
指手画脚  zhǐ shǒu huà jiǎo








  • 老板经常在员工后买指手画脚
    The boss often laid a trip on his employees.

  • 你不能简单的对于僵尸们的表现指手画脚
    It's not easy to put your finger on what's appealing about zombies.

  • 要说指手画脚的人,在政界你可以找到好多。
    One place where you find lots of backseat drivers is in politics.

  • 运一点小东西人家就指手画脚,哎,忒没面子啦。
    We just send a bit of that stuff and people get all worked up. Sigh.

  • 躺在你的腿上看电视,指手画脚的叫你给我拿吃的。
    Watch TV lying on your legs and order you take something eating for me.

  • 有些吃饱了没事干的外国人,对我们的事情指手画脚
    There are some foreigners who had eaten their fill and had nothing better to do, pointing their fingers at our affairs.

  • 有的人喜欢指手画脚,把群众路线的优良传统也丢掉了。
    Some persons have abandoned the fine tradition of the mass line and like to throw their weight around.

  • 如果中国符合这个条件,我想没有人敢对中国指手画脚
    If China conforms to this condition, I thought nobody dares to Chinato gesticulate.

  • 从她指手画脚的手势中可以判断她在说一些很重要的东西。
    Judging by her hand gestures, which included arms waving and fingers pointing , her message was of great importance .

  • 我们都很好,不需要别人对我们指手画脚说你需要减肥了,你穿错衣服了。
    Second, We are good, we don't need others "help" us to point out that "you need to lose weight", "you wear the wrong shirt".

  • 你们国家连总统的名誉权都得不到保护,还有权利对别国人权指手画脚吗?
    Do you have any qualifications to talk about the human rights of other countries when the fame of your president can not be protected in your country?

  • 我对婚姻还有抚养孩子又了解多少呢,又凭什么对它们的人生计划指手画脚呢?
    How much do I know about marriage or having children that I could bring myself to comment on their plans?

  • 虽然她只是学生会的一名新成员,她对每件事情指手画脚这一点已让她备受关注。
    She may be a new member of the student council, but she is already making waves with her criticism of everything.

  • 中国现在正在崛起,而有些西方人不断地对我们指手画脚,他们真的关心中国吗?
    [ President, Foreign Affairs University ]: Today China is rising. So some westerners keep lecturing us about that. Are they really serious?

  • 对自己的任何财产必须持有绝对控制权,讨厌那些试图对他的财产指手画脚的家伙。
    You are very concerned with having complete control over everything you possess. You resent interference from people who tell you how to use your possessions.

  • 联合国应该到冲突地带亲眼看看事实是怎样的,而不是坐在科伦坡的办公室里指手画脚
    The UN should go to the conflict zone to know the ground realities, and not issue statements sitting in Colombo.

  • 克里姆林宫无权对第比利斯指手画脚,正如华盛顿不该通过门罗主义侵犯拉美国家的主权。
    The Kremlin has no more right to dictate terms to Tbilisi than Washington has to impinge upon the sovereignty of the Latin American states embraced by the Monroe Doctrine.

  • 没有福斯在我身边指手画脚,我终于可以追求一样东西了,一样他逼迫我放弃的东西:生活。
    With Foss not around to dictate my days, I could finally pursue the very thing he'd wanted me to give up:a life.

  • 另一桩标志着世界局势在改变的事件是,一位温先生麾下的媚臣对奥巴马总统居然指手画脚
    As an additional sign that things were changing in the world, the president got a finger-wagging from one of Mr Wen's hangers-on.

  • 我们对手的球迷可能打进热线电话,然后假装自己是一个利物浦的支持者,对球队大肆指手画脚
    Rival fans can phone up radio stations and pretend to be a Liverpool fan and say this and that is wrong with the club.

  • 其他发达国家都和德国不同,在德国,总理,联邦议会,宪法法庭三方均可对国家事务指手画脚
    In no other rich country do so many players have a say in how their nation is governed: the state premiers, the coalitions, the constitutional court.

  • 在日本这样一个等级森严且尊重权威的社会里,门外汉并不愿意对专职法官指手画脚也怯于挑战法官权威。
    In a society of hierarchy and deference towards authority, laymen will rarely dare to argue with professional judges.

  • 美国政府一片混乱,美国的官僚作风和官样文章是国家的耻辱。卡特里娜的打击没有减少美国对全世界政治上的指手画脚
    American government is a mess, American bureaucracy and red tape is a national shame, American political clout around the world has been reduced by the Katrina fiasco.

  • 我们最不应该做出的牺牲就是因为别人的评价而改变自我,因为那些对你指手画脚的人自己也不知道他们遵从的规则是什么。
    Don't sacrifice to change ourselves because of others' comment, it is not deserve, for those people commenting on you don't know what standard he is following.

  • 问:什么是唯一的真正信仰?答:所有的系统都有自身的优缺点,所以只要选择你最需要的就行,不要让别人对你指手画脚
    What is the one true religion?A: All systems have their advantages and disadvantages, so just pick the one that best suits your needs and don't let anyone put you down.

  • 与西方发达国家(绝大多数喜欢指手画脚的批评家的国度)不同,俄政府目前并未债台高筑——事实上,俄罗斯现在并未发行国债。
    Unlike the advanced western countries (home to most of the finger-wagging critics), Russia's government is not sinking itself deeply in debt at present—indeed, it is not issuing any debt.

  • 自然,韦斯基担心留下指手画脚的老古板印象,特别是他在关于网络引发的注意力缺失紊乱治疗中说教意味有些明显:放慢速度,着眼长远。
    Naturally, Wasik is worried about coming off like a scolding schoolmarm, especially because his cure for our Internet-fired ADD is a bit obvious: Slow down and consider the long view.

  • Augustine推测,出现这种现象的原因在于:(1)没有人知道发电厂到底要花多少钱,(2)而每个人都会对一个工具棚的花费指手画脚一番。
    Augustine surmised this was because (1) no one had the slightest clue as to how much a power plant should cost, but (2) everyone had an idea of how much a tool shed should cost.

  • 艾丽卡:嗯,是讲一个离婚妇女的。她是个作家,是个紧张兮兮,吵吵嚷嚷,指手画脚,自以为是的神经质……她挺聪明挺可爱的。这是出喜剧。哈里,你结过婚吗?
    ERICA:Well, it's about a divorced woman, a writer, she's a highly strung, over-amped, controlling, know-it-all neurotic. . . Who's incredibly cute and lovable. It's a comedy. Ever been married, Harry?

  • 人生不过是一个行走的影子。一个在舞台上指手画脚的拙劣伶人,登场了片刻,救灾无声无息中悄然退下,它是一个愚人所讲的的故事,充满了喧哗和骚动,找不到一点意义。
    Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player. That struts and frets his hour upon the stage. And then is heard no more. It is a tale. Told by an i dot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

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