
无尽无休  wú jìn wú xiū






  • 等候了很多小时,似乎无尽无休
    The hours of waiting seemed endless.

  • 你有可能赢数百万。无尽无休
    You could win millions! The sky 's the limit!

  • 我逐渐对电视上无尽无休的暴力镜头感到厌恶。
    I began to sicken of the endless violence shown on television.

  • 我逐渐对电视上无尽无休的暴力镜头感到厌恶。
    I begin to sicken of the endless violence show on television.

  • 连共和党经济学家都在谈论数千亿新支出项目,无尽无休
    With even Republican economists talking about hundreds of billions in new spending, the sky's the limit.

  • 它剩下的只有无尽无休的由商人和战争机器发动的代理战争。
    It's an endless series of proxy battles fought by mercenaries and machines.

  • 所有这些无休无尽的良好天性都会激怒那些更含蓄国家的来访者。
    All this boundless good nature can grate on visitors from more reserved nations.

  • 引起麻烦的原因是关于高校讲师和员工的薪酬问题的无尽无休的论战。
    The reason behind this trouble is the ongoing argument in higher education between lecturers and employers over pay.

  • 阿兰·斯顿终于走了,拖着疲惫的身躯,摊着无尽无休的伤病,拖着一世的骂名。
    Houston of A orchid · went eventually, dragging tired out body, booth is worn endless without resting injury, pulling the bad name of generation.

  • 一次,就足够一世的珍藏和无尽的思念,相思问定何如?情知春去后,管得落花
    First, it would be sufficient to the collection and I remember endless, Acacia will be asked Hugh HE? to the situation, the tube was not falling.

  • 你是一切信仰你的人的保护神、救世主和胜利之源,一切光荣属于你,归于圣父,圣子,圣灵,无尽无休,直到永恒。
    Thou art the defence, the succour, and the victory of them that put their trust in Thee; and to Thee be the glory, to Father, and to Son, and to Holy Ghost, now and ever has been, for ever and ever.

  • 他知道,妈妈的心虽似小小一隅,能容下的欢乐却是无尽无休;被抓住,被搂在妈妈亲爱的怀中,其甜美远远胜过自由。
    He knows that there is room for endless joy in mother's little corner of a heart, and it is far sweeter than liberty to be caught and pressed in her dear arms.

  • 我的慷慨像大海,际;我的爱情像大海,莫测高深。我给予你越多,我将越富有,因为爱情与慷慨在我心中无尽无休
    My  bounty  is  as  boundless   as  the  sea , my  love  as  deep , the  more  I  give  to   you  , the  more  I   have  , for  both  are  infinite .

  • 无尽无休造句相关
