
振臂一呼  zhèn bì yī hū








  • 布朗首相振臂一呼,冻结冰岛在英国的全部资产!
    So it became ugly, and Brow the Premier announced that UK will freeze all Icenlander accounts in UK!

  • 改革之父邓小平振臂一呼:要答应一部分人先富起来。
    The raise one's arm of father Deng Xiaoping of reform breathes out: Should allow one part person first rich rise.

  • 在卖方市场初期也能赢得市场,振臂一呼,自有人响应。
    Can win in a seller's market initially, it be a call from someone responded.

  • 一时间,“合作建房”颇有“振臂一呼而应者云集”之势。
    For a time, "building cooperation" quite "should be called leaders who gathered in a" tendency.

  • 一时间,“合作建房”颇有“振臂一呼而应者云集”的味道。
    For a time, "building cooperation" quite "should be called leaders who gathered in a" flavor.

  • 有朝一日,我们亿万中国人振臂一呼,世界必定为我们而颤抖!
    Some day, the whole world cannot but quiver as hundreds of millions Chinese raise our arm of one mind.

  • 人们多么希望大学校长们能够站在时代和社会的高度振臂一呼啊!
    People who wish to stand in University President times and the community raised a high degree of respiratory ah!

  • 巴基斯坦国内反对援助议案的高官振臂一呼,反对党和媒体也都表示大为恼火。
    But, encouraged by the top brass, who have condemned the aid bill, opposition parties and the media have taken huge offence.

  • 所需要的应该是最后一击,是叶利钦站在坦克上的振臂一呼,而不是赵紫阳伤感的眼泪。
    What was needed was the last blow, the rallying cry of Yeltsin from the turret of a tank, not the sentimental tears of Zhao Ziyang.

  • 周立波虽然在中国文坛称不上振臂一呼,应者云集的作家,但他具有独具个性的文学气质。
    Zhou Li-bo has striking personalities in literature though he is unworthy to appeal to a large public in Chinese literary circles.

  • 玩家们“装备”齐全,qq群、ut等聊天工具,一应俱全,响应者众多,颇有梁山好汉振臂一呼群雄揭竿的豪迈。
    Players of "equipment" complete, qq group, ut tools such as chat, self-contained, in response to the large number of men raised quite a call to revolt crowded Jiegan of heroic.

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