
朝令夕改  zhāo lìng xī gǎi








  • 即使长期投资者也抱怨朝令夕改
    Even longtime investors complain that the rules seem to keep shifting.

  • 如果你觉得香港教育制度朝令夕改,请加入。
    If you think the system has been changed too frequently, please join.

  • 目前开发商最怕的就是政府的政策朝令夕改
    current developers fear most is the government's policy change.

  • 一周内不应该发生两次,有点朝令夕改的味道。
    It cannot happen that within a week, first they decide one way and then in the exact opposite.

  • 朝令夕改的北京政府像往常一样在修正数据吗?
    Has the devious Beijing government been massaging the numbers, as communist planners are wont to do?

  • 早上的法令跟晚上的不一样。(或译:朝令夕改。)
    The law is not the same at morning and at night.

  • 退休制度应该有其延续性,避免朝令夕改,造成不安。
    The retirement system should be continuity and the government should avoid about-face.

  • 麻生的声望已被一系列的过失和朝令夕改的政策消磨殆尽。
    Mr Aso's reputation has been shredded by a series of gaffes and policy flip-flops.

  • 他愤愤地说,政府的政策简直是“朝令夕改、如同儿戏”。
    He indignant that the government's policy is simply "change, as child's play."

  • 不能有跨境风险,即在资本账户开放方面政府不能朝令夕改
    Can not have cross-border risk that capital account openness in government can not be changed.

  • 不能有跨境风险,即在资本账户开放方面政府不能朝令夕改
    There can not be cross-border risks in opening up the capital account can not be changed frequently.

  • 早上的法令跟晚上的不一样;朝令夕改。,也决不能相信敌人。
    The law is not the same at morning and at night.

  • 大多数CEO四处咨询、犹豫不决、疑神疑鬼、怕得罪人、朝令夕改
    Make decisions. Most CEOs consult, dither, look over their shoulders, fret about upsetting people and change their minds.

  • 在任期内官员可能会以秩序的名义朝令夕改,随心所欲,用公权欺辱他人。
    An official within the term of office may issue an order and change it instantly in the name of order and act as he pleases.

  • 很多的经验告诉我们,如果品牌形象朝令夕改,最终将无法建立强势品牌。
    lot of experience tells us that if brand image changes, and eventually will be unable to establish a strong brand.

  • 但在医院发展战略的实施中要保证总体发展战略的连续性和稳定性,切忌朝令夕改
    Nevertheless, in implementing hospital development strategies, it is important to guarantee the continuity and stability of the overall development strategies and not to make unpredictable changes.

  • 另一手是要确立分蛋糕的规则,否则朝令夕改,个人和企业就难以有讲诚信的基础。
    Other hand, is to establish the rules of sub-cake, or changed, individuals and businesses say it will be difficult to have a good faith basis.

  • 从短期来看,的确,一项如此依赖于政客朝令夕改的产业前景终将有极大的不确定性。
    In the short term, though, the prospects of a business so dependent on the whims of politicians are bound to be uncertain.

  • 中国的财政政策朝令夕改,银行的活期存款利率又低得离谱,大量的钱都转移到股市之中。
    China's monetary policy has been overly lax and low interest rates on bank deposits have encouraged a huge shift of money into its stockmarket.

  • 如果私营领域的投资者或公司认为政府的规定会不分青红皂白地朝令夕改,那么他们就不会愿意参与进来。
    If investors or companies in the private sector believe that the rules can change quickly and indiscriminately, they will be unwilling to participate.

  • 这些人士称,从那时起,美国银行便被告知它不可以计算对其资本需求的整体预期;美国银行则认为这是政府在朝令夕改
    Since then, Bank of America has been told it won't be allowed to count the entire projections toward its capital needs, which the bank viewed as a changing of the rules, these people said.

  • 这几家航空公司只在很有限的范围内获得成功,比如业务很快遍及全国,但是在管理上却面临着朝令夕改的问题,这三家公司都没有良好的声誉,也无力改变现状。
    The carriers have succeeded in a limited way, dramatically expanding coverage across China, but management has undergone frequent shifts and none of the airlines has a good reputation.

  • 朝令夕改造句相关
