
鸡犬不宁  jī quǎn bù níng








  • 结婚后他们的生活总是鸡犬不宁
    Since their marriage the couple have been living a cat-and-dog life.

  • 敌军闹得全村鸡犬不宁
    The enemy troops threw the whole village into great disorder.

  • 过着鸡犬不宁的生活。
    Live a cat-and –dog life.

  • 二来二次装修的杂乱喧闹又搅得全家鸡犬不宁
    With two to the second decoration and stimulating the appetite family collecting debts for the mess.

  • 新来的守卫是小偷——这下子可要鸡犬不宁了。
    The new security guard is a burglar—that will set the cat among the pigeons.

  • 鸡犬不宁》就是这样一部电影,它给我们朴素地还原了真实的生活。
    One Foot off the Groundis such a kind of film representing life as it is.

  • 这年,县政府奉令加收“验契税”,税率翻番,搞得各乡鸡犬不宁,民怨沸腾。
    This year, the county government orders extra "inspection deed", the rate doubling in a rural utter confusion, people are boiling with resentment.

  • 那些听众可以切断电话线并且把帕特里克所贬损的立法议员的日子搞得鸡犬不宁
    Those listeners can clog the phone lines and make life miserable for lawmakers he disparages (the "Dan Patrick Effect", in the local lexicon).

  • 强大有很多种表现形式,但是弄到鬼憎神厌,鸡犬不宁,周围的邻居都反感,怕不是什么好事。
    Big and strong can be expressed in a number of different ways, but pissing everybody the hell off to the extent of agitating our neighboring countries, I'm afraid isn't such a good thing.

  • 匪军到了哪里,就是鸡飞狗跳墙,这叫做“鸡犬不宁”;我们呢,不管到什么地方是“鸡犬不惊”。
    Wherever the bandits appear, chickens fly and dogs leap over the wall. But we, the PLA, bring peace and tranquillity wherever we go.

  • 如果我没弄错的话,希拉里昨晚一定把家搞得鸡犬不宁:——奥巴马在一次会议上出其不意的到访。
    "If I'm not mistaken, Hillary Rodham Clinton rocked the house last night. " -- Barack Obama during a surprise visit to the convention.

  • 03年班上有个叫曾先进的同学,开学几天就把班级搞得鸡犬不宁,跑到办公室打小报告的同学接连不断。
    Class in 2003 had called advanced students, school classes in a few days they utter confusion, the Student went to office after another to make a snitch.

  • 一个老虎搞的满城风雨、陈冠希几张艳照闹得鸡犬不宁,都是这个道理,而一本正经的话题必定是不温不火。
    The tiger is so powerful and the photos of Guanxi Chen are so attractive. That's the same theory.

  • 面对失眠的夜晚,破碎的梦想和鸡犬不宁的日子,庞氏骗局的受害者会诉说许多充满苦恼、内疚和憎恨的故事。
    Sleepless nights, broken dreams and shattered lives ? victims of exposed Ponzi schemes would tell many stories that are full of agony, guilt, shame and hatred.

  • 他说:“那里的许多公司不断为自己的利益声张,不断发出威胁,闹得鸡犬不宁,这是我对当地局面的唯一评估。”
    "There are too many businessmen in the area making a lot of noise making a lot of threats, that's my assessment of what is going on, " he added.

  • 他说:“那里的许多公司不断为自己的利益声张,不断发出威胁,闹得鸡犬不宁,这是我对当地局面的唯一评估。”
    "There are too many businessmen in the area making a lot of noise and making a lot of threats, and that's my only assessment of what is going on, " he added.

  • 迈克:嘿!爸爸,我们是在保护这些女士们。你要知道有个大盗把这一带搞的鸡犬不宁,把年轻姑娘的睡袍都偷走了。
    Mike: Hey dad. We're just protecting the women folk here. You know especially since that giant prowlers been in the neighborhood, stealing the night gowns of teenage women.

  • 马克思主义断言,要从人心中拔除人对上主的需要,其结果则已指明:若要成功地这样做,势必会把人心中搞得鸡犬不宁,动荡不安。
    Marxism had promised to uproot the need for God from the human heart, but the results have shown that it is not possible to succeed in this without throwing the heart into turmoil.

  • 你要是跟那个谁那个鸡犬不宁的贴,一个发展趋势的话,那我也不同情你了。我觉得,人过什么样的生活,归根到底还是自己选择的。
    i agree, do whatever you feel is right, but you don't need to sacrifice yourself. she's probably happier in china anyway, it's so boring for them here.

  • 眼下,事实是对布什执政时代进行认真调查将会使华盛顿鸡犬不宁, 不论是滥用权力的人,还是助纣为虐或肆意狡辩的人都会感到不安。
    Now, it's true that a serious investigation of Bush-era abuses would make Washington an uncomfortable place, both for those who abused power and those who acted as their enables or apologists.

  • 她现在心里最得意的一件事便是不久就可以到湖区去旅行,因为既然母亲和吉蒂心里不快活,吵得家里鸡犬不宁,当然一想起出门便使她获得了最大的安慰;
    Her tour to the Lakes was now the object of her happiest thoughts; it was her best consolation for all the uncomfortable hours which the discontentedness of her mother and Kitty made inevitable;

  • 2008年,联邦政治对爱荷华州一个肉类加工厂的突击检查暴露出美国移民系统最糟糕的一面:将移民作为重犯起诉,拆散一个个家庭,将原本平静的城市搞得鸡犬不宁
    The federal raid of a meatpacking plant in Iowa in 2008 exposed the worst side of America's system, charging immigrants as serious criminals, separating families and upending a town.

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