
鸦雀无声  yā què wú shēng








  • 等他一讲话, 会场鸦雀无声
    When he spoke at the meeting, you would hear a pin drop.

  • 海龟们第一天上课时真是鸦雀无声
    On the first day of Turtle class you could hear a pin drop.

  • 她的演讲使全场听众鸦雀无声
    Her speech hold the audience silent.

  • 她严厉的声音把他们吓得鸦雀无声了。
    They are awed into silence by the sternness of her voice.

  • 她严厉的声音把他们吓得鸦雀无声了。
    They were awed into silence by the sternness of her voice.

  • 指挥上台,鞠了一个躬,顿时全场鸦雀无声
    The conductor enters, takes a bow, and all is silent.

  • 小屋里鸦雀无声,只听见滚滚涛声和狂风呼号。
    There was silence inside the hut. Only the sea and the whistling wind could be heard.

  • 一会全场鸦雀无声
    Silence reigned all over a while.

  • 大家很合作的做着动作,整个教室顿时鸦雀无声
    Everybody's doing very co-operative movement, suddenly silenced an entire classroom.

  • 教室里鸦雀无声,因为学生们都在忙于期末考试。
    The classroom was quiet as the students were busy tackling the final exam.

  • 他们在教堂外议论着,可进了教堂却鸦雀无声了。
    Outside the church they talked, but in the church all was very quiet.

  • 圣安东尼的街垒暴跳如雷,大庙郊区的街垒鸦雀无声
    The Saint-Antoine barricade was the tumult of thunders; the barricade of the Temple was silence.

  • 这时全场鸦雀无声人们静侯全世界最伟大的剑手表演。
    At this moment the sword watch with the greatest whole world of silent people static Hou performs full-court.

  • 一进门,好不热闹、有说有笑的满屋人顿时鸦雀无声
    Take the door, good not lively, have say to laugh houseful person nots even a crow or sparrow can be heard immediately.

  • 这时全场鸦雀无声,人们静侯全世界最伟大的剑手表演。
    At the time, all the audiences were silently watching the greatest swordman show.

  • 表演结束时,台下鸦雀无声,尴尬无比……没有一个人鼓掌。
    When he had finished, there was nothing but an uncomfortable silence…No one applauded.

  • 座位席上鸦雀无声,只听见拍卖师的声音:“有没有应价的?
    Seating gallery quietly, Paimaishi only heard the voice : "The price should have?"

  • 他砰然一声关上房门,把布里安小姐喊到身边来,书斋中鸦雀无声
    He slammed the door, sent for Mademoiselle Bourienne, and subsided into his study.

  • 刹那间,无数华夏儿女欢呼着,鸦雀无声的会场瞬间成了欢乐的海洋。
    The twinkling of an eye, many Chinese people cheered A, the venue of silence moment of joy and a marine.

  • 当那出戏逐渐达到高潮时,观众们个个屏息凝气,整个大厅鸦雀无声
    As the play worked up to a climax, all the spectators held their breath and silence reigned through the hall.

  • 当我说的情绪激动声音最大的时候,这群小子一个个面面相觑的看着我鸦雀无声
    This group of boys looked at each other with dismay, and kept complete silence.

  • 茜碧尔声音高亢,唱得深沉圆润,性感动人,如泣如诉。一曲终了,全班鸦雀无声
    Sybil belted it out in a deep, rich, sexy, crooning voice. When she finished there was silence.

  • 当你走进集市深处时,入口的喧嚣就会离你而去,在你面前的只有鸦雀无声的步料市场。
    Then as you penetrate deeper into the bazaar, the noise of the entrance fades away, and you come to the muted cloth-market.

  • 在从郊区开往市区的早班车里,都昏昏欲睡地坐着,衣领直竖到耳朵。整个车厢里鸦雀无声
    During the early morning ride from the suburb, we sat drowsily with our collars up to our ears, a cheerlesstaciturn bunch.

  • 一时舱内鸦雀无声,文祥一是不知究里,兼以格瑞达的体热直透灵魂深处,心情不免骚动起来了。
    For a moment, the cabin was very quiet. Wen Xiang had no idea what they were talking about. It seemed the warmth of Greda's body heat penetrated to the depths of his soul and he was becoming aroused.

  • 一切都开始得那么快速而和谐,整个现场鸦雀无声,都将在涂健老师的牵引下开始一场精神的旅行。
    Everything started so quickly and harmony, and the whole scene silenced, would be a spirit of travel under Tu teacher.

  • 她们走下楼时一切都似乎变得十分陌生--外头天色灰暗、鸦雀无声,里头却灯火透亮、一片忙乱。
    Everything seemed very strange when they went down, so dim and still outside, so full of light and bustle within.

  • 比特开启了众声喧哗的进程:我们原来鸦雀无声,一旦有些机会说话,谁都不会好好说话,只会聒噪。
    Bits have launched a process of rising cacophony: once we were completely silent, but with the first opportunity to speak, nobody is just talking, they're shouting.

  • 靠着左脚将达托洛雷电般的远射,他们在65分钟时候扳回一球。但当法比亚诺再次得手时,人们鸦雀无声
    They pulled a goal back in the 65th minute thanks to a thunderous left-foot drive from Jesús Dátolo, but the crowd were silenced once more when Fabiano struck again.

  • 下雨天,课间教室里鸦雀无声,看着同学们各自品读自己喜欢的书籍爱不释手,全神贯注的样子,我真的感觉很幸福。
    Rainy day, the classroom break silence, watching the students read their own goods like books put it down, concentrate on the way I really feel very happy.

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