
早出晚归  zǎo chū wǎn guī








  • 我每天早出晚归,通车上学。
    I commuted to school everyday.

  • 这些志愿者每天早出晚归,很是辛苦。
    These volunteers set out early and return late every day, is very laborious.

  • 每天挤公共汽车,早出晚归
    Pack a bus everyday, give evening early to return.

  • 他每天早出晚归,但每次都两手空空。
    His spare any day, but each time empty-handed.

  • 大人们也总是早出晚归
    Great people always spare.

  • 她很勤劳,一天早出晚归,没有空闲的时间。
    She is very hard-working, spare any day, there is no idle time.

  • 他们的爹爹不是一个早出晚归,关系疏远的人。
    Their Dad is not a remote person who disappears in the morning and reappears at night.

  • 工厂里的工人们早出晚归,却没有得到任何补偿。
    Factory workers arrive early and stay late, without pay.

  • 早出晚归,寻着所有可能变成比尔·盖茨的机遇。
    He gets up early and falls asleep late in order to find a chance of becoming Bill Gates.

  • 既然选择郊区生活品质,但是早出晚归根本享受不了!
    Since the outskirts of the quality of life choices, but can not leave early and go home late simply enjoy!

  • 他们早出晚归夜以继日,为别人的成功而辛苦奔忙。
    They spare any, day and night for the success of other people's hard-bustle.

  • 工厂工人早出晚归不给工钱,周末安排的培训也没有补偿。
    Factory workers arrive early and stay late, without pay. Training at weekends may be uncompensated.

  • 早出晚归,从6月16日至6月18日,于得明把医院当成了宾馆。
    Spare any, from June 16 to June 18, was prescribed in the hospital as a hotel.

  • 情景对话:韦德先生在我们宾馆已住宿了好长一段时间,他总是早出晚归
    Situation:Mr. Wade lives in our hotel for a long time, he always goes early and comes back late.

  • 很多在伦敦市区工作的人想住郊外……,尽管这意味着他们不得不早出晚归
    Many people who work in London want to live outside it…, even though this means they have to get up earlier in the morning and reach home later in the evening.

  • 我一人早出晚归忙着装修,没什么要求,只要干净安全,能晚上睡一觉就成。
    I have one spare any busy decoration, no requirement, as long as clean and safe, can sleep on into the evening.

  • 不错,猴子们挺驯服,每天早出晚归,背驮肩扛地给他采来各种各样的鲜果。
    It was true that the monkeys were very obedient. Everyday they started early and came back late, carrying back all kinds of fresh fruits for him.

  • 领导干部到新单位任职,理应扎下根来安心工作,不应早出晚归“走读”上班。
    Leader cadre holds a post to new unit, behoove plunges into next roots to set his mind at to work, should not give evening early to return " attend a day school " go to work.

  • 父母每天都在为自己的工作而忙忙碌碌,每天都是早出晚归的,难道他们容易吗?
    Everyday of parents at is oneself of work but busy, everyday go out early and return till late, difficult way they easy?

  • 同时,每日早出晚归的单身人士,也没必要对楼层、朝向、采光等细节问题斤斤计较。
    Meanwhile, the single daily leave early and go home late, did not need to floors, towards, lighting and other details too.

  • 老头是个勤快人,整天泡在地里,早出晚归,精耕细作,调理的几亩农田年年五谷丰登。
    Old man was a diligent person, all day long soak in the manner, the spare any, intensive and adjust the middle of several acres of farmland .

  • 他们早出晚归、呼朋唤友,还经常在露天的地方唱歌、打牌、喝酒,江阿姨实在受不了。
    They leave early and go home late, Hupenghuanyou, often in open areas sing, play cards, drink, Jiang auntie really stand.

  • 从匆匆穿越了意大利的四座城市,到早出晚归的匆匆捕捉拍摄……,匆匆赶去又匆匆返回。
    We went to and came back from Italy in a hurry. Everything was in such a hurry as if we were in a dream.

  • 重视家庭生活的徐中雄,自参选以来,每天早出晚归,已经很久没有时间享受天伦之乐了。
    Shyu, who places great emphasis on his family life, has been out the door early and home late ever since the election, and hasn't had the chance to enjoy his family in a long time.

  • 旁白:女人像往常一样早出晚归,但他其实并未来上班,只是在到处找工作,可惜并没有结果。
    C: Everyday, she leaves and reaches home as usual. However, rather than going to work, she searches in vain for a job.

  • 接下来的几天,我们的日程安排得满满当当,早出晚归地奔走于鸟巢、水立方、各个奥赛场馆。
    In the following days, we had a full schedule for watching the Olympic Games so that we were busy going form various Gymnasiums, such as Bird's Nest, the water Cube, and so on.

  • 那位太太怀孕六个月,为了避开噪声天天早出晚归,但周六、周日没地方躲,她老公很生气便找上门理论。
    That the six-month pregnant wife to avoid noise leave early and go home late every day, but Saturday and Sunday were hiding place, she would get very angry husband home theory.

  • 兰比斯这些年来在我的工作团队中任劳任怨,他跟球队里的年轻人一起工作,早出晚归,帮助球员提高水平。
    Kurt has been the workhorse of my staff the past few years. He's worked with the youth of our team, coming in early and staying late, to help players develop.

  • 选择做一个科学家并不是选择一份职业,而是选择了与研究为伍,早出晚归这样一种看起来枯燥的生活方式。
    Choosing being an architect is choosing living as an architect, it´s not tha fame or power you should be after, it´s the attitude of working and living, and the satisfaction from it.

  • 就这样我们早出晚归过了一个月,我周围的人也走得差不多了,后面只剩下我一个人了。本来我也可以逃之夭夭的,谁知道命运多舛,时运不齐。
    If only I could tell him how much I regret my thoughtless words, and could be assured that he knows how much my heart is aching.

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