
挥汗如雨  huī hàn rú yǔ







  • 在器械上挥汗如雨,获得安慰;
    Sweating on the gym appliance, is comforted.

  • 足球场上运动员挥汗如雨
    The athlete on the football field are wet through.

  • 面试绝对不是你希望感挥汗如雨的场合。
    The job interview is one place you definitely don't want to be hot.

  • 到达半山腰时,我们已经气喘吁吁,挥汗如雨了。
    Half way up the hill, we were already wet through and breathing hard.

  • 每个在运动场挥汗如雨的孩子都会有成为职业选手的梦。
    BRIAN: Every little kid that steps on the court or the field has aspirations to go pro.

  • 跟着教练的指挥,一群人挥汗如雨、大声吼叫、用力出拳。
    Follow the coach's lead, a flock of people drip with sweat, roar aloud, give a fist forcibly.

  • 出门打的乘电梯上七楼的健身房,然后在跑步机上挥汗如雨
    Go out by taxi and run into the seventh floor's gym by lift, and then producing sweat dripping like raining on the jogging machine.

  • 有氧区丰富的运动项目总能让您找到挥汗如雨忘掉自我的感觉。
    Aerobic exercise area rich project allows you to find a forgotten sense of self.

  • 我感觉还不错,只是炎热似乎使我挥汗如雨,全身都粘糊糊的。
    I felt pretty good but the sweat seemed to be pouring off me from the heat.

  • 让我们在炎炎夏日挥汗如雨吧,我将希望手捧寒雪擦试我的脸庞。
    Make me sweat on a hot summer's day so I wish I had a handful of snow to rub my face in.

  • 虽然也许我没并没有机会亲临现场去为挥汗如雨的健儿们加油助威;
    Although perhaps I did not visit the scene and no opportunity for the march to cheer the athletes;

  • 多少次挥汗如雨,伤痛曾填满记忆,只始终相信,去拚搏才能胜利。
    How many times we sweat, the pains once filled in our memory, Just because we always believe in, endeavor leads to success.

  • 常常能看到他们在训练场上挥汗如雨的身影,但是,你们仍旧不放弃。
    They often be seen sweating on the training ground at the moment, but you still do not give up.

  • 在进攻开始前的数天内,海军陆战队大早晨挥汗如雨,进行5英里越野跑。
    Marines sweat through an early morning 5-mile run a few days before the invasion begins.

  • 小巧玲珑的柳老师挥汗如雨,将整个办公室的桌椅旮旯里的尘垢格杀勿论;
    elegant and little Teacher Liu is so tired to clear off the dust amidst the chairs and desks;

  • 2006年有了第一次的艺术进驻,艺术家们每天挥汗如雨一同耕耘这块地。
    In 2006, the first Artist-In-Residence project started. A group of artist sweated everyday to cultivate this land.

  • 此后30年,每年都有越来越多的学子挥汗如雨,在高考卷上书写自己的前程。
    Since then, 30 years, every year more and more students Huihanruyu in volume on the college entrance examination will be writing their own future.

  • 他要骑三十分钟自行车,车子的强度被调到接近最高,他气喘如牛,挥汗如雨
    He wanted to ride a bike 30 minutes, the car was transferred to the strength of close to the maximum, he Qichuanruniu, Huihanruyu.

  • 也许是我让你相信我的精华存在于罚球线起跳的闪耀瞬间,而不是在体育馆里的挥汗如雨
    Maybe I made you think my highlights, started at the free-throw line, and not in the gym.

  • 也许是我让你相信我的篮球精华存在于罚球线起跳的闪耀瞬间,而不是在体育馆里的挥汗如雨
    maybe i made you think that my highlights started at the free-throw line, not in the gym;

  • 如无法避免即便在挥汗如雨的时候,为了美与健康还是戴上遮阳帽、打上遮阳伞,穿件外罩再出门吧!
    When if cannot avoid even if to be in, dripping with sweat, still wear sunshade hat for the United States and health, hit sunshade, wear an outer garment to go out again!

  • 就在离江南公寓两百米开外的长沙市枫林路建设工地上,数百位农民工正在烈日下挥汗如雨,辛勤工作。
    in Jiangnan apartment two hundred metres away from the Changsha City Walk Road construction site meant that hundreds of peasant workers is hot weather sweat profusely, and hard work.

  • 丹尼尔·帕切科相信,自己在健身房里的挥汗如雨终能赢得主教练的青睐,并获得代表更多一线队出场的机会。
    Daniel Pacheco is hoping extra work in the gym will help him realise his ultimate goal of becoming a first-team regular at Anfield.

  • 小新认为,虽然在健身房内挥汗如雨同样也能达到健身的目的,但是,那只是“一个人的狂欢”,还是挺没劲的。
    " small new think, although drip with sweat to also can achieve gymnastical goal likewise inside gym, but, that is only " of a person orgiastic " , still do not have interest quite.

  • 看见那些如树的女人,在最空旷的地方,最偏远的角落,拿起锄头,挥汗如雨。在渴望的暧昧里憨厚地收获着如风的爱情。
    tree to see if a woman who, in the most open space, the most remote corner of the world, pick up a hoe, Ambiguity in the simple and honest desire to gain a love wind.

  • 母牛一边挥汗如雨,一边无可奈何地回答说:“孩子,没办法呀,自从咱们吃了人家的东西,就身不由己了,祖祖辈辈都这样啊!”
    Cow side tight ex-american, said helplessly say: "boy, don't we eat, since the somebody else, so he is such lifetimes, ! ""

  • 在最闷热的雨季里,缺乏奢侈的空调,我和其他40个黑皮肤的身体挤在一辆几乎密闭的美国人曾经当作旧校车的汽车中,挥汗如雨
    At the peak of the sultry rainy season, and lacking the luxury of air-conditioning, I sweated with 40 other dark-skin bodies in a nearly air tight ex-American school bus.

  • 如果类固醇就是大力士比赛的胜利之匙,那赢得比赛的人只可能是那些变异人,我的意思是那种成天就想着静脉注射违禁药品而不是在健身房挥汗如雨的人。
    If the key to success for all Storng Men were steroids, then the only people to win it would be mutants who spend more time hooked up to the IV than lifting in the gym.

  • 如果你想要正确地骑车爬坡,在过程中你将会气喘如牛,汗流浃背/汗如雨下/挥汗如雨(像用锁链串在一起的重刑犯在大太阳下做苦工),或许还会口水直流哩。
    If you are going about your business of climbing properly, you will be breathing like a water buffalo, sweating like a chain gang, and probably have snot dribbling off your chin.

  • 也许是我的不对,也许是我令你误解了,篮球是一项简单的运动,也许是我让你相信篮球的精华在于罚球线起跳(扣篮)那闪耀的光芒,而不是在体育馆里挥汗如雨
    Maybe it's my fault. Maybe I lead you to believe it was easy when it wasn't. Maybe I made you think my highlights started at the free-throw line and not in the gym.

  • 挥汗如雨造句相关
