
时过境迁  shí guò jìng qiān







  • 这正是时过境迁看待事物的明智办法。
    That is the wise way to look at these things when once they are past.

  • 今年的巢里找不到去年的鸟。/时过境迁
    There are no birds of this year in last year's nest.

  • 去年的巢里找不到今年的鸟。/时过境迁
    There are no birds of this year in last year's nests.

  • 时过境迁,住房还是中国社会的一大难题。
    Times had changed and China's social housing or a major problem.

  • 时过境迁,诸多遗落。
    Passage of time, many fall.

  • 时过境迁,很多女权运动失去了原有的方向。
    Instead, much of feminism has devolved into the silly.

  • 时过境迁加上地震和石头的风化使建筑物衰败。
    Time, earthquakes, and stone scavengers took their toll.

  • 女性敏感的感觉总是用时过境迁这种方式伤害她们。
    She is plagued by the vicissitude of feminine subtlety.

  • 今年的鸟巢里找不到去年的鸟。更好一些呢?时过境迁
    There are no birds of last year in this year's nests.

  • 统计数据显示,柳工曾是机构的“宠儿”,但现在已时过境迁
    Statistics show that Liugong was the "darling", but has now overtaken by events.

  • 时过境迁,如今这些电视台的益智类节目也都迎来了冷却期。
    But circumstances changes with the time, these television station's longan class program also has welcomed now the cooling-off period.

  • 学会放弃,别与人争得面红耳赤,时过境迁,对错无答案。
    learn to give up, do not win with red, passage of time, no right or wrong answer.

  • 女人很多时候都会认为,现在时过境迁了,人也变得更加成熟了。
    Woman a lot of moment can think, change of present tense pass through the territory of a country, the person also becomes more mature.

  • 反宗教的变革党在过去曾风光无限,但时过境迁,它已被踢出局了。
    The anti-religious Shinui party used to be popular but it may get wiped out this time round.

  • 但现在已经时过境迁了,投资方会看重团队、资源质量和营运效率等。
    But has now emerged, investors will value team, resource quality and operational efficiency, and so on.

  • 虽然时过境迁,但阿迪达斯和德国足协仍一直保持着特殊的合作关系。
    Many things have changed since then, but the special relationship between the DFB and Adidas remains.

  • 女:对,恩,我还有过24英寸的腰呢,时过境迁了。现在快点给我让开。
    Woman: Yeah, well, I had a 24-inch waist. You lose things. Now come on, get outta my way.

  • 中国旧的企业破产法早已“时过境迁”,新企业破产法体现了立法者的共识。
    The old factory Insolvency Law of China has been out of date, while the new one shows the common idea of the legis-laters.

  • 时过境迁,临时搭建许可证陆续到期,临时搭建房也成了违章搭建,必须拆除。
    Times had changed and temporary structure permits have expired, the temporary structure housing has become illegal structures must be dismantled.

  • 如今时过境迁,石油公司又准备开始增产了,但此刻它们却没有与之相匹的人手和设备。
    Now oil firms want to increase their output again, they do not have the staff or equipment they need.

  • 时过境迁,已经33岁的迪克森渐渐被人们忘却,直到他出现在骑士队的季前赛训练营为止。
    Passage of time, the 33-year-old Dixon has gradually been forgotten, until he appears in the Knight's preseason training camp so far.

  • 未被有效利用的特定机遇,其价值就会呈现边际效益递减的规律,甚至会在时过境迁中失效。
    Have not been effective use of specific opportunities, the value shown will be the law of diminishing marginal benefit, even in the passage of time in failure.

  • 时过境迁,许多人看到这“脱帽”的主楼表示不满意,张开济也自责当初未坚持自己整体设计的思想。
    Times had changed and many people see this "bust" expressed dissatisfaction with the building, also just opened Dhi not uphold its original overall design ideas.

  • 距离此前多头突然发力,已经过去了整整一个月,时过境迁,多空角力再次走到了实力对比的质变边缘。
    on Lg distance after a sudden force, a whole month has passed, overtaken by events, Pupil wrestle the balance of power once again reached the brink of change.

  • 商家则以能挤进寸金之地的交易市场内售车而“乐不思蜀”。而今时过境迁,“逛车奔车市,买车去专卖”成为潮流。
    Now time passes and the situation has changed, "Ramble city of Che Ben car, buy a car to go monopolistic " make trend.

  • 时过境迁,这个习俗已经由穿蓝色的衣服演变为穿一件底部有蓝色镶边的新娘礼服,到了现代变为新娘穿着一件蓝色的吊带袜。
    Over time this has evolved from wearing a blue clothing to wearing a blue band around the bottom of the bride's dress and to modern times where the bride wears a blue or blue-trimmed garter.

  • 它们大多数成立在2007年年中甚至更早,享受过牛市丰厚的回报,然而时过境迁,牛熊转换,它们的胜利果实已所剩无几。
    Most of them set up in mid-2007 or even earlier, enjoyed a bull market returns, but the passage of time, Callable Bull / Bear Contracts conversion, the fruits of their victory is running low.

  • 时过境迁,世界并没有按照聪明人的预想发生变化,新闻事业的鼎盛时期如烟消云散,但大卫·哈伯斯塔姆并没有因此停止工作。
    As it turned out, the world didn't agree with the smart people, and a journalistic heyday passed. But Halberstam never stopped working.

  • 曾几何时,典型的欧洲家庭模式是一人外出挣钱(几乎永远是男人)。时过境迁,现在多数家庭变为双职工,以维持一定的生活水准。
    Once the typical European family relied on one salary, almost invariably the male one, but now most couples need two wage-packets to sustain their standard of living.

  • 时过境迁,UGBs存在的理由逐渐变成了“避免俄勒冈州加利福尼亚化”——即不要变成洛杉矶那样,遍布高速公路而没有市中心。
    Over time the rationale for UGBs changed to "don't Californicate Oregon"—ie, don't become Los Angeles, a freeway sprawl with no centre.

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