
弦外之音  xián wài zhī yīn








  • 他们想找出他的声明的弦外之音
    They tried to find out the implications of his statement.

  • 倾听弦外之音,推进课程建设。
    Listen to illocutionary speech attentively and promote course construction.

  • 你必须试着读出它的弦外之音
    You have to try to read between the lines.

  • 你必须试着读出它的弦外之音
    You have to try to read between the(T) lines.

  • 他的弦外之音是你说错了。
    He said, with the implication that your statement was wrong.

  • 在交际中,我们应该理解人们的弦外之音
    In , we are supposed to understand in other people's words.

  • 在交际中,我们应该理解人们的弦外之音
    In communication, we are supposed to understand what is implied in other people's words.

  • 这句话简直是火上浇油——也可能有弦外之音
    This was oil on the flames-as he was perhaps not unaware .

  • 在每个面试问题背后都有弦外之音或另一个问题。
    Behind every interview question there is a concern or another question.

  • ——房贷适度放松 央行报告之于房价的弦外之音
    Modest easing in housing prices in the central bank report overtones?

  • 会话含义是指语用含义或话语的言下之意,弦外之音
    Conversational implicature refers to meaning of language use and connotation of the language.

  • 我俩结婚已27年,这种时候我们都知道对方的弦外之音
    After 27 years of marriage, both of us understand the unspoken subtext to our exchange.

  • 而且整个周末从星期五起,弦外之音你正在见到可能非常不同于真实。
    And from Friday through the weekend, the subtext you're seeing could be very different from reality.

  • 你需要认真的观察情形,并且当有人说话的时候你要懂得听出弦外之音
    You'll need to closely observe situations and read between the lines when it comes to what people are saying.

  • 遭遇不同的对待后,亚伯和该隐牺牲的弦外之音?什麽是「该隐的封印」?
    What implications do you see in the different treatment accorded the sacrifices of Abel and Cain? What is the significance of "the brand of Cain" ?

  • 他有弦外之音:“不要了,梳打有好多气,我不想生气,之前太生气了。”
    Soda has a lot of air and I don't want to get upset. My previous one made me too upset.

  • 聪明的外国记者常常可以借推敲字句进过新闻检查.而让读者去了解弦外之音
    A clever foreign correspondent can often avoid censorship by careful wording, leaving his audience to read between the lines.

  • 古琴是中国文人的代表乐器,素以清、微、淡、远为要,追求的是弦外之音的深邃意境。
    Guqin is the example instrument of the Chinese scholar because of its insipid, smart, delicate and remote each the artistic conception the expressed by it.

  • 昨天,那人同我讲野时, 并不是责骂。 都是笑著同我讲, 只是我觉得有弦外之音
    For those people who may go there, they would know how is it look like and take precaution just in case.

  • 我不像我常常见到的有些人那样,听得出别人话里的弦外之音,显得对对方关心的事情感兴趣。
    I cannot catch their tone of conversation, or appear interested in their concerns, as I often see done.

  • 因为双方对话有点像“鸡对鸭说”,各自表述,女人的弦外之音总是要猜了又猜,而且基本猜错。
    Because the dialogue a bit like "chicken duck said, " each of the implication, the woman always guess and guess, and basic guess wrong.

  • 是完全可以理解的,结果是那个倒霉的同仁开始去寻找这个评价的弦外之音:这是不是某种人身攻击呢?
    The unfortunate colleague was right to take the direct statement as involving something more, not only a comment about the quality of his paper but an attack on his very person.

  • 他没再说别的。但是,我们父子之间话虽不多,却一向是非常通气的,因此我明白他的话大有弦外之音
    He didn't say any more, but we've always been unusually communicative na reserved way, and I understood that he meant a great deal more han that.

  • 他没再说别的。但是,我们父子之间话虽不多,却一向是非常通气的,因此我明白他的话大有弦外之音
    He didn't say any more, but we've always been unusually communicative in a reserved way, and I understood that he meant a great deal more than that.

  • 英汉语数词的语义转换、语义重构与修辞手段的运用呈现出不同方式,从而产生出大量的“言外之意、弦外之音”。
    Many forms are shown in the semantic transition, semantic reconstruction and the use of rhetorical devices of E-C numerals, which helps produce large numbers of subaudition and implications.

  • 他会前倾身体,享用听到的话---似乎是在嗅出、品尝人们的回答而不仅在与听,然后,立刻凭着直觉提出最小弦外之音
    He would lean forward, savoring what he took in, seeming to smell and taste the answers more than hearing them, picking up immediately and viscerally on the slightest off note.

  • 然而达·芬奇本人却像所有大画家一样,从来就不解释他作品中的含义,他相信观者必然感觉得出非文字所能形容的弦外之音
    However, Leonardo Da Vinci, like all great artists, never explains what his works mean. He believes that the spectator will certainly feel the overtones that can't describe by language.

  • 即使到了今天,在这个政权正在寻求赞扬而不是颂词敬意。在奥林匹克的预备阶段,一些官方花言巧语却有着主战的弦外之音
    Even today, at a time when the regime is seeking praise, not tribute, in the run-up to the Olympic Games, there are bellicose overtones to official rhetoric.

  • 我想知道的是,这位天才的音乐家是否遍历了欧洲,波兰和巴黎的文化,才到达可以读懂那种神秘的“悲凉”和“字里行间的弦外之音”的境地。
    The question is, if this highly talented musician has understood the European, Polish and Parisian culture with all its melancholy and its skepticism so-to-say "from within".

  • 这种做法的弦外之音,意在展示谋杀者的用武之地,也给利特维年科在伦敦的友人传达了恐怖信息,可能还是给利氏背信弃义的英国东家一个下马威
    On this reading, it was designed to demonstrate the scope of the murderers and to send a hair-raising message to Litvinenko's friends in London, and perhaps also to his perfidious British hosts.

  • 弦外之音造句相关
