
明争暗斗  míng zhēng àn dòu







  • 这两个国家在这一方面的明争暗斗, 一刻也没有停止过。
    The struggle in this regard, open and secret, between the two countries has never ceased for a minute.

  • 我看他一定经历了政治上诸多明争暗斗才获此高位。
    I gather a lot of political infighting go on before he get the top job.

  • 我看他一定经历了政治上诸多明争暗斗才获此高位。
    I gather a lot of political infighting went on before he got the top job.

  • 在这里,回忆“二十年前的明争暗斗”,你可以一笑而过;
    in here, recalling " 20 years front contest ", you may pays one smiles only ;

  • 对于网购渠道和传统卖场的明争暗斗,家电厂家显然更加超脱。
    Buy channel and tradition to sell the both open strife and veiled struggle of field to the net, home appliance manufacturer is apparent more stand aloof.

  • 宫里的人个个勾心斗角明争暗斗,皇上身边需要有个最亲的人来帮助他。
    Everyone in the palace is jockeying for position, in public and in private. The Emperor needs someone very close by his side who can help him out.

  • 他们除要面对同一家人、同一族人互相之间的明争暗斗,亦要面对外来挑战。
    Besides handling the differences and disputes amongst themselves, they also have to face many challenges from the outside.

  • 最重要的是,在最近的国际金融合作中,充斥着明争暗斗和纷繁交错的情况。
    And most of all, the recent international financial collaboration is fraught with in-fighting and complexity.

  • 安利事业的自由度很高,发展时很有自主权,过程也没有人事之间的明争暗斗
    Amway offers great flexibility and I also have been able to enjoy a high degree of freedom in developing my career.

  • 梭罗所理解的“低层次”,即为了拥有而去拥有,或与所有的邻居明争暗斗而致拥有。
    Possession for its own sake or in competition with the rest of the neighborhood would have been Thoreau's idea of the low levels.

  • 该高级代表将统筹欧盟委员会以及理事会的外交事务,此举有望结束机构间的明争暗斗
    The High Rep will head foreign operations of both the commission and council, a move supposed to end institutional rivalries.

  • 随着华南板块各个大盘开发进度的不断推进,各大发展商的明争暗斗也逐渐进入白热化。
    South China plate with the constant progress in promoting the development of various industries, major developers businesses have gradually entered hotter by the day.

  • 另外,上门推销的也不少,打折、回扣,中介机构之间打价格战,明争暗斗,热闹非常。
    Additional, those who come to promote is not little also, dozen fold, rake-off, price war is made between intermediary organization, strife openly and secretly, lively and special.

  • 无论她们以什么话题开场,到后来总不可避免地以香水,时装,明争暗斗和相互嫉妒收尾。
    No matter what was the first topic at the commencement, the tea always ended up with the deputies of fashion and the envy from one to another.

  • 江湖已乱,纷争四起,各大江湖门派都为了争夺江湖武林霸主的地位,而不停的在明争暗斗
    The political arena has been in chaos disputes everywhere, all the major political arena in order to Menpai Wulin hegemony over the status of the political arena, and kept in tinge.

  • 德国与其纳粹历史的关系依然不时引起争议,正如那两个明争暗斗的火车展览所引发的争议。
    Germany's relationship with its Nazi history still regularly generates controversy, as in the case of the dueling train exhibits.

  • 另外,公众的情绪仍然很焦虑;人们没有感觉到生活在改善,对于华盛顿的明争暗斗感到厌恶。
    people didn't feel their lives were improving and they were sick of all the fighting in Washington.

  • 这个美丽的首都,就像文明的曙光出现以来的每一个首都一样,常常是尔虞我诈明争暗斗之地。
    This beautiful capitol, like every capitol since the dawn of civilization, is often a place of intrigue and calculation.

  • 如果再加上克林姆林宫内的明争暗斗和宫廷政变,一场真正意义上的政治竞争将会一发不可收拾。
    That, plus infighting or palace coups inside the Kremlin, where Russia's real political competition takes place.

  • 造成债务停顿的原因,可能是迪拜统治圈里的权利之争,也可能是迪拜和邻国阿布扎比的明争暗斗
    Perhaps, then, the standstill was the result either of a power struggle within the ruling circles of Dubai, or between Dubai and its neighbour, Abu Dhabi.

  • 但前几天你说我们比起王孙公子来要幸福多了,因为他们虽然有钱,却一天到晚明争暗斗,烦恼不休。
    You said the other day you thought we were a deal happier than the King children, for they were fighting and fretting all the time, in spite of their money.

  • 但是他们的教练已不再是当年的克劳琛,他们的锐气在足协以及球队内部的明争暗斗中渐渐锋芒尽失。
    But they are no longer the coach of the year Krautzun, who in the spirit of the Football Association as well as the internal infighting in the team gradually lost cutting edge.

  • 明争暗斗如火如荼之际,让支付宝真正给百度提供技术支持,或让百度接受其帮助,都不太现实。
    When struggles is like a raging fire, lets pay valuable truly to the baidu provides the technical support, or lets the baidu accept its help, is not too realistic.

  • 虽然目前利物浦联赛排名第一,但是库伊特认为这并不是吹嘘的资本,因为利物浦再次陷入了冠军的明争暗斗
    While league points might be the priority on Monday, Kuyt believes claiming the bragging rights once more would lift everyone at the club ahead of a potential championship dog fight.

  • 班上也渐成七角单恋关系,因珍对多才多艺的体育老师(罗素饰)极有好感,而运河与谢天则为珍而明争暗斗
    Whereas Hsieh Tin and San Ho regard each other as competitive suitor and fight over Chung all the time, Chung has developed a crush on the P. E. teacher (Russell Wong)!

  • 我们这个大家庭,还不曾到五世同堂,不过四代人,就弄成了这个样子。明明是一家人,然而没有一天不在明争暗斗
    We've got four generations under one roof, only one generation less than the ' ideal ' family, but never a day goes by without open quarrels and secret wrangles.

  • 一场惊天动地,生生死死,明争暗斗,剩下宁静的旷野,柔风在草间飘动,死去的人,活着的人,情在绵亘,情无绝期。
    A shocking Sang Sang tightly, striving remaining quiet wilderness, Roufeng between waves in the grass, dead, alive, the situation in Mianxuan, absolutely no intelligence period.

  • 武装了全新的条约,欧洲可能在世界舞台发出更强的声音,也可能因欧盟议会与其它主要权力体的明争暗斗而元气大伤。
    Armed with the treaty, Europe could pack more of a punch in the world, or it could suffer from a trial of strength between the European Parliament and the union's other centres of power.

  • 接着,俄罗斯政府内部的明争暗斗开始变得失控,而普京也再次采纳他的最初计划,即让梅德韦捷夫先生担任俄罗斯总统。
    Then the infighting in the Kremlin started to get out of hand and Mr Putin returned to his original plan of making Mr Medvedev president.

  • 奥尔特加已从委内瑞拉总统查韦斯那里获取廉价的石油和一些资助,而无需同美国或国际货币基金组织(IMF)明争暗斗
    He has secured cheap oil and other aid from Hugo Chávez in Venezuela without falling out with the United States or the IMF.

  • 明争暗斗造句相关
