
鹤立鸡群  hè lì jī qún








  • 鹤立鸡群独一枝,绿树映衬玉兰白。
    Standout alone, a set of white yulan magnolia tree.

  • 他和这些人共事,自然是鹤立鸡群
    Working among these people, he is easily the pick of the bunch.

  • 你与其他人相比真是鹤立鸡群
    You are head and shoulders above the others.

  • 为了利用这些机遇,你需要鹤立鸡群
    To take advantage of these opportunities, you need to stand out in a crowd.

  • 在人中,我们总是希望能鹤立鸡群
    we also wanna be the best man around the our world.

  • 这会 让你鹤立鸡群刻赢得尊重和信誉。
    This will set you apart and gain you immediate respect and credibility.

  • 其实他担任那一职务,才力绰绰有余,有如鹤立鸡群
    He was just too big a man for the position, in fact a triton among minnows.

  • 在产品和价值链上的舍弃或折衷安排可使公司鹤立鸡群
    Such trade-offs, in the product and in the value chain, are what make a company truly distinctive.

  • 谁来保证企业的产品鹤立鸡群,具有不可抵挡的魅人气质?
    What can ensure enterprise is standout and has a resistlessly attractive temperament?

  • 是正在为了生活而奋斗、接受别人的施舍还是已经鹤立鸡群
    Struggling for a living—accepting charity from someone else—or at the top of the heap?

  • 培养一下我在本文中描述的这些特质,你将会成为鹤立鸡群的男人。
    By cultivating the traits that I've described in this article, you'll become the type of guy who can stand out from the crowd.

  • 以国土、人口与潜在财富而论,印尼在其所在地区一直显得鹤立鸡群
    BY DINT of size, population and potential wealth, Indonesia has long loomed large over its own backyard.

  • 非常规资源则可让你鹤立鸡群,也就是帮你发现别人所忽视的一些事情。
    Similarly, people from different cultures often see things differently and you can learn a lot from them. Ideally, you should know people from as many different cultures as possible.

  • 在她的家乡,她鹤立鸡群,但当她搬到纽约去后,她只是众人中普普通通的一个。
    In her hometown, she was a big fish in a small pond, but after she moved to New York, she was just only one among many millions.

  • 而且,仅有的一些的确鹤立鸡群的经理也已经被他们不能对付的过量资金所埋没。
    Furthermore, those few managers who did distinguish themselves were then inundated with more money than they could handle.

  • 除非你鹤立鸡群,否则请试图从事那些令你的工作能够很容易得到确定和认可的项目。
    Unless you clearly stand out in a group, seek projects where your work will be clearly identified and recognized.

  • 我遇到的多数人都会点英语,但只有那些刻苦学习的人才会鹤立鸡群,给我很深刻的印象。
    Don't be lazy , the older you get , the hard it will be to learn .

  • 成功人士大多数均掌握了普遍的技能,然而,他们同时也拥有一至两项长处,让他们鹤立鸡群
    People who are successful have general skills but they also have one or two areas where they have developed the ability to perform in an outstanding manner.

  • 看见一辆新梅塞德斯或者保时捷是很寻常的事情。这里最好的车是一辆亮闪闪的沃尔沃,鹤立鸡群
    It was a common thing to see a new Mercedes or Porsche in the student lot. The nicest car here was a shiny Volvo, and it stood out.

  • 就算是一个保守的办公室,一条色彩鲜艳的方巾和一条亮色的领带都能让你鹤立鸡群,展现你一点个性。
    Even in a reserved office, a colorful pocket square or a bright tie can stand out and give you a little personality.

  • 我也从未目睹有哪一个人,能够在这些条件尚未完全的情形下,累积到什么财富,或是能自己鹤立鸡群的。
    I have never known any person to distinguish himself, or to accumulate riches of any consequence, without possession of the secret.

  • 阿瓦里德亲王是沙特阿拉伯已故国王的侄子,在沙特阿拉伯2000多位王子中,他因为懂得赚钱而鹤立鸡群
    Ewalide Prince of Saudi Arabia is the nephew of the late King in 2000, a number of Saudi Arabia Prince, because he know how to make money and a crane standing among chickens.

  • 好的商业计划书还可以让你的组织鹤立鸡群,因为产品本身的质量和深度就表达了一个严肃的承诺:把事情做得更好。
    It may also allow your organization to stand out in a crowd, because the quality and depth of the product itself convey a serious commitment to getting things done well.

  • 在他的第一场演出的第一幕中,这个鹤立鸡群的学生走上舞台,表现出作为一个天生的医生的所有的优雅、天才和禀赋。
    And in a very first performance in his very first production, that dispairing medical student walked onto the stage and displayed all the grace and talent and present of a born doctor.

  • “我可以说他是中场最难对付的球员,因为他无所不能,”兰帕德说道,“他堪称完美中场,他在英格兰已经鹤立鸡群。”
    "I would say he is the hardest player to play against in midfield because he's got everything, " said Lampard. "He is a very complete midfield player. He's the stand-out one in England.

  • 哈佛在大学中间,鹤立鸡群。任其伟大的传统、任其伟大的袭声誉及其非凡的300000校友网,哈佛的潜力前所未有。
    And among universitiesHarvard stands out. with its great traditionits iconic reputation its remarkable net work of 300000 alumniHarvard has never had as much potential as it does now.

  • 微生物是激发高风作品创作的灵感源泉,它使得高风的作品与众不同,鹤立鸡群,了解它们的嬗变也是解读高风作品的关键所在。
    The inspiration for Gao Feng's art, which makes him unique, is micro-organisms. The evolution of them is the key to understanding his work.

  • 如何让客户公司网站从众多的网站中品质鹤立鸡群与顺位名列前矛?这一直“流动世界网页设计”所努力与思考的制作主轴方向。
    Let company does the website outshine others from the innumerable of together the quality website? This is exactly what" Webpage designing Link one by one " value.

  • 在位于城南、居于西二环之内的荣宁园,虽然位居南城,在楼宇世界中,真是鹤立鸡群,独树一帜,不是她的外表,而在于她的世界。
    Located in the south city, the men living in the West within Rongning Park, although ranks Nancheng in buildings in the world, is standing, carve its own, not her appearance, but in her world.

  • 在保守主义的阵营里,他执着的中国文化情怀鹤立鸡群,笔者以为,辜鸿铭是最能体现时代精神的另一个思想面相,作为“五四”的一个有机组成,我们不能没有辜鸿铭。
    The author thought: Gu Hongming was most can manifest the spirit of the age another thought appearance, as the achievement "wusi" an organic composition, we cannot have the Gu Hongming.

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