
自怨自艾  zì yuàn zì yì








  • 有什么可以一天到晚自怨自艾的?
    Go for it. Come on, boy. Be a man.

  • 在怜悯中成长的孩子,学会自怨自艾
    If children live with approval, they learn to like themselves.

  • 怜悯中长大的孩子,将来容易自怨自艾
    The kids growing up in pities will be self-reproachful in future.

  • 人的本性就是会自怨自艾
    Human nature is so prone to fall into it!

  • 我的动机来自于更多的自信,绝非自怨自艾
    My motivation comes from more confidence instead of need or wanting to fill a gaping hole in me.

  • 如果一个人过度放纵自己,就会陷入自怨自艾之中。
    To indulge oneself immoderately, as in wallowing in self-pity.

  • 花时间整理评估下你目前的状况,但是不要自怨自艾
    Take a little break to evaluate your situation, but try not to wallow in self-pity.

  • 我懂了……当你自怨自艾时,幸福就会停靠在别的港湾。
    I have learned…That when you harbor bitterness, happiness will dock elsewhere.

  • 你从来不会退缩,也从不自怨自艾,从来不需要任何帮助。
    You don't whine or feel sorry for yourself, and you never need help with anything.

  • 第一个生日,我在忽而愤怒,忽而无限地自怨自艾中度过。
    My first birthday I spent alternating between rage and feeling more sorry for myself than ever before.

  • 他说,他们不应低估自身能力,也不要自怨自艾,哀叹命运。
    They shouldn't underestimate their own capabilities and constantly bemoan their fate, he said.

  • 自怨自艾的侵略和压迫中国的事实,记得美国获得的土地。
    While you are lamenting the fact that China invades and oppresses, remember how America got its lands.

  • 他是否为此而自怨自艾,就像许多领袖遇到问题时的表现一样?
    Did he blame himself for what had happened?Many leaders do that when things go wrong.

  • 如果他还是不能摆脱自怨自艾的状态,你就要找一群想成功的人。
    If the person will not get up out of the self-pity mode then you need to find a group of people who want to succeed.

  • 很多人在工作中都可能会遇到糟糕的时刻,他们逃回家,自怨自艾
    Lots of people might have an awful time at work and they go home and are wallowing in it.

  • 现在的我们不再自怨自艾,不会再陷在改变不了的悲剧里不能自拔。
    There was no feeling sorry for ourselves. No dwelling on things we couldn't change.

  • 因为医生的误诊,她丧失了视力,忽然被抛弃进一个漆黑愤怒沮丧和自怨自艾的世界。
    Due to a medical misdiagnosis she had been rendered sightlessand she was suddenly thrown into a world of darknessangerfrustration and self-pity.

  • 世上有很多人因著天生的某些缺陷而自怨自艾,失去奋斗的干劲,心灵的力量也日渐枯乾。
    There is a lot of people because of certain shortcomings inherent self, losing struggle drive, the strength of the soul have become dry.

  • 后悔令人难受,令人透不过气,亦会令一个积极进取的企业家,变成一个终生自怨自艾的人。
    Regret haunts you. Regret stifles you. Regret turns you from a positive, active entrepreneur into a person who second-guesses everything for the rest of his (or her) life.

  • 人们想让鲍什知道,他的讲话让他们不再自怨自艾,帮助他们走出离婚的阴影,或更加重视家庭。
    People wanted Dr. Pausch to know that his talk had inspired them to quit pitying themselves, or to move on from divorces, or to pay more attention to their families.

  • 愚痴邪见即是自造恶业;懒惰懈怠就是自毁前程;自怨自艾终究于事无补;怨天尤人只会更加坏事。
    Ignorance and perverted thoughts bring bad karma. Laziness and negligence ruin careers. Blaming yourself is useless. Whining and blaming others makes things worse.

  • 碧丝自怨自艾说自己没有孩子…竟然不懂得庆幸没有孩子才是她前世修来的,日子可以过得比较好。
    Bess grieved because she had no child, not having sense enough to know she was better off without one.

  • 牵牛花也病倒了,因为它嫌自己没有丁香高大芬芳……就这样,园中所有的花草树木都在自怨自艾
    The geranium was fretting because it was not tall and fragrant like the lilac…… and so on all through the garden.

  • 碧丝自怨自艾说自己没有孩子……竟然不懂得庆幸没有孩子才是她前世修来的,日子可以过得比较好。
    Bess grieved because she had no child, not having sense enough to know she was better off without one.

  • 这个问题的关键不是因为你不能事事精通就自怨自艾,对自己苛刻,而是找出你的强项和对你真正重要的东西。
    But the key here is not to be so hard on yourself in terms of becoming sad at the fact that you can't be good at everything but in finding out what YOU are good at and what really matters to you.

  • 温格是一个冠军教练,他将会为胜利而战,球员也一样,他们已经两连败,他们不能自怨自艾而输掉这样的比赛。
    Arsene is a winner and he will try to win this game and also the players will too. You cannot lose in the way they have lost in their last two games and not try to do your best.

  • 把自己想象成一个有能力按照自己的价值观和偏好做出明智选择的人,而不是把自己看成不能左右生活的自怨自艾的可怜虫。
    Think of yourself as an empowered person making wise choices based on your values and priorities - instead of a self-pitying victim who views life in terms of what she can't have.

  • 他和我的日程安排者兰迪。怀特都提醒我,在我自怨自艾的同时,我还应该对我的职员以及他们未来的安康表现出更多的关心。
    He and my scheduler, Randy White, also reminded me, in my periods of self-absorption, that I needed to show more concern for my staff and their future welfare.

  • 当我们有朋友陷入情绪低落、自怨自艾和挫折失败的时候,这无疑是一个极好的范例,让我们可学以致用,运用当中的原则来扶持他。
    Here are some methods which can be used to help a friend suffering from the same problems - depression, low self-esteem and failure.

  • 当我们有朋友陷入情绪低落、自怨自艾和挫折失败的时候,这无疑是一个极好的范例,让我们可学以致用,运用当中的原则来扶立他。
    Here are some methods which can be used to help a friend suffering from the same problems - depression, low self-esteem and failure.

  • 自怨自艾造句相关
