时,才能达到这一点。
    A college is an extended family whose members should live close to each other, which they can't do unless they are within the college compound.

  • 这是一个奇妙的感觉,如谚语所说的“相亲相爱很容易,但广交朋友却很难”,我们应该和朋友朝夕相处
    It is a wonderful feeling, as the proverb says" to love each other is easy but to make friends is hard", So, it is crutial that we should get along with our friends.

  • 不管你过去来自哪里,不管你将要奔赴何方,请别忘了你的任课老师、班主任、辅导员和朝夕相处的同学们。
    In spite of where you came from, where you are leaving for, do not forget your instructors, tutors and your classmates, of course.

  • 得到儿子原谅、多活几年多资助些贫困生、和那些曾经朝夕相处的孩子再见见面,是郑书明现在最大的愿望。
    Son to be forgiven, and live more funding and more poor students, and those who live day and night to meet the children good-bye, Cheng Shu-ming is now the largest wish.

  • 物似人非,曾经和好朋友朝夕相处的地方,是如此的宁静,我们的欢笑再也没有了,留下的只是默默的回忆!!!
    Things like good friends, who had not muscles, is so quiet, we laugh never left, just silently memories! ! ! ! ! ! !

  • 这以后,日军全面占领了天津,当局在学校强制推行日语教育,和她们朝夕相处的老师,含泪讲着都德的《最后一课》。
    With tears in her eyes, the teacher, who had spent so much of her time with the students, taught The Last Lesson by Alphonse Daudet.

  • 更重要的是能与各行业的菁英共聚一堂,朝夕相处培养同窗情感,吸收彼此的经验与交换第一手的产业讯息,建立人脉网络。
    The most essential is to build the human networks with people from different industries and to exchange the hand-on message and up-to-date experiences.

  • 身为吸血鬼的助手,达伦不但要学习使用他新获得的力量,还要跟一群怪胎朝夕相处,其中包括狼人、蛇男孩,和满脸胡子的小姐。
    As the vampire's assistant, Darren learns to use his new-found powers and joins the close community of freaks, including a wolf man, a snake boy, and a bearded5 lady.

  • 是阆风艺术画廊追求的理念,也是选择艺术家和艺术作品的原则。希望每一件作品都能成为生活中朝夕相处的元素,实践艺术的价值。
    "Living with Art" is the mission of Levant Art Gallery since its founding, and this also explains how Levant Art Gallery handpicks artists and art works.

  • 颜丹青,与李建国结婚十年,在平淡的朝夕相处中遭遇婚姻之痒,后来她遇到了新来的上司黎海风;穆岚,单恋李建国十多年,被李建国拒绝后。
    Yan Danqing married to Li Jianguo for 10 years, and their marriage is in a dilemma, and later she meets her new boss Li Haifeng.

  • 主人说,他们朝夕相处两个多月了,每当小鸡在猫面前跳上跳下嬉戏玩耍时,猫总是深情注视,时不时地还用爪子轻轻抚摸小鸡,甚至还给小鸡梳洗羽毛。
    Their owner said they have lived together for more than 2 months; Snowy often cleans his chicken friend. Whenever Gladys bounces up and down, Snowy looks at her lovingly and puts his paw around her.

  • 好几年没有见到他们,虽然每个星期都要打电话,但现在他们要来跟我朝夕相处,心情还真是很复杂:喜悦,感动,又有点担心。我得全盘照顾他们。这个责任很重大。
    Most of my posts here are not really about what I do - they can be anything that I like or see some value - because I believe great truth is like God's love, once you find it, it's in everything.

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