
文武双全  wén wǔ shuāng quán








  • 其中方以智文武双全,为大明朝作过很多贡献。
    Fang Yizhi Wenwushuangquan which, as a contribution to the Ming dynasty for many.

  • 兰陵王高肃,字长恭,是北齐末期文武双全的名将。
    Stephenlan ling wang high, Yasuhisa length, is the famouswen wu shuang quan the end of the Northern Qi Dynasty.

  • 阳处父足智多谋,文武双全。晋文公九年(628)。
    Yang Department resourceful father, wen wu shuang quan. jin wen gong nine years (628).

  • 他长大成了文武双全的将军并决心为母亲的待遇讨回公道。
    He becomes a general with powerful martial accomplishments and seeks revenge for the treatment of his mother.

  • 欧洲的历史上,有一位有名的人物亚历山大大帝,雄才大略,文武双全
    In the history of Europe, there was a famous emperor, Alexander the Great.

  • 欧洲的历史上,有一位有名的人物亚历山大大帝,雄才大略,文武双全
    Alexander the Great was arguably the most famous military commander in the history of Europe.

  • 此前已经有人曝出孔子在陈汗编写的剧本中是“文武双全,骑着神兽”的。
    Before this already some person of insolations had Kong Zi, in Chen Han compiles in the script is civil and military complete in both, is riding the god beast.

  • 每位学生都品学兼优、彬彬有礼、文武双全,上课时也勇于发言,不会吵吵闹闹的。
    All classes were taught in English, and the students communicated in English as well. Their Chinese period was very special.

  • 古希腊伊利斯国王为了给自己的女儿挑选一个文武双全的驸马,提出应选者必须和自己比赛战车。
    King of Elis in ancient Greece to their daughter in order to pick a horse Wenwushuangquan the Prince Consort, the election must be made and their chariot race.

  • 古希腊伊利斯国王为了给自己的女儿挑选一个文武双全的驸马,提出应选者必须和自己比赛战车。
    King Iphitos ancient Greece to their daughter to a selection of her consort songs, proposed to be elected and who have their own competitions chariot.

  • 古希腊伊利斯国王为了给自己的女儿挑选一个文武双全的驸马,提出应选者必须和自己比赛战车。
    Ancient Greece King Elis to choose a civil and military complete in both emperor's son-in-law for own daughter, proposed that the election must compete the combat tank with.

  • 曹操文武双全,《魏略》说他“才力绝人,手射飞鸟,躬禽猛兽,尝于南皮,一日射雉获六十三头”。
    Cao Cao civil and military complete in both, 《Wei Slightly》 said he "the outstandingly capable, the hand shoots the bird, Some time in Nanpi, One day shoots down 63 wild birds".

  • 共产党员王一民文武双全,是北大的毕业生,是一中教员,几乎所有的危险任务都是他来执行,几次身陷陷阱,他都不曾退缩。
    Wang Yimin Wenwushuangquan party members, is a graduate of Beijing University, is a teacher in almost all the risk to carry out his task, caught in a trap on several occasions, he has not flinched.

  • 你出去转告他,就说:『你这个人造谣生事,认为自己文武双全,戴着那顶古理古怪的帽子,腰里系着牛皮带,整天喋喋不休,胡说一通。
    You tell him: "You guy make rumor that you can fight and write. You wear the odd cap, tied oxhide belt around your waist. All day you sprout nonsense. Actually, you can't do anything."

  • 文武双全造句相关
